Ernst von Keyserlingk

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Friedrich Ernst Ewald von Keyserlingk (born January 15, 1743 , † January 21, 1821 in Funkenhof ) was a Prussian colonel and chief of the fusilier battalion of the same name.


Origin and family

Ernst was a member of the Courland Barons von Keyserlingk . His parents were the pledgee of Laschuppen, Hermann Christoph von Keyserlingk († 1755) and Margaretha Elisabeth, née von Heyking (1711-1806).


Keyserlingk entered the Prussian Army in order to pursue an officer career . In 1792 he was already serving as a captain in the “von Schencke” fusilier battalion with garrison in Halle . Under the orders of the Duke of Braunschweig , he took part in the First Coalition War and was promoted to major after the siege of Mainz , and was awarded the Order of Pour le Mérite on July 26, 1793 . From 1795 to 1803 he stood with his battalion on the Rhine and in Westphalia . In autumn 1803 he took garrison in Burg and was able to take the family on a trip to Courland . Keyserlingk was promoted to colonel in 1805 at the latest. On January 6, 1806, he finally became head of his battalion, which was now garrisoned in Hildesheim .

In the Fourth Coalition War Keyserlingk was assigned to the Army Department of Lieutenant General von Winning and marched to Fulda . During the surrender near Lübeck , he was injured and taken prisoner by the French , but was released on a word of honor and went to Hildesheim to his family. With the establishment of the Kingdom of Westphalia , Keyserlingk went to Brandenburg an der Havel . In 1811 he finally his farewell removed from Prussian service, and retired to his genetic Funkenhof in Kurland back.


Keyserlingk married Franziska von Keyserlingk (1765-1838) in the parish of Durben in 1784 . The marriage produced a daughter and a son:

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses . 20th year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1870, p. 424.
  2. a b Oskar Stavenhagen (Ed.): Genealogical manual of the Courland knighthood. Volume 1, Görlitz [1939], p. 129.
  3. ^ A b Carl Hopf : Historisch-genealogischer Atlas. Perthes, Gotha 1858, p. 131.
  4. ^ A b c d Hermann Wilhelm Ernst von Keyserlingk: Memories of a Philosopher. Altona 1839, pp. 1-8.
  5. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 1, ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1913, p. 266, no. 426.
  6. ^ Günther Gieraths : The combat operations of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army 1626-1807. Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 1964, p. 174.
  7. ^ A b Karl Eduard von Napiersky : General writers and scholars lexicon of the provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland . Volume 2, Mitau 1829, pp. 433-434.