Günter-Matthias Schönnenbeck

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Günter-Matthias Schönnenbeck (* December 12, 1917 ; † 2001 ) was a German officer , most recently a brigadier general in the Bundeswehr .


In 1947 Schönnenbeck became a member of the Franconia Münster fraternity .

Schönnenbeck, Major a. D. der Wehrmacht , belonged to a German delegation for a European Defense Community (EVG) in Paris in the early 1950s . Together with other former Wehrmacht officers, he was assigned to the Inner Leadership Section in the Blank Office in Bonn, under the direction of the “father” of the Wolf von Baudissin conception .

Schönnenbeck later joined the army of the German Armed Forces himself as an officer and initially worked as a major in the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) in Bonn. In his military career he was a. a. Commander of an artillery battalion in Braunschweig. From 1957 to 1958 he was a sub-department head in the BMVg. After further stations he was from 1966 to 1969 as a colonel in command of the rocket school of the army in Eschweiler. In 1968 he was a military assessor at the 2nd Military Service Senate of the Federal Administrative Court . In 1969 he was promoted to brigadier general. From 1969 to 1972 he was commander of the Bundeswehr School for Inner Guidance (InFüSBw) in Koblenz. He retired in 1972.

Individual evidence

  1. Burschenschafter Stammrolle 1991. P. 217.
  2. ^ A b Dietrich Genschel: Defense reform and reaction. The preparation of the Inner Tour 1951–1956 . v. Decker, Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-7685-3472-3 , p. 111.
  3. ^ A b Hans Ehlert : Beginnings of West German Security Policy . Volume 3: The NATO Option . Edited by the Military History Research Office , Oldenbourg, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-486-51691-4 , p. 888.
  4. ^ Dieter E. Kilian : Politics and the military in Germany. The Federal Presidents and Chancellors and their relationship to the military and the Bundeswehr . Hartmann, Miles-Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-937885-36-0 , p. 107.
  5. Ulrich de Maizière : In the duty. Life report of a German soldier in the 20th century , Mittler, Herford Bonn 1989, ISBN 3-8132-0315-8 , p. 234.
  6. BVerwG, October 1, 1968 - II WD 30/68 ; BVerwG, October 3rd, 1968 - II WD 32/68
  7. ^ Federal Archives (ed.): The Cabinet Protocols of the Federal Government . Volume 22: 1969 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-486-71727-3 , p. 174.
  8. Carl Gero von Ilsemann: The inner leadership in the armed forces (= The Bundeswehr . Volume 5). Walhalla / Praetoria, Regensburg 1981, ISBN 3-8029-6425-X , p. 260.
  9. Clemens Range : The Generals and Admirals of the Bundeswehr . ES Mittler, Herford 1990, ISBN 3-8132-0350-6 , p. 261.