Paratrooper badge of the army

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Paratrooper badge of the army in "silver" ... in the version since July 26, 1957
Paratrooper badge of the army in "silver"

The Army Paratrooper Badge was introduced on September 1, 1937 by the Army Commander-in-Chief, Colonel-General Werner von Fritsch , and was awarded to army officers , NCOs and men of the Army who had successfully completed a parachute training course.


The high oval badge is formed from a gilded wreath of oak leaves , which is tied at the bottom with a cuff. Above you can see the emblem of the Wehrmacht. In the center a silver eagle with empty fangs plunging down to the left.

Authorization to carry

The authorization to wear the badge was checked annually after 12 months. The transfer was dependent on the execution of at least six parachute jumps in the current year.

Carrying method

The award was worn as a pin badge on the left breast pocket and was given to the parachute troops of the army, which was later integrated into the air force. Paratroopers of the army could exchange the badge for the paratrooper badge of the Luftwaffe . Afterwards, the badge could only be acquired by members of the Waffen-SS Paratrooper Battalion 500/600 and paratroopers of the Brandenburgers after successfully completing the parachute training course.


According to the law on titles, medals and decorations of July 26, 1957, wearing the parachute rifle badge of the Army in the version of the Third Reich in the Federal Republic of Germany is only permitted without a swastika.


  • Army Ordinance Sheet. Part A, Vol. 20, No. 39, July 1, 1938, Bl. 8, p. 56.
  • Heinrich Doehle : The awards of the Greater German Reich. Orders, decorations, badges. 4th edition. Berliner Buch- und Zeitschriften-Verlag, Berlin 1943, p. 110 (reprint. Melchior-Verlag, Wolfenbüttel 2008, ISBN 978-3-939791-93-5 ).
  • Kurt-Gerhard Klietmann : German Awards. Volume 2: German Empire. 1871-1945. The Order Collection, Berlin 1971.