Frederick Vezin

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Frederik Vezin: Self-Portrait with Wife Ida (1895)

Frederick Vezin also Fred or Frederik Vezin (born August 14, 1859 in Philadelphia , † 1933 in Düsseldorf ) was an American-German painter, etcher and lithographer .


The origins of the Vezin family can be traced back to the middle of the 17th century. The family comes from the French town of Saint-Florentin (Yonne, Burgundy). Although he was a Roman Catholic himself, Pierre Vezin (1654–1727) was forced to leave France because he had saved Huguenots from persecution. He fled to Hanover, where he held the post of viola player at the French theater. The Vezin family then remained connected to Germany for two more generations. In 1813 Charles Henri Vezin (1782-1853) moved from Bordeaux to Philadelphia and founded the American line of the Vezin family after marrying Emilie Kalisky (1804-1858) from Germany. In addition to Frederik Vezin, other well-known artistic personalities belong to this wide-ranging family. Mention should be made here of the uncle Frederik Vezins, the actor Hermann Vezin (1829–1910) and Frederik's brother, Charles Vezin (1858–1942) , who became particularly known as a painter in New York, and his granddaughter, the photographer and painter Irena Vezin.


Frederik Vezin: At the Ball, 1925
Frederick Vezin: Portrait of Carl Julius Erbslöh , oil on canvas, 80 × 60 cm, undated, signed on the reverse. Privately owned

The close family ties of the American branch of the Vezin family made it easier for Frederik Vezin to decide to study in Germany and so he entered the elementary class at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in October 1876, at the age of 20 . From June 1877 he studied landscape painting with Georg Heinrich Crola , from January 1877 he completed the natural drawing class with Johann Peter Theodor Janssen and with Karl Müller the antique hall. Until he left the art academy in 1883, Julius Roeting , Eduard von Gebhardt (1838–1925) and Wilhelm Sohn were his teachers. In addition to his studies, Vezin was involved as a trainer in the Düsseldorf rowing club .

After a short stopover in Munich, he lived in Düsseldorf from 1895 until his death in 1933. Frederik Vezin was married to Ida Hach. Their son was Meno Vezin.


After his training, Frederik Vezin worked particularly as a genre and landscape painter . In addition, his skills as a portrait painter were also in great demand. He achieved particular fame through the depiction of social scenes (At the Ball) and intimate interiors . Due to his family ties in the USA and to his uncle Hermann Vezin, who lived in London from 1850, Frederik Vezin also became known in the Anglo-American region.

In terms of style, Frederik Verzin's paintings are characterized by lively colors and great lightness. Overall, these elements of Vezin's painting mark the overcoming of the traditional Düsseldorf style of painting and the turn to impressionism .


In public ownership:

Privately owned:


  • Vezin, Frederik . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 34 : Urliens – Vzal . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1940, p. 318 .
  • Hans Paffrath (Ed.): Lexicon of the Düsseldorf School of Painting 1819–1918. Volume 3: Nabert-Zwecker. Published by the Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf in the Ehrenhof and by the Paffrath Gallery. Bruckmann, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7654-3011-0 .
  • Hermann Vezin: In the days of my Youth. Containing the Autobiographies of Thirty-Four well-known Men and Women of today. Introduction by T. O'Connor. C. Arthur Pearson, London 1901, pp. 24-31 ( ).
  • Vezin, Frederick. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 2/2, sheets 33–67: Saal – Zwengauer. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1901, p. 930 ( ).
  • Friedrich Schaarschmidt: On the history of Düsseldorf art. Düsseldorf 1902.

Web links

Commons : Frederick Vezin  - collection of images, videos and audio files