Friedrich von Lüneschloß

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Coat of arms of the noble family von Lüneschloß (1822)

Friedrich von Lüneschloß (born December 11, 1822 in Augsburg , † February 20, 1899 in Munich ) was a royal Bavarian officer, most recently in the rank of major general . He had been a Knight of the Military Max Joseph Order since 1871 .



Friedrich Karl Siegmund von Lüneschloß came from the imperial noble family von Lüneschloß, which received confirmation of imperial nobility in 1696. His grandfather Friedrich Jakob Hartmann von Lüneschloß (* 1746; † 1830) was a royal Bavarian lieutenant colonel and commander of the veterans' institute in Donauwörth . He was registered on April 16, 1817 with the nobility register in the Kingdom of Bavaria. Friedrich's father Johann Ludwig von Lüneschloß (* 1784) died in 1856 as a royal Bavarian colonel out of service , his mother Anna Babette Karoline was born Herrmann (* 1797; † 1871).

Friedrich was the couple's only son, his older sister Amalie Friederike Luise (* 1821) died at the age of three, and his younger sister Therese Luise Charlotte von Lüneschloß (* 1828; † 1862) married the royal Bavarian government councilor Ludwig Graf in 1859.

Military background

Lüneschloß joined the 7th Infantry Regiment "Karl von Pappenheim" voluntarily as a commoner and cadet on October 16, 1838 and was promoted to corporal on January 1, 1839 . As such, he was transferred to the Infantry Body Regiment in July 1839 . In December 1841 he was appointed Junker , in May 1843 as Unterleutnant and in August 1848 as First Lieutenant . November 1848 he became adjutant at the Landwehr Brigade Command in Munich. On February 28, 1858 he was promoted to captain 2nd class and on November 3, 1861 he was promoted to captain 1st class in the infantry body regiment.

From November 19, 1864 to May 20, 1866, Lüneschloß was assigned the function of adjutant at the district military command of Upper Bavaria. On February 20, 1866, he received the Knight's Cross First Class of the Grand Ducal Hessian Order of Merit .

In the campaign of 1866 against Prussia during the German War , Lüneschloß took part in the battles at Rüdlingen (July 10, 1866) and at Üttingen (July 25, 1866). He was praised for his achievements in the army order of August 20, 1866 and on September 9, 1866 awarded the Knight's Cross, 2nd class of the Military Merit Order.

On July 28, 1866, he was promoted to major in the infantry body regiment. At the beginning of February 1868 Lüneschloß was transferred to the 1st Infantry Regiment "König" and took part in the war against France from 1870 to 1871 with this unit, which belonged to the 1st Army Corps . He fought in the battles at Wörth (August 6, 1870) and Sedan (September 1, 1870) as well as the battles at Artenay (October 10, 1870) and Orléans (October 11, 1870). Lüneschloß was praised for its achievements in the army order of September 20, 1870. After the Battle of Sedan he received the Iron Cross II. Class and, in the army order of November 1, 1870, the Knight's Cross I. Class of the Order of Military Merit. When Orléans was captured on October 11, 1870, he distinguished himself again, despite a wound to his right arm, and was again commended for this in the army order of December 2, 1870.

A chapter of the order held on February 3, 1871 in Grosbois, chaired by Lieutenant General Joseph Maximilian von Maillinger , voted unanimously for his admission to the Military Max Joseph Order. By the highest resolution of February 13th, 1871, Friedrich von Lüneschloß was named a Knight of the Military Max Joseph Order in gratitude for his brave behavior during the capture of Orléans on October 11th, 1870.

On February 16, 1872 Lüneschloß was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the 10th Jäger Battalion and on December 4, 1874 he was promoted to colonel and regimental commander in the 11th infantry regiment "von der Tann" . He was awarded the Princely Lippe General House Order, First Class, on November 12th, 1876. His departure was approved on November 30th, 1879 with a pension, conferring the character of a major general.

Friedrich von Lüneschloß died on February 20, 1899, at the age of 76 in Munich.

Marriage and offspring

Friedrich von Lüneschloß married Flora Friederike Maximiliane Josepha Freiin von Seckendorff in Munich on September 24, 1850 . The marriage resulted in five children, three sons and two daughters. The two oldest sons Karl Ludwig (1851–1870) and Karl Otto Max von Lüneschloß (1852–1856) died before their parents. The youngest son Wilhelm Karl Friedrich (* 1863) became a royal Bavarian captain and knight of honor of the Order of St. John . Of the daughters, Helene Julie von Lüneschloß (* 1857) married Emanuel Ritter Lenk von Dittersberg, the royal Bavarian councilor and district administrator in Deggendorf .


  • Baptist Schrettinger: The Royal Bavarian Military Max Joseph Order and its members. Oldenbourg, Munich 1882; Volume 1, pages 488-489.
  • Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses 1910. Fourth year. Gotha, Justus Perthes 1911; Page 494–495.