Gabriele Sprigath

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The art scholar Gabriele Sprigath (born 1940 in Eisleben ) is u. a. Lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . She grew up in West Berlin and received her doctorate in 1969 from the University of Munich with a dissertation on topics from the history of the Roman Republic in 18th century French painting. A contribution to the iconography of the 18th century .

Professional ban due to the so-called "radical decree"

In July 1979 the proposal of the Braunschweig University of Fine Arts to entrust Sprigath "with the administration of the professorship for art studies / salary group C 4 in the 1979 summer semester" was rejected by the Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Art because "doubts that you are the In the future, you have to comply with the labor law obligation to commit yourself to the free democratic basic order within the meaning of the Basic Law through your entire behavior (cf. BAG , NJW 1976, 1708 ff.).

Among the ten points on which the same doubts were based, according to the minister, was among other things that Sprigath was named in a "letter from the DKP district committee Munich [...] as the event manager of an information stand of the DKP on April 27, 1974 in Munich" and that she had signed an "Appeal of the Board of Directors of the German Peace Union (DFU) influenced by the DKP to the then Federal Chancellor Brandt ", published in the Frankfurter Rundschau on March 18, 1970 . In addition, a "declaration of July 13, 1970" stated that Sprigath was or was "a member of the Central Committee of the Campaign for Democracy and Disarmament , which is influenced by the DKP and its subsidiary organizations". At the oral hearing that took place in connection with this, Sprigath

  • on the question of whether she was a DKP member, said: “According to my constitutional understanding, I do not consider this question to be admissible. I would therefore like to refuse to comment on the question of membership in a party that is not forbidden and, in my opinion, not unconstitutional. "


  • Regarding the accusation of membership in the Central Committee of the Campaign for Democracy and Disarmament: "I do not remember whether I was actually a member of the Central Committee of the Campaign for Democracy and Disarmament" (in the declaration itself, which included a " Dr. Gabriele Sprig r ath “is listed as a signatory, it means that this comes from members of the Board of Trustees and the Central Committee - two different bodies! - of the same campaign).

She had aggressively confirmed the other facts of which she was accused and - at least later - publicly (that is, outside of the ritual of the hearing procedure), also acknowledging DKP membership.

Sprigath had brought an action against the professional ban at the labor court in Hanover and prevailed in the first instance. In response to the appeal by the State of Lower Saxony, the appellate court overturned the labor court's judgment and dismissed the action.

Political reappraisal in the 2010s

In 2016, the Lower Saxony state parliament called on the state government there to “appoint a representative to deal with the fate of those affected by Lower Saxony's professional bans and the possibilities of their political and social rehabilitation. The commissioner should deal with the fate of those affected by occupational bans with the participation of those affected, representatives of trade unions and initiatives. Scientific support must also be provided and included in the work. "

The commissioner position was actually created and filled with the former SPD member of the state parliament Jutta Rübke . In 2018, as the "Lower Saxony State Commissioner for the Processing of Fates in Connection with the so-called Radical Decree ", she published the documentation professional bans in Lower Saxony 1972-1990 . The case of Sprigath is also documented among the examples.

Sprigath herself demanded compensation for her denied access to the public service at an event in 2019.

Further professional career

As a result of the blocking of an academic career shown, Sprigath was - according to his own account - "in adult education , in trade union cultural work and as a lecturer at various universities". From 1990 to 1999 she was a lecturer at Faculty 13 at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and, since 2005, has also been a lecturer at the Seminar for Intellectual History and Renaissance Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich.

Main areas of work, awards, memberships

Sprigath's main areas of work are art theory , Cennini and Giorgio Vasari , image perception , art mediation , the emergence of art criticism (historical and systematic). She has numerous articles in the “ tendencies . magazine for committed art ”(of which she was also a member of the editorial team), published other magazine articles and several monographs. Sprigath has also translated several essays by the French Marxist- structural philosopher Louis Althusser into German.

In 2015 she received the Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge Prize for unconventional art education from the Prussian Sea Trade Foundation .

In the summer semester of 2020 she has a teaching position at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich .

