Donkey order

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Template for the order: The donkey from Wesel as a bronze sculpture

The donkey Order is since 1972 in the town of Wesel on the basis of the donkey from Wesel conferred Karnevalsorden .

Background and story

The proposal for the donkey order came in 1971 from Wesel councilor Wilhelm Schulte-Mattler, who was also a member of a carnival club, in order to select a donkey from Wesel based on the city's symbolic animal. The award was given for the first time in 1972 as part of the supporting program of a carnival session and has had its own award event on Carnival Sunday since 1976. The first prize winner was Adolf Urban , the Voerder municipal director.

According to the city, the donkey order should honor the "most humorous deed in the most humorous sense" and reward the courage to make a decision that is not everyday. The then North Rhine-Westphalian finance minister received the award in 2016, for example, for his "stubbornness in the fight against tax evaders". In addition to "donkeys", i.e. certain actions, the donkey order can also be awarded for carrying the name of the city of Wesel out into the world. Guildo Horn received the medal in 2018 because he regularly mentioned Wesel's donkey at appearances. The daily news presenter Jan Hofer , who comes from Wesel, received the medal in 1996 for the contrary reason, that he had never mentioned Wesel in his program before.

Award winners

The donkey order was awarded to the following people:

Individual evidence

  1. donkey religious ceremony , Retrieved April 18, 2020.
  2. a b c d donkey medal carrier , Retrieved April 18, 2020.
  3. ^ WDR television director Schönenborn receives Wesel donkey order , Retrieved April 18, 2020.