Friedrich Widebrand

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Friedrich Widebrand (also Wiedebram, Widbram, Widebram ; born July 4, 1532 in Pößneck , † May 2, 1585 in Heidelberg ) was a German Protestant theologian .


After attending school, Widebrand first began studying at the University of Jena . From there he moved on November 12, 1551 to the University of Wittenberg , where he earned his master's degree at the artist faculty in 1555 . He then became rector in Locust School in Zerbst and went in the same capacity in 1562 according to Eisenach . In 1563 he was appointed professor of Latin language and logic at the University of Jena and in 1569 followed a call to Wittenberg as professor of ethics. After receiving his doctorate on May 5, 1570, and a doctorate in theology under Georg Major on May 11, 1570 , he took on the fourth professorship at the university's theological faculty , succeeding Paul Eber as general superintendent of the Saxon Kurkreis and thus became senior pastor at the city ​​church of Wittenberg .

When Duke Johann Wilhelm von Sachsen-Weimar died, Elector August von Sachsen took over the right of patronage in Sachsen-Weimar on July 6, 1573 , since Friedrich Wilhelm I of Sachsen-Weimar was still a minor. Widebrand was hired to do the visitations to the churches and schools there. He got into arguments with the Gnesiolutheran Matthias Flacius who was staying there and who denounced him as a Philippist . The disputes between Philippists and Gnesiolutherans came to an abrupt end with the Torgau Article 1574. Widebrand also refused to sign the lapel of the Torgau article, was then captured and brought to Leipzig in the Pleißenburg . The grueling conditions of detention prompted him, after some hesitation, to sign the lapel. He was then released from prison and was able to return to his home in Wittenberg. Nevertheless, he had been removed from office. He therefore asked permission to leave Saxony. He first turned to Bremen for church affairs . In 1583 he stayed in Solms , and in 1584 he was appointed to Heidelberg as a councilor of the Electorate of the Palatinate , where he organized the churches and schools according to the Reformed model and stayed until his death.


  • Elegia in natalem Christi, dedicata generosis et nobilibos Dominis . Wittenberg 1555
  • Epithalamion scriptum in nuptias docti et honesti . Wittenberg 1559
  • Typus depositionis scholasticae heroico carmine descriptus . Wittenberg 1569 ( urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00032440-1 )
  • Psalterium Davidis integrum, carmine redditum . Strasbourg 1579 ( digitized version )
  • Poematum liber primus , Heidelberg 1601 ( digitized in the Google book search)


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