Sprigath is a member of the Education and Science Union . From April 1972 to May 1973 she was a board member of the Ulmer Verein - Association for Art and Cultural Studies .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Publishing group arts + science weimar : "Gabriele Sprigath, born 1940, art historian".
  3. Gabriele Sprigath: supplement to the protocol. In: Review practice and professional bans - how much longer? Part 2 on the professional ban for Gabriele Sprigath. P. 80: "[...] I pointed out that I never lived in the GDR, but grew up in West Berlin."
  4. Gabriele Sprigath: themes from the history of the Roman Republic in French painting of the 18th century . tape 1. 2) . A contribution to the iconography d. 18th century, Munich 1969.
  5. a b Letter from the Saxon Minister for Science and Art to Ms. Sprigath dated July 6, 1979. In: Verificationpraxis und Berufsverbot - how much longer ? Part 2 on the professional ban for Gabriele Sprigath. Pp. 80–82, here p. 80.
  6. ^ Letter from the Saxon Minister for Science and Art to Ms. Sprigath dated July 6, 1979. In: Verificationpraxis und Berufsverbot - how much longer ? Part 2 on the professional ban for Gabriele Sprigath. Pp. 80–82, here p. 81.
  7. According to transcript of the meeting of Anhörkommission on 26 April 1979 for the purpose of hearing the candidate Dr. Gabriele Sprigath […] on the occasion of being hired as a perception officer. In: Review practice and professional bans - how much longer? Part 2 on the professional ban for Gabriele Sprigath. Pp. 76–79, here p. 77.
  8. ^ "The undersigned members of the Board of Trustees and the Central Committee of the Campaign for Democracy and Disarmament [...]." ( Declaration , p. 15 and 413.).
  9. Minutes of the meeting of Anhörkommission on 26 April 1979 for the purpose of hearing the candidate Dr. Gabriele Sprigath […] on the occasion of being hired as a perception officer, In: Verificationpraxis und Berufsverbot - how much longer ? Part 2 on the professional ban for Gabriele Sprigath. Pp. 76–79 (77): “Question: Do the findings communicated to you in the summons of March 9, 1979 correspond to the facts? Answer: Yes, […]. "(The summons is published at the address urn : nbn: de: bsz: 16-kb-96961 on pp. 61-64 .)
  10. Sprigath, Was hat ... , p. 135: "because of my membership in the DKP".
    Christian Demand , laudation for Dr. Gabriele Sprigath on the occasion of the award of the Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge Prize for Unconventional Art Education 2015 ; ( archive ), p. 2: "Ms. Sprigath was a member of DKP and SDAJ."
  11. See also:
    • Sprigath, Was hat ... , p. 135: “I sued against this with the help of the legal protection of my trade union GEW at the labor court in Hanover and won in the first instance. The Lower Saxony government appealed and, as was to be expected, saw itself confirmed in the next higher instance. "
  12. Printed matter 17/7150 , p. 2.
  13. (PDF), pp. 128-137, 212.
  14. Hans-Gerd Öfinger, Destroyed Life Plans . Many of those affected still feel the consequences of the BRD professional bans today ( archive ), in: new germany from October 6, 2019: “'My life is coming to an end and I still want to be compensated,' said the Art historian Gabriele Sprigath combative at the event. In 1978 she was refused a professorship in Braunschweig because meticulously prepared constitutional protection files listed details of her previous DKP activities in Munich. "
  15. Sprigath, Was hat ... , p. 136; see. also: ( archive ): "Gabriele Sprigath, born in 1940, [...], teaching at universities and in adult education".
  16. ( archive )
  17. ZDB entry:
  18. Entry directory: ( archive ).
  19. ( archive ): "Gabriele Sprigath, born 1940, [...], member of the editorial board of the magazine 'tendenzen'".
  20. ( archive ), p. 2 and ( archive ).
  21. ( archive ) (see : “The sites of the chair for art education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich”).
  22. Sprigath, Was hat ... , p. 135: "With the help of the legal protection of my GEW trade union " (emphasis added).
  23. ( archive ).
  24. ZDB entry: .
  25. ZDB entry: .