Galina Vladimirovna Kurlyandskaya

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Galina Wladimirowna Kurljandskaja ( Russian Галина Владимировна Курляндская ; born January 30, 1961 in Kirovgrad ) is a Soviet - Russian physicist and university professor .


Kurljandskaja studied at the Gorky State University of the Urals Region (UrGU) in the Faculty of Physics , graduating in 1983. Her teacher was Vladimir Olegowitsch Waskowski .

From 1984 to 2002 Kurljandskaja was a research assistant at the Sverdlovsk / Yekaterinburg Michejew Institute for Metal Physics of the Ural Department (UrO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) (until 1992 in the Laboratory for Physical Metallurgy). 1990 defended successfully their dissertation on the dislocation structure and the magnetic properties of Fe 3 Si - single crystals and iron - silicon - steels at thermomechanical forming above the Curie temperature for the promotion of a candidate of Physics and Mathematics.

Since 2003 Kurljandskaja leading research fellow is the Research Institute for Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Department of Solid - magnetism and the Chair of magnetism and magnetic nanomaterials of Urgu.

Kurljandskaja was from 1998 to 2001 and from 2004 is visiting professor at the Faculty of Electrophysics and Electronics at the University of the Basque Country . From 2001 to 2004 she was visiting professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Oviedo . She organized the collaboration between the University of Oviedo, the UrGU, the University of Maryland , the Cabot Corporation and the Universidad de Buenos Aires for the prototype development of novel medical devices based on nanomaterials. She reported frequently at international conferences in Russia , Spain , France , Germany and the USA and was a member of many organizing committees. In 2007 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on giant magnetoimpedance in connection with magnetic anisotropy and the magnetization processes of ferromagnetic structures for a doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences.

Kurljandskaja lectures at the UrGU and the University of the Basque Country on magnetism, magnetic properties of biomaterials , magnetic fluids , physical measurement methods, magnetic sensors and magnetic biosensors. She is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d UrGU: сударственный университет в биографиях: КУРЛЯНДСКАЯ Галина Владимировна (accessed July 8, 2020).
  2. UrGU: Курляндская Галина Владимировна (accessed July 8, 2020).
  3. Курляндская, Галина Владимировна: Термомеханическая обработка выше точки Кюри и ее влияние на магнитные свойства сплава Fe 3 Si: Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. к.ф.-м.н. : Спец. 04/01/11 . Урал. гос. ун-т им. А. М. Горького, Sverdlovsk 1990.
  4. Курляндская Г. В .: Гигантский магнитный импеданс и его связь с магнитной анизотропией и процессами намагничивания ферромагнитных структур : автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д-ра физ.-мат. наук: специальность 04/01/11 < физика магнитных явлений> . Курляндская Галина Владимировна; Уральск. гос. ун-т, Yekaterinburg 2007.
  5. GV Kurlyandskaya, D. de Cos, SO Volchkov: Magnetosensitive Transducers for Nondestructive Testing Operating on the Basis of the Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect: A Review . In: Russian Journal of Non-destructive testing . tape 45 , no. 6 , 2009, p. 377-398 .