Friedrich Bloch (mining engineer)

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Friedrich Bloch as Transrhenane (1912)

Friedrich Bloch (born December 5, 1890 in Beuthen , † May 25, 1942 in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp ) was a German mining engineer in Silesia.


After graduating from high school, Bloch studied mining at the TH Munich . On May 29, 1911 he renounced the Corps Transrhenania Munich . He reciprocated on February 9, 1912, and fought twelve lengths . He finished his studies at the TH Berlin as a graduate engineer .

In 1914 he came to Heinitz as a mountain trainee . In the same year, at the outbreak of World War I, he became a soldier in the 3rd battery of the Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 2 of the Bavarian Army . Already wounded in November 1914 and initially released as an invalid , he returned to the garrison service of the 7th Field Artillery Regiment "Prinzregent Luitpold" in Munich after convalescence . Dismissed from military service in 1916, he went to Hindenburg as a mountain trainee . He was reactivated again in 1917 and was last lieutenant in the reserve and battery leader .

Only after the end of the war did he take the assessor exam in 1919 . He came to Beuthen as a mountain assessor and in 1921 to Hindenburg . Here he became deputy mining inspector of mining inspection 3 in 1922 and an official of the Prussian mining and smelting company in 1923 . In 1925 he became deputy managing director of the sales outlets of the Upper Silesian state mines and managing director of the briquette factory in Hindenburg, in 1930 commercial director of the Preußische Bergwerk AG, Hindenburg coal mine branch .

As a (baptized) Jew, released on March 31, 1934 for racial reasons under the Nuremberg Laws , he went to Gleiwitz . Here he was arrested on April 4, 1942 ( Holy Saturday ) without giving any reason and deported to Auschwitz , where he died a little later at the age of 53.

Bloch had been married since 1925 and had a daughter and a son.

In Trans Rhenania since Jan. 14, 1916 philistriert , Bloch was out of the 6 October 1935 Philistines list deleted as the Aryan paragraph to be implemented had. After the war it was led again. Since 2002, a memorial plaque on the corp house has been commemorating him and the three other Jewish corps brothers Heitz 2, Pflaum and Arthur von Weinberg, who were excluded at the time .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 115/252.
  2. a b c d Mugler: Obituary for Bloch . Corps newspaper of the Transrhenania 58, April 1982.