Friedrich Ludwig Finck von Finckenstein

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Friedrich Ludewig Count Finck von Finckenstein

Friedrich Ludwig Finck von Finckenstein (born May 6, 1709 in Berlin ; † March 16, 1785 in Finckenstein ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of Dragoon Regiment No. 10 and knight of the Order of St. John .



Friedrich Ludwig was the son of Field Marshal Albrecht Konrad Finck von Finckenstein and his wife Susanna Magdalena von Hoff (1676–1752). His older brother Friedrich Wilhelm (* 1702; † 1741 near Mollwitz) was a Prussian colonel , his younger brother Karl Wilhelm von Finckenstein a Prussian minister.

Military career

He initially studied for three years at the University of Frankfurt an der Oder . After that he came as a cadet for Dragoon Regiment. 9, . In 1731 he was promoted to lieutenant and in the same year in the presence of the king in Sonnenburg he was made Knight of St. John.

During the Rhine campaign in 1734 he was a volunteer in Dragoon Regiment No. 7 . Then he became captain of Regiment No. 9 and when this was increased by three squadrons he got his own squadron.

In 1741 he became a major and in 1742 a lieutenant colonel . In 1743 he became the commandant of Dragoon Regiment No. 10. On December 15, 1745 he fought in the Battle of Kesselsdorf and in May 1747 became a colonel. In 1754 he was appointed major general and chief of the Dragoon Regiment No. 10. Before the battle near Groß-Jägersdorf he broke his arm and therefore did not take part. After his arm healed again, he and his regiment came to Pomerania. He formed the vanguard when Stralsund was taken . In 1758 he joined the army of the Duke of Braunschweig with the Regiment and the Dragoon Regiment No. 9 . When that marched to Mecklenburg, he took in Güstrow one of Mecklenburg-schweriner caught regiment. In subsequent battles with the French in Westphalia, he was able to capture twelve French officers, including two staff officers , plus 60 soldiers. When the Prussian Army crossed the Rhine, his regiment formed the vanguard. In doing so, they captured the drums from the Bedford regiment , which the king left to the regiment. In November 1758 he fought with the Dragoon Regiment No. 9 near Soest against a French corps of 6,000 men, taking numerous prisoners. Under the command of Duke Ferdinand von Braunschweig, he advanced towards Frankfurt am Main in 1759 . He then fought in the Battle of Bergen . He then met a French corps of 2,000 men near Möllen, which he defeated. On August 1, 1759 he fought in the Battle of Minden . On March 21, 1760 he was made lieutenant general and was transferred to the king's army. So he fought on August 15th in the Battle of Liegnitz . There he commanded the reserve and then supported General von Zieten on the right wing. As a result, the main Austrian army could no longer intervene.

The day after he was fighting again against the Russians near Parchwitz , who then backed over the Oder. He then marched with the king to Breslau and Schweidnitz and from there to Saxony . So he came to the battle of Torgau . There his horse was shot and he was taken prisoner. He was interned in St. Pölten near Vienna and released again after the peace in 1763. So he was back in Berlin in March and came back to his regiment. During the War of the Bavarian Succession in 1778 he was back in the king's army in Silesia and Bohemia . He died in 1785.


Finck von Finckenstein had been married to Albertina Maria from the Galgenburg family (* July 23, 1719 - May 7, 1792) since November 4, 1738 and had several offspring:

  • Friedrich Albrecht (October 28, 1739 - August 2, 1765)
  • Elisabeth Albertine Wilhelmine (born January 12, 1742)
  • Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm (born March 18, 1744)
  • Luise Amalie Caroline (* October 23, 1746; † February 23, 1825) ∞ Count Friedrich Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten (* July 6, 1741; † April 8, 1825)
  • Sophie Wilhelmine (born February 13, 1748)

Luise Amalie Caroline was the mother of Field Marshal Friedrich zu Dohna-Schlobitten .


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