Georg Ludwig Nikolaus Alefeld

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Major General Georg Ludwig Nikolaus Alefeld

Georg Ludwig Nikolaus Alefeld (born November 23, 1789 in Ober-Flörsheim , † July 26, 1856 in Wiesbaden ) was Ducal Nassau General, most recently Adjutant General of the Ducal Nassau Army .


He was the grandson of the philosopher Johann Ludwig Alefeld from Grünstadt and a son of Heinrich Wilhelm Julius Alefeld, the last administrator (bailiff) of the German Order Coming Ober-Flörsheim . His mother's name was Jakobine Susanne Charlotte geb. by Avemann.

On October 1, 1804, Alefeld joined the Hesse-Kassel “Elector” regiment as a flag junior . On November 18, 1806 he became a lieutenant in the Ducal Nassau Army. On March 1, 1809 he was first lieutenant in the 1st regiment. He was promoted to captain on May 9, 1810 and to major in the 2nd regiment on May 13, 1820.

In the Napoleonic Wars he took part in the war against Prussia in 1806/07 as part of the Rhine Confederation troops fighting on the French side and in the Fifth Coalition War against Austria in 1809 . From 1810 to 1813 he fought in Napoleonic campaigns in Spain , where he was wounded at Manresa .

In 1815 he fought with his Nassau troops, now against Napoleon, in the Netherlands and in the battle of Waterloo .

On November 2, 1832, he became a lieutenant colonel and on March 23, 1843, a colonel . After the March Revolution in 1848 he served as a brigade commander in the campaign in Baden and Schleswig-Holstein . On June 18, 1848, he was appointed major general. From 1848 to 1850 he was Adjutant General of the Ducal Nassau Army.

He was retired on July 17, 1850.


Web links


  • Peter Wacker: The ducal-Nassau military 1813–1866. Volume 2, 1998, ISBN 3-922027-85-7 , p. 438