Friedrich Constantin von Beust

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Friedrich Constantin von Beust as Saxon chief miner

Friedrich Constantin Freiherr von Beust (born April 11, 1806 in Dresden ; † March 22, 1891 in Torbole , Italy ) was a German mineralogist, geologist and lawyer. Beust was the last chief miner in Saxony until the title was given back to Reinhard Schmidt in 2010 .

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He came from the German noble von Beust family . His father Freiherr Friedrich Karl Leopold von Beust was chamberlain at the Saxon court and chief judge, his younger brother Count Friedrich Ferdinand (1809–1886) was an important Saxon and Austrian politician.

In 1822 he took up studies at the Bergakademie Freiberg , where he joined the Corps Montania , and then studied law at the Universities of Göttingen and Leipzig . From 1830 he was employed by the mining authorities in Freiberg and Schneeberg . In 1836 Beust was appointed mountain master in Marienberg and in 1838 appointed to the Oberbergamt in Freiberg. After the retirement of the miner Johann Carl Freiesleben , he took over his official business from 1842. He was appointed miner captain in Saxony on January 1, 1844. At the same time, Beust was also commissioner for blue paints . Beust exercised the supervision of the Bergakademie, the Oberhüttenamt, the Oberzehntenamt in Freiberg and Annaberg as well as the Saigerhütte Grünthal . On July 7, 1851, Beust was appointed chief miner. He was the last highest official of the Oberbergamt in Saxony, founded in 1542, who bore this official title and at the same time the first lawyer in this position. The Rothschönberger tunnel was built during his tenure . As a deputy member of the 8th urban constituency, he was a member of the second chamber of the Saxon state parliament in 1851/52 .

Beust played a key role in the creation of the Saxon Mining Act of May 22, 1851. The General Mining Act for the Kingdom of Saxony , passed on June 16, 1868 , which completed the turning away from the principle of direction towards liberalism, also carries his thoughts in many ways. However, he was an opponent of a radical change in the historically grown structures of the Saxon mining administration to a purely supervisory authority, but he could not enforce his ideas on this. In 1867 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .

Casa Beust in Torbole on Lake Garda

Before the introduction of the new mining law on January 3, 1869, which in its last draft also provided for the dissolution of the Upper Mining Office and all mining offices, Beust resigned his offices in 1867 and went to Vienna on June 7, 1868 , where he worked through his brother KK General Inspector of Mining, Metallurgy and Saltworks in Cisleithanien . However, he was unable to build on his successful work at the head of the Saxon mining administration in Austria, so that in 1876 he quit his service as a councilor and lived in seclusion on Lake Garda until his death .

At the beginning of 1869, Bernhard Braunsdorf took the helm of the Saxon mining administration as Mining Authority Director. Braunsdorf, who had studied law after his mining subject, became the first mountain lawyer to head the Saxon mining administration. While Baron Friedrich Constantin von Beust was still alive, Karl Edwin Leuthold, a lawyer with no previous mining training, took over the management of the mining office as Braunsdorf's successor. With this break in centuries-old traditions, the last step in the transition from the former mountain state to the administrative authority was completed.

Baron von Beust was also very committed to society and was one of the founding members of the Mining Association in 1841, of the German Geological Society in December 1848 and of the Freiberg Antiquities Association in 1860 .


Even after his departure, he kept good contacts in Saxony and followed the development of the Saxon mining industry intensively and critically. Beust was an honorary citizen of the city of Freiberg, and in 1883, at a very old age, he visited the city for the last time on the occasion of a miners' day. After his death, Beust was honored with the naming of a street.


  • Geognostic sketch of the most important porphyry formations between Freyberg, Frauenstein, Tharandt and Nossen , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1835 ( digitized version )
  • Critical illumination of Werner's gait theory from the current point of view of geognosy , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1840 ( digitized version )
  • Passage chart over the inner part of the Freiberg Bergrefier, in three sheets: Explanations , JA Barth 1842
  • Comments on the "Assessment of the draft of a mining law for the Kingdom of Saxony by a lawyer and tradesmen" , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1849 ( digitized version )
  • About the current state and prospects of the Saxon silver mining: With regard to the draft of a new mining law , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1850 ( digitized version )
  • About the progress of mining and metallurgy in Saxony since 1817 , Graz and Gerlach'sche Buchhandlung, Freiberg 1850 ( digitized version )
  • About the development potential of Freiberg silver mining and the causes that held back this development in the past , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1851 ( digitized in the SLUB Dresden )
  • The railway line from Dresden via Freiberg and Chemnitz to Zwickau , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1852 ( digitized version )
  • The railway connection between Zwickau and the Upper Ore Mountains as a means against the decline of the iron industry , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1852 ( digitized version )
  • The Upper Erzgebirge Railway , Engelhardt Verlag, Freiberg 1854 ( digital copy )
  • Saxon metal mining in its relationship to state finances , Engelhardt Verlag, Freiberg 1855 ( digitized version )
  • The importance of Freiberg mining and metallurgy compared to the current railroad issue , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1855 ( digitized version )
  • The Upper Ore Mountains and the Railways , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1855 ( digitized version )
  • About a law of ore distribution on the Freiberg Gänge , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1855 ( digitized volume 1 in the SLUB Dresden )
  • About the ore trains in the Saxon Ore Mountains in their relationship to the local porphyry trains , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1856 ( digitized in the SLUB Dresden )
  • The ore zones in the Saxon Ore Mountains , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1859 ( digitized in the SLUB Dresden )
  • About the ore routing of the Freiberg corridors as a condition of their building worthiness , Verlag Engelhardt, Freiberg 1859 ( digitized in the SLUB Dresden )


Individual evidence

  1. 100 Years of the Weinheim Senior Citizens' Convention , Bochum 1963, pp. 137-138.
  2. Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History - Presidents and Members of Parliament from 1833 to 1952 , Saxon State Parliament 2001, p. 91.
  3. ^ List of members Leopoldina, Friedrich Konstantin von Beust
  4. ^ Journal of the German Geological Society , Volume 1, Issue 1, 1849, p. 25.

Web links

Commons : Friedrich Constantin von Beust  - Collection of images, videos and audio files