Early flowering thyme

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Early flowering thyme
Early flowering thyme (Thymus praecox), subspecies subsp.  britannicus at Seyðisfjörður in Iceland

Early flowering thyme ( Thymus praecox ), subspecies subsp. britannicus at Seyðisfjörður in Iceland

Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Mint family (Lamiaceae)
Genre : Thyme ( thymus )
Type : Early flowering thyme
Scientific name
Thymus praecox

The Early flowering thyme ( Thymus praecox ) is a plant from the genus of thyme ( Thymus ) in the family of Labiatae (Lamiaceae).


The early flowering thyme is a small shrub that develops long, somewhat woody, creeping stems that either end in a terminal inflorescence or are not flower-bearing. The flower-bearing stems arise in rows, are slender and usually no longer than 10 centimeters. At the base of each is a tuft of smaller leaves . The stems are hairy all around or only hairy on two opposite sides. The leaves are mostly inversely ovate, broadly spatulate to almost circular, almost leathery and ciliate at the base. The side veins are clearly defined, in the upper area there are marginal veins.

Early flowering thyme ( Thymus praecox subsp. Praecox ) from Picardy

The bracts resemble the foliage leaves. The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The five sepals are 3 to 5 millimeters long. The petals are purple in color. The corolla tube is cylindrical and about as long as the upper lips. The upper teeth are as long as they are wide.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 56, less often 54.


The early flowering thyme is widespread in northern, western, central and southern Europe. In Central Europe it occurs scattered in the low mountain ranges with alkaline reacting soils, in the Franconian Alb , in the Alpine foothills and in eastern Austria . It is seldom found in the northern and southern Limestone Alps as well as in Valais

The early flowering thyme thrives best on neutral or basic reacting , dry, stony - sandy loam soils . It colonizes dry grass or fine earthen rock joints , but it also goes into dry forests . It is a species of the Festuco-Brometea class, but also occurs in societies of the Seslerio-Festucion or Erico-Pinion associations. It rises to altitudes of up to 1200 meters.


Thymus praecox was first published in 1824 by Philipp Maximilian Opiz in Naturalientausch , 6, p. 40. Synonyms for Thymus praecox Opiz are Thymus serpyllum subsp. praecox (Opiz) Vollm. , Thymus serpyllum var. praecox (Opiz) Briq. Some authors write of a group of species of early flowering thyme ( Thymus praecox agg.)

Thymus praecox subsp. britannicus in Iceland
Longhaired thyme ( Thymus praecox subsp. Polytrichus )
Longhaired thyme ( Thymus praecox subsp. Polytrichus )

Several subspecies have been described within the species Thymus praecox :

  • Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. praecox (Syn .: Thymus alpicolus Schur , Thymus badensis Heinr. Braun ex L. Walz , Thymus braunii Borbás , Thymus caespitosus Opiz , Thymus ciliatus Opiz ex Déségl. nom. illeg., Thymus hesperites Lyka , Thymus humifusus Bernh. ex Link , Thymus mannianus Opiz ex Déségl. , thymus robustus Opiz , thymus spathulatus Opiz , thymus praecox subsp. hesperites (Lyka) Korneck , thymus serpyllum subsp. clivorum Lyka , thymus serpyllum subsp. hesperites Lyka , thymus serpyllum subsp. nummularius Čelak. , thymus praecox var. caespitosus (Opiz) Formánek , thymus praecox var. ciliatus Formánek , thymus praecox var. spathulatus (Opiz) Formánek , thymus serpyllum var. caespitosus (Opiz) Lyka , thymus serpyllum var. glareosus Lyka , thymus serpyllum var. humifusus (Bernh. ex link ) Nyman , Thymus serpyllum var. Induratus Lyka , Thymus serpyllum var. Kollmannii Lyka , Thymus serpyllum var. Lanuginosus Nyman , Thymus serpyllum var. Rupestris Lyka , Thymus serpyllum var. Zobelii Lyka ): It comes in Western Europe pa and Central Europe.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. britannicus (Ronniger) Holub (Syn .: Thymus britannicus Ronniger , Thymus serpyllum subsp. britannicus (Ronniger) P. Fourn . , Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus (Ronniger) Kerguélen , Thymus drucei f. britannicus (Ronniger var. Cátrich , Thymus var. britannicus (Ronniger) PDSell , Thymus serpyllum var. arcticus Durand , Thymus zetlandicus Ronniger & Druce , Thymus arcticus (Durand) Ronniger , Thymus drucei Ronniger , Thymus pseudolanuginosus Ronniger , Thymus praecox subsp. Penyalar . & Sánchez Mata , Thymus bracteatus var. Penyalarensis (Pau) Rivas Mart. , Thymus serpyllum var. Penyalarensis Pau ): It occurs in Greenland, in Western and Northwestern Europe.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. caucasicus (Willd. ex Ronniger) Jalas (Syn .: Thymus caucasicus Willd. ex Ronniger , Thymus caucasicus var. medvedewii Ronniger , Thymus praecox var. medvedewii (Ronniger) Jalas ): It occurs from southeastern Turkey to the Caucasus.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas (Syn .: Thymus grossheimii Ronniger , Thymus caucasicus subsp. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas , Thymus praecox var. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas ): It occurs from northeastern Turkey to northern Iran.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. jankae (Čelak.) Jalas (Syn .: Thymus jankae Čelak. , Origanum jankae (Čelak.) Kuntze , Thymus jankae Čelak. , Thymus serpyllum subsp. jankae (Čelak.) Lyka , Thymus bellicus Velen. , Thymus jugymus Ronniger , Thymus eximius Ronniger , Thymus jankae K.Malý , Thymus skorpilii Velen. , Thymus praecox subsp. Skorpilii (Velen.) Jalas , Thymus praecox var. Laniger (Borbás) Jalas , Thymus serpyllum var. Serbicus Petrovic ): It occurs from the Balkan Peninsula to Turkey.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. ligusticus (Briq.) Paiva & Salgueiro (Syn .: Thymus serpyllum var. ligusticus Briq. , Thymus polytrichus subsp. ligusticus (Briq.) Stace , Thymus serpyllum subsp. ligusticus (Briq.) Cout. )
  • Thymus praecox subsp. parvulus (Lojac.) Bartolucci, Peruzzi & NGPassal. : It occurs only in northeastern Sicily.
  • Longhaired thyme ( Thymus praecox subsp. Polytrichus (A.Kern. Borbás ex) Jalas , Syn .: thymus polytrichus A.Kern. Ex Borbás , Thymus serpyllum subsp. Polytrichus (A.Kern. Borbás ex) Briq. , Thymus serpyllum var. polytrichus (A.Kern. ex Borbás) Briq. , thymus praecox subsp. ligusticus (Briq.) Paiva & Salgueiro , thymus serpyllum var. ligusticus Briq. , thymus polytrichus subsp. ligusticus (Briq.) Stace , thymus serpyllum subsp. ligusticus ( Briq.) Cout. , Thymus agoustensis Formánek , Thymus alpigenus (A.Kern. Ex Heinr.Braun) Ronniger , Thymus balcanus Borbás , Thymus kapelae (Borbás) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. , Thymus kerneri Borbás , Thymus reinegeri Opiz des. Inval. , thymus trachselianus Opiz , thymus Valli cola (Heinr.Braun) Ronniger , thymus vandasii Velen. , thymus polytrichus subsp. Valli cola (Heinr.Braun) Debray ex Kerguélen , thymus serpyllum subsp. alpestris Briq. nom. illeg., thymus serpyllum subsp. balcanus (Borbás) Lyka , thymus serpyllum subsp. pfiffianus Lyka , thymus serpy llum subsp. trachselianus (Opiz) Lyka , Thymus balcanus var. arnautorum Ronniger , Thymus balcanus var. beckii Ronniger , Thymus balcanus var. brevidens Velen. , Thymus balcanus var. Decorus Ronniger , Thymus balcanus var. Micevskii Matevski , Thymus balcanus var. Vandasii (Velen.) Ronniger , Thymus effusus var. Kapelae Borbás , Thymus humifusus var. Alpestris Čelak. , Thymus kerneri var. Epitrichus Borbás , Thymus kerneri var. Oblongifolius Beck , Thymus longicaulis var. Ciliatus K.Malý , Thymus serpyllum var. Alpestris Briq. nom. illeg., Thymus serpyllum var. trachselianus (Opiz) Briq. , Thymic trachselianus var. Valli cola Heinr.Braun ): It occurs in southern and central Europe.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. widderi (Ronniger ex Machule) PASchmidt (Syn .: Thymus widderi Ronniger ex Machule ): It occurs in the Eastern Alps.
  • Thymus praecox subsp. zygiformis (Heinr.Braun ex Wettst.) Jalas (Syn .: Thymus zygiformis Heinr.Braun ex Wettst. , Thymus albanus Heinr. Braun ex Wettst. , Thymus euxinus (Heinr. Braun) Heinr. Braun ex Klokov & Des.-Shost. nom illeg.., thymus zygiformis subsp. Albanus (Heinr.Braun Wettst ex.) Cáp , thymus Albanus var. lumbardensis Ronniger , thymus Albanus var. prokletijensis Ronniger , thymus Albanus var. schefferi Ronniger , thymus zygiformis var. Euxinus Heinr.Braun , Thymus zygiformis var. Mirkovicii Gajic ): It occurs on the Balkan Peninsula.



  • TG Tutin, VH Heywood, NA Burges, DM Moore, DH Valentine, SM Walters, DA Webb (Eds.): Flora Europaea . Volume 3: Diapensiaceae to Myoporaceae . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1972, ISBN 0-521-08489-X (English).

Individual evidence

  1. Early flowering thyme. In: FloraWeb.de.
  2. a b Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  814 .
  3. a b c Dietmar Aichele, Heinz-Werner Schwegler: The flowering plants of Central Europe . 2nd Edition. tape 4 : Nightshade plants to daisy plants . Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-08048-X .
  4. a b data sheet at The Euro + Med PlantBase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity with data from the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families of The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew .
  5. ^ Elisabeth Stahl-Biskup, Francisco Sáez: Thyme. The genus thymus. Taylor & Francis, London 2002, ISBN 0-415-28488-0 ( Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Industrial Profiles 24).
  6. a b c d e f g h i Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Thymus praecox. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved February 25, 2016.

Web links

Commons : Early flowering thyme ( Thymus praecox )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files