Filippo Boncompagni

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Filippo Boncompagni (born September 7, 1548 in Bologna , Papal States , † June 9, 1586 in Rome ) was an Italian clergyman and cardinal .


He came from a Bolognese patrician family and was the son of Boncompagno Boncompagni and his wife Cecilia Bargellini. Filippo Boncompagni was a nephew of Pope Gregory XIII. (Ugo Boncompagni) and cousin of Cardinal Filippo Guastavillani . Later cardinals from this family were his nephew Francesco Boncompagni , his great-nephew Girolamo Boncompagni and his great-great-nephew Giacomo Boncompagni . He studied at the University of Bologna and received his doctorate on February 23, 1571 as Doctor iuris utriusque . In Bologna he received the tonsure and became abbot of Santo Stefano and San Bartolomeo .

In the consistory of June 2, 1572 , Gregory XIII. him cardinal priest . The Pope awarded him the cardinal's hat and San Sisto as the titular church on June 16 of the same year. He was legatus a latere at the French royal court on June 7, 1574 and legatus a latere in Venice with King Henry III on July 19, 1574 . from France to congratulate him on his accession to the throne in France and to invite the king to Rome. In 1577 and 1581 Filippo Boncompagni was governor of Civita Castellana. From August 7, 1579 until his death he was cardinal major penitentiary and from 1580 Prefect of the Congregation for the Tridentine Council , which he also held until his death. In 1581 he was appointed archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore . He took part in the 1585 conclave that Pope Sixtus V elected.

Filippo Boncompagni died in Rome and was buried in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore .


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predecessor Office successor
Alessandro Sforza Archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore
Decio Azzolini
Stanislaus Hosius Major Cardinal
Penitentiary 1579–1586
Ippolito Aldobrandini