Gerald Bast

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Gerald Bast (2013)

Gerald Bast (born November 24, 1955 in Freistadt ) is an Austrian university lawyer and since 2000 rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna .


From 1974 to 1979 Gerald Bast studied law and economics at the University of Linz , where he received his doctorate in law in 1979 . After his court year , Bast briefly was a trainee judge at the district and regional court in Linz before moving to the Federal Ministry of Science and Research as a civil servant in 1980 . From 1991 to 1999 Bast was head of the department for organizational law, fundamental questions of the reform of universities and art colleges and legal matters of the university's partial legal capacity of the Ministry of Science.

From 1987 to 1999 Gerald Bast also worked as a lecturer and examiner at the Federal Administration Academy at Laudon Castle . From 1992 to 1999 he was also a consultant for the Ludwig Boltzmann Society . In 1997, Bast was granted the qualification under trade law to work as a management consultant for scientific and educational institutions.


In 2000 Bast was elected rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna for the first time . Since then he has been on leave as an official at the Ministry of Science. Bast was confirmed in this office in 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2014. At the end of 2017 he was re-elected as rector by the University Council for the period from 2019 to 2023. Although he began his career as a ministerial official, Bast is a vehement critic of the University Act 2002 and the (re) introduced tuition fees in 2001 .

Gerald Bast is deputy chairman of the umbrella association of Austrian universities , spokesman for the rectors of the Austrian art universities and member of the representative board of the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA). From 2008 to 2015 he was Vice President of the Austrian University Conference . Bast is a member of the scientific advisory board of the journal for university law, university management and university policy , editor-in-chief (together with Elias Carayannis) of the book series "ARIS-Arts, Research, Innovation and Society, member of the board of trustees of the European Forum Alpbach and member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Awards (selection)


  • University Organization Act . Orac-Verlag, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-7007-0116-0 .
  • University and third-party funding . Austrian Rectors' Conference , Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-901113-02-9 (together with Karl Vodrazka).
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): International Symposium on University Management . Vienna, 20. – 21. September 1990. Federal Ministry of Science and Research , Vienna 1990, DNB  978175891 . ISBN 3-85224-63-8
  • The new university structure . Reform concept. Draft discussion from October 1991. In: Gerald Bast (Hrsg.): Material zur Hochschulreform . tape 1 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1991.
  • University reform . Statements by Austrian university teachers. Study from September 1991. In: Gerald Bast (Hrsg.): Material zur Hochschulreform . tape 2 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1991 (by Michael Pammer).
  • University reform . Statements on the reform concept “The new university structure”. In: Gerald Bast (ed.): Materials on university reform . tape 3 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1992 (compiled by Michael Pammer).
  • Federal law on the organization of universities (UOG 1993) . Draft. Explanations. The financial impact of university organizational reform. In: Gerald Bast (ed.): Materials on university reform . tape 5 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1992.
  • Draft University Organization Act '93 . Results of the assessment process. In: Gerald Bast (ed.): Materials on university reform . tape 6 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1993.
  • Federal law on the organization of universities . (UOG 1993). Government bill. In: Gerald Bast (ed.): Materials on university reform . tape 7 . Federal Ministry for Science and Research , Vienna 1993.
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): UOG 1993 (University Organization Act) . Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-214-03455-3 .
  • The New Austrian University System: Autonomy by Decentralization . In: Higher Education Policy . Vol. 8, No. 3 , September 1995, ISSN  1682-3451 , pp. 33-36 , doi : 10.1057 / hep.1995.41 .
  • The role model of the university assistant after the university reform in 1993 . In: Rudolf Strasser (ed.): Contributions to university law . tape 19 . Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-214-05699-9 .
  • Gerald Bast and Ewald Langeder (eds.): UniStG (University Studies Act) . Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-214-03457-X .
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): UOG 1993 (University Organization Act) . 2nd expanded edition. Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-214-03455-3 .
  • Gerald Bast, Ewald Langeder and Babette Klemmer (eds.): UniStG (University Studies Act) . 2nd revised and expanded edition. Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-214-03459-6 .
  • Austria . Country Report. In: Jan de Groof, Guy Neave and Juraj Švec (eds.): Democracy and Governance in Higher Education . Kluwer Law International, The Hague 1998, ISBN 90-411-0575-1 , pp. 171-176 ( Google Books [accessed December 8, 2009]).
  • Gerald Bast: Viewpoints - Starting Points . Inauguration message from the Rector of the University of Applied Arts. University of Applied Arts , Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85211-088-2 .
  • Third-party funding management at universities . Acquisition, administration, management. A user manual. 2nd revised edition. Austrian Rectors' Conference , Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-901113-02-9 (together with Karl Vodrazka).
  • Art, University and Society . In: Irmgard Bohunovsky-Bärnthaler (Ed.): On traveling, leaving and staying seated . Ritter-Verlag, Klagenfurt / Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-85415-311-2 .
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): Universities Act 2002 . Manzