Ernst Gisel

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Ernst Gisel (born June 8, 1922 in Adliswil ; † May 6, 2021 in Zurich ) was a Swiss architect .


Stadtwerke and Museum Judengasse in Frankfurt am Main (1990)
Stadtwerke in Frankfurt am Main, view from the Main Tower (1990)
Prayer house in the Pestalozzi Children's Village in Trogen
Reformed Church in Effretikon
Parktheater in Grenchen, classified as a cultural asset of regional importance in Switzerland

Gisel was the son of a master saddler in Zurich- Wollishofen . After secondary school and an apprenticeship as a draftsman with Hans Vogelsanger , Gisel studied at the Zurich School of Applied Arts from 1940 to 1942 , where he finally decided on architecture. After working for Alfred Roth in 1944, he founded his own studio in Zurich in 1945 - initially together with Ernst Schaer - and was soon successful with his first competitive victories.

He became known with the Grenchen Park Theater, completed in 1955 . In the 1950s and 1960s he built numerous churches, for example in Effretikon (1959–1961) and Reinach (1961–1963), the theater on Hechtplatz in Zurich and various school and communal buildings.

Between 1960 and 1985 he was honored several times at the “Good Buildings Award” in Zurich. In 1966 he became an honorary member of the Association of German Architects (BDA) and in 1967 he received the Paul Bonatz Prize in Stuttgart . In Germany , Gisel built a residential complex for 1,800 people in the Märkisches Viertel in Berlin from 1966 to 1971. From 1982 to 1986 the town hall in Fellbach was built according to his designs. The building was awarded the German Architecture Prize and the German Natural Stone Prize in 1987, followed by the Hugo Häring Prize in 1988 , the highest award from the BDA regional association of Baden-Württemberg .

International attention was the 1,984 conducted International Architecture Symposium "Man and Space" at the Technical University of Vienna , where, for example, Bruno Zevi , Dennis Sharp , Pierre Vago , Jorge Glusberg , Justus Dahinden , Frei Otto , Paolo Soleri , Otto Kapfinger , Ionel Schein u. A. participated.

Gisel taught at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich from 1968/1969 and from 1969 to 1971 at the Technical University of Karlsruhe . Gisel presented his designs and works of art in numerous exhibitions, for example in 1973 at the Milan Triennale by Aldo Rossi . Numerous architects such as Arno Lederer , Arthur Rüegg and Silvia Gmür-Maglia worked in his office in Zurich at a young age.

Ernst Gisel was an extraordinary member of the Architecture Section of the (West German) Academy of the Arts in Berlin from 1968 to 1979 , then a full member, from 1993 of the United Academy of the Arts . In 1999 he donated his Zurich studio house to the ETH Zurich; In 2004, Ernst Gisel received an honorary doctorate from ETH Zurich for his life's work as an architect.

In 1946 he married the architect Marianne Sessler, with whom he also worked. From 2010 Gisel was with the Swiss dancer, actress and cabaret artist Margrit Läubli . In May 2021, a month before his 99th birthday, he died in Zurich.


"Gisel succeeded in being an innovator without becoming polemical, building modern, but never fashionable."

- Jörg Häntzschel : Süddeutsche Zeitung


Honors and awards (selection)

  • 1960, 1964, 1968, 1976, 1981, 1985: “Good Buildings Award” in Zurich
  • 1966: Honorary member of the Association of German Architects (BDA)
  • 1967: Paul Bonatz Prize, Stuttgart
  • 1968: Extraordinary member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin (West), architecture section
  • 1979: Full member of the Academy of the Arts, Berlin (West), architecture section
  • 1987: German architecture prize for the town hall in Fellbach
  • 1988: Hugo Häring Prize from the BDA regional association Baden-Württemberg
  • 1993 Concrete Prize and Homeland Security Prize for the conversion and renovation of the University of Zurich, stage II
  • 1993: Full member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, architecture section
  • 2004: Honorary doctorate from ETH Zurich


  • Ernst Gisel: Selected watercolors, colored pencil drawings and pen drawings. Scheidegger & Spiess, ISBN 3858810657 .


  • Bruno Maurer, Werner Oechslin (ed.) In collaboration with Almut Grunewald: Ernst Gisel Architect , 2nd, revised, expanded and updated edition, 2010, 456 pages, 1046 illustrations, 35 of which are duplex and 42 in color, 3 folding tables , ISBN 978- 3-85676-254-4
  • Christian Marquart, Thomas Dix: Ernst Gisel, Fellbach Town Hall (= Opus. Vol. 19). Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-930698-19-6 .
  • Isabelle Rucki, Dorothea Huber: Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel et al. 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 .

Web links

Commons : Ernst Gisel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Urs Steiner: Architect Ernst Gisel: «Art is not a concept for me». In: . November 13, 2010, accessed May 9, 2021 .
  2. ^ Margrit Läubli is 85. In: . April 2, 2013, accessed May 9, 2021 .
  3. Sabine von Fischer: The architect Ernst Gisel shaped a century and was almost as old. In: May 7, 2021; Archived from the original on May 7, 2021 ; accessed on May 9, 2021 .
  4. Protestant church building from a single source. In: Retrieved May 9, 2021 .
  5. Kostel U Jakobova žebříku: The Parish of the Evangelical Church of Böhmischnen brothers. In: Retrieved May 9, 2021 .