Andria railway accident

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Location of the accident site on the Bari – Barletta railway line

The Andria railway accident occurred on July 12, 2016 between Andria and Corato in Apulia , Italy . Two passenger trains collided head- on on the Bari – Barletta railway line . 23 people died and around 50 were injured.

Starting position

Stadler Flirt of Ferrotramviaria

The Bari – Barletta railway line runs through Bari Airport with one branch . It is designed in standard gauge , electrified with 3 kV DC voltage and has both single-track and double-track sections. The Ferrotramviaria operates here rail transport . The train protection in the corresponding single-track section takes place in the train reporting operation ("blocco telephonico") by telephone communication between the neighboring dispatchers , without technical protection.

The vehicles involved were two four-part multiple units from Ferrotramviaria of the types Alstom Coradia Meridian and Stadler Flirt , which were put into service in the second half of the 2000s. According to the timetable , the train crossing takes place in Andria. The trains ran as ET1016 from Bari to Barletta and as ET1021 from Barletta to Bari. The scheduled train crossing was intended for the Andria station.

Sunny weather prevailed at the time of the accident. However, the route in the corresponding section runs in a confusing curve through olive groves, so that the train drivers could only have seen the train approaching them very late.

the accident

The two multiple units were traveling on a single-track section between Corato and Andria in opposite directions at 100 and 90 km / h respectively. At 11:06 a.m. they collided head-on at distance km 51.0 on the open stretch without even one of the two drivers having braked.

The cause of the accident is not yet known. Possibly a third, earlier train (train number ET1642), which was delayed, led to an error by one of the dispatchers.



23 people died and another 50 were injured. One of the train drivers was taken to hospital with serious injuries, the other train driver died.

According to initial reports, there should also have been a farmer among the dead who worked on an olive plantation near the accident site and was seriously injured by a piece of metal thrown away. This turned out to be a hoax. All of the dead had been travelers on the affected trains.


200 rescue workers from the police , the Esercito Italiano , the fire brigade and emergency doctors helped on site. A field hospital was built next to the accident site .


Immediate reactions

The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi , who was in Milan at the time of the accident , visited the scene of the accident and asked for the cause to be clarified quickly. Bundestag President Norbert Lammert expressed his condolences to the victims in a letter to the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies , Laura Boldrini .

Criminal proceedings

The public prosecutor in Trani has opened an investigation into dangerous interference with rail traffic and manslaughter .

Response of the security authorities

The route remained closed to rail traffic and will only be released again when the train protection system with route block is installed in 2017 .

At the beginning of September 2016, the three Apulian private railways, Ferrotramviaria , Ferrovie del Sud Est and Ferrovie del Gargano , were subordinated to the national authority for rail safety, Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza delle Ferrovie , which was previously only responsible for the Rete Ferroviaria Italiana network. More private railways are to follow. On October 1, 2016, the railway supervision ordered a speed limit of 50 km / h for all of Italy for all routes without technical block protection .


  1. First reports also indicated the time of the accident at 11:38 am and in some cases higher numbers of victims.
  2. The Ferrovie del Sud Est is currently due to their difficult economic situation, but overall in the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS) integrated (cf .: here ).

Individual evidence

  1. Train accident near Bari - dead and injured. In: Spiegel Online . Retrieved July 12, 2016 .
  2. More than 20 dead in train accident near Bari. In: Der Tagesspiegel . Retrieved July 12, 2016 .
  3. a b Scontro fra treni in Puglia, identificate le 23 vittime. Mattarella visiterà la camera ardente. In: La Repubblica , July 13, 2016.
  4. a b c d - ​​July 15, 2016 .
  5. a b c d - ​​July 17, 2016 .
  6. mr: devastating frontal collision of two regional trains in Apulia . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 8–9 / 2016, p. 415.
  7. Orari. In: (Italian).
  8. mr: devastating frontal collision of two regional trains in Apulia . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 8–9 / 2016, p. 415.
  9. a b Two trains collide head-on near Bari - at least 20 dead. In: Focus . Retrieved July 12, 2016 .
  10. mr: Trains collided without braking . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 10/2016, p. 508.
  11. mr: devastating frontal collision of two regional trains in Apulia . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 8–9 / 2016, p. 415.
  12. mr: Trains collided without braking . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 10/2016, p. 508.
  13. Puglia, scontro frontal tra due treni nel tratto a binario unico tra Corato Andria e 25 e 50 morti Feriti. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano , July 12, 2016 (Italian).
  14. ^ Informativa di Delrio alla Camera sull'incidente ferroviario in Puglia. In: , July 13, 2016 (Italian).
  15. mr: Trains collided without braking . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 10/2016, p. 508.
  16. Dario Marchetti, Marina Palumbo: Scontro fra due treni in Puglia, 27 morti e 50 feriti. “Forse un errore umano”. Trovata la scatola nera (Italian) . In: La Stampa , July 12, 2016. 
  17. Scontro treni, Giuseppe Acquaviva morto: non era a bordo, ma nel campo (Italian) . In: blitzquotidiano , July 13, 2016. 
  18. Italy Apulia train crash probe focuses on alert system . In: BBC News . Retrieved July 13, 2016.
  19. At least 22 dead in a train accident in southern Italy. In: The world . July 12, 2016. Retrieved July 12, 2016 .
  20. Scontro fra treni, primi indagati via e disastro omicidio colposo. In: La Repubblica , July 13, 2016.
  21. hpe: Stricter security requirements for Italian private railways . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 12/2016, p. 618.
  22. mr: Trains collided without braking . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International 10/2016, p. 508.
  23. hpe: Speed ​​limit for Italian branch lines. In: Eisenbahn-Revue International (11/2016), p. 562.

Coordinates: 41 ° 11 ′ 51.5 "  N , 16 ° 21 ′ 36.8"  E