Friedrich von Heimburg (General)

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Friedrich Otto Quintus von Heimburg (born April 21, 1839 in Hildesheim , † October 1, 1906 in Berlin ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Friedrich was a son of the Hanoverian colonel of the same name and commander of Hildesheim Friedrich von Heimburg (1788–1862) and his second wife Pauline, nee Schädtler, widowed Lang (1805–1872). His brother Paul (1836–1913) also became a Prussian lieutenant general.

Military career

After attending the grammar schools in Hanover and Hildesheim and the cadet house in Hanover, Heimburg was transferred as a cadet to the 5th Infantry Regiment of the Hanoverian Army on April 1, 1857 . By the beginning of January 1858 he was promoted to Second Lieutenant in the 7th Infantry Regiment and was promoted to Prime Lieutenant by the end of September 1859 , for which he received the patent on November 29, 1859. As such, he took part in the war against Prussia in 1866 . After the lost war and the annexation of Hanover, Heimburg joined the Prussian Army as Prime Lieutenant on March 9, 1867 , was initially assigned to the 2nd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment No. 27 and was assigned to the regiment in mid-October 1867. On March 10, 1870, he rose to captain and company commander . During the war against France , Heimburg was in command of the 2nd Occupation Battalion of the combined Magdeburg Landwehr Regiment from July 16, 1870 to June 17, 1871, took part in the siege of Toul and received the Iron Cross, 2nd class.

After the peace agreement Heimburg was appointed on June 18, 1871 Chief of the 1st Company and was promoted to Major supernumerary his regiment on 23 March 1880 aggregated . On March 12, 1881, he was given the regiment's oldest captain's post and in mid-April 1883 he was promoted to regular staff officer . From November 15, 1883 to May 13, 1887 he was in command of the 2nd Battalion and was then transferred to the Schleswig-Holstein Fusilier Regiment No. 86 in Flensburg under the assignment of the regular staff officer . Heimburg was promoted to lieutenant colonel and regular staff officer on June 17, 1887 . He was promoted to colonel on March 24, 1890, when he was transferred as commander of the Silesian Fusilier Regiment No. 38 to Glatz . In this capacity he was awarded the Crown Order II. Class on the occasion of the festival in January 1893 . This was followed by promotion to major general on March 25, 1893, a position as commander of the 36th Infantry Brigade in Rendsburg . Heimburg received the Order of the Red Eagle II. Class with Oak Leaves on January 20, 1895 and was put up for disposition on May 13, 1895 in approval of his resignation request with the statutory pension . After his departure, Wilhelm II gave him the character of Lieutenant General on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm I on March 22, 1897 .

He died of appendicitis in Berlin on October 1, 1906 and was buried in Hanover.


Heinburg married Marie Toermer (1848–1937) on June 22, 1869 in Aschersleben . The marriage remained childless.
