Freeway (film)

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German title Freeway
Original title Freeway
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1996
length about 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Matthew Bright
script Matthew Bright
production Oliver Stone
music Danny Elfman
camera John Thomas
cut Maysie Hoy

Freeway is a thriller starring Reese Witherspoon and Kiefer Sutherland . In 1999 Freeway II was released.


Vanessa Lutz fled the youth welfare office after her mother was arrested for prostitution and her stepfather for drugs and attempted sexual abuse. After she stays on the freeway with the stolen car of the social worker on the way to Stockton to her grandmother's, she gets into the car with the apparently friendly Bob Wolverton, who wants to take her with him. Wolverton uses psychological tricks to get Vanessa to confide in him. He later turns out to be a wanted freeway killer who has already killed several women. Wolverton threatens her with his knife and tells her what he will do to her. Vanessa diverts his attention and picks up her gun. She forces him to leave the highway and stop. Then she shoots him down and escapes.

Wolverton survives crippled, Vanessa is arrested. Nobody believes 15-year-old Vanessa, who comes from anti-social conditions, in court; it is believed that she was after Bob's money. You manage to escape from prison. Wolverton, now unmasked by the police, wants revenge and the showdown takes place at Vanessa's grandmother: Wolverton kills the old woman and waits for Vanessa, who kills him at the moment the police arrive.


“Already apostrophized as a shrill" Little Red Riding Hood "paraphrase in the comic opening credits , the film degenerates into a cheap horror story, whose socially critical attitude fades in the face of the crude story. Only the main actress knows how to convince, but she cannot allude to her overly clichéd role. "


Screenwriter Matthew Bright was for Freeway at Sundance Film Festival in 1996 for the Grand Jury Prize ( Grand Jury Prize nomination). In 1997 he won two awards from the Festival du Film Policier de Cognac and one award from the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival ; He was also nominated in 1996 for a prize at the Festival Internazionale del Giallo e del Mistro Cinema Televisione Letteratura ( Mystfest ) and in 1997 for a prize at the Sitges Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya .

Reese Witherspoon won awards from the Festival Internacional de Cinema de Catalunya and the Cognac Festival du Film Policier in 1997 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Freeway. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 12, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used