Emil Bartels

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Emil Bartels (born August 21, 1872 , † June 18, 1934 in Wuthenow , Mecklenburg ) was a German tax officer, banker and second president of the German Tennis Association .


After completing his doctorate in law , Bartels took up a position in the ducal state ministry in Braunschweig as a secret councilor , where he was appointed finance director in 1913 and finance president in 1916. In 1918 Bartels became finance minister of the Free State of Braunschweig , a short time later he switched to the state tax office in Hanover as president . From 1923 Bartels was the first director of the newly founded Festmarkbank in Hanover. From 1932 until his death he finally headed the Braunschweigische Staatsbank .

In 1902, Bartels took part in the founding meeting of the German Tennis Federation as chairman of the Braunschweig Tennis Club . After the death of the first president, Carl August von der Meden , he was elected as his successor in 1911 and remained so until 1925.


  • Toralf Blitzer: The presidents of the German Tennis Association. From: Deutscher Tennis Bund (Ed.): Tennis in Germany. From the beginning until 2002. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-428-10846-9 . Pp. 288-292

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ City Chronicle Braunschweig. City of Braunschweig, accessed December 7, 2014 .