Friedrich Georg Oye

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Friedrich Georg Oye (1779)

Friedrich Georg Oye (* 1758 in Hadersleben ; † January 3, 1797 in Schleswig ) was a German administrative lawyer, draftsman and etcher.


Oye was the son of Hardesvogten the Tyrstrupharde in the office of Hadersleben Detlev Friedrich Oye († 1781). He attended the Johanneum grammar school in Hadersleben until 1775 and studied law at the University of Kiel from 1776 and from 1778 to 1780 at the University of Göttingen .

His silhouette from 1779 in the Schubert silhouette collection at the SUB Göttingen has come down to us from his studies in Göttingen . While studying in Kiel own drawings Oyes in studbooks handed his fellow students at his entries in this; so in the register of Nikolaus Outzen and the register of the later administrator in Hütten Hieronymus Kamphövener (1757–1824). In Göttingen he tried in close contact with his Consemester Ludolph Friedrich von Laffert as eraser - amateur and stabbed to 1778/1779 small-format images of his Göttingen fellow students, of which at least six in the Herzog August Library secures and Virtual Print Room are shown. Among them is a scene dedicated to the sub-senior of the Hanoverian Landsmannschaft Friedrich Ernst von Stoltzenberg, which shows a student duel , and a student farewell scene at one of the city gates of Göttingen at the time entitled Les Adieux, dedicated to the royal Danish conference councilor F. von Klingenberg. Carl Schubert noted on the back of the Oyes silhouette that Oye around Michaelis in 1778 as a duelist in a duel with a stud. von Münchhausen was involved and then received the consilium abeundi from the university , but shortly afterwards the university “received” it again together with its counterparty, ie was accepted again.

After completing his studies, he entered the Danish administrative service for the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein and died in 1797 as a chancellery and second government secretary to the Danish governor of Schleswig-Holstein Prince Karl von Hessen-Kassel as administrator of the royal share in Schleswig. In 1788, Oye corresponded with Christoph Martin Wieland from Copenhagen . He published biographically on the Danish botanist, entomologist and economist Johan Zoëga (1742–1788). Numerous other articles in magazines were partly published under his code –y– as a pseudonym .


  • with Friedrich Ekkard: Til det danske public, fra den kiøbenhavnske Korrespondenz for den hamborgske politiske Journal , 1786
  • About the local wool manufacturers, especially those in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein , Provincial Reports 1788, No. 5
  • Some news from the life of the late budget councilor J [ohan]. Zoëga , Provinzialberichte 1789, Issue 5, pp. 150–176 ( digitized version, also appeared in Danish in Minerva 1789 before the German original was published)



  • Oyer, Friedrich Georg in: Berend Kordes : Lexicon of the now-living Schleswig-Holstein and Eutinian writers , Röhss, 1796, p. 240, p. 513
  • Oyer, Friedrich Georg in: Detlev Lorenz Lübker, Hans Schröder : Lexicon of the Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1796 to 1828 , second section N – Z, Aue, Altona 1830, p. 418 No. 853 with correction of the name misspelling Oye on p. 840
  • Thomas Otto Achelis : Register of the Schleswig students 1517–1864 , Volume 2: 1741–1864 , GEC Gads Verlag, Copenhagen 1966, No. 6919 (p. 383)

Web links

Commons : Friedrich Georg Oye  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. From the history of the Haderslebener Johanneum , 1921, p. 48
  2. ^ Enrollment in Kiel on April 19, 1776; Franz Gundlach: The album of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel 1665-1865
  3. ^ Enrollment in Göttingen on May 8, 1778 ex ac. Kiel, see Götz von Selle : The register of the Georg-August University of Göttingen 1734–1837 . Hildesheim, Leipzig 1937
  4. Signature 8 * Cod. Ms. hist. Lit. 103 Cim .; Dating of the SUB Goettingen: June 20, 1779.
  5. Entry in Kiel on August 26, 1776 with pencil and pen drawing of a couple with a child as an addition. Storage location Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, signature: Hs. 110.415 c page-folium 123r according to source Kurras, GNM II, no. 149/95
  6. Entry in Kiel on October 4, 1778 with a pen drawing of a young man as an addition on p. 2. Source: v. Kamphövener, Das Stammbuch des Hieronymus Kamphövener , No. 87 according to Repertorium Alborum Amicorum (RAA) - International Directory of Studbooks and Fragments of Studbooks, University of Erlangen.
  7. In addition to the etchings in the article, the exhibits [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] and [5] . They were incorrectly identified by the HAB as portraits of soldiers because of the rococo uniform clothing of Göttingen students (last accessed on November 14, 2017). Oye's dedications, however, allow a direct connection to student life.
  8. ^ Friedrich Ernst von Stoltzenberg was secretary of the Hanoverian Landsmannschaft from December 20, 1777 and its sub-senior from February 28, 1778 to February 5, 1779 and (temporarily?) A member of the ZN student order ; see. Otto Deneke : Old Göttingen country teams. Göttingen 1937. As evidenced by his entry in his silhouette in the Schubert silhouette collection, at the end of his studies in 1779 he was in considerable financial distress. He went to the military and later became commandant of the fortresses of Hameln and Harburg.
  9. possibly Frederik von Klingenberg (1716–1783), bailiff in Hadersleben, the hometown of Oyes, where his father was Hardesvogt.
  10. ^ Genealogical Reichs- und Staats-Handbuch: Auf das Jahr 1798 , Volume 2, Varrentrapp and Wenner, Frankfurt am Main 1798, p. 7 ( digitized version )
  11. ^ Klaus Gerlach: Wielands Briefwechsel , p. 121; at the Kalliope association [6] as evidence for the SLUB Dresden as holder of the inventory, signature: Mscr.Dresd.h.43, Bd.3, Nr.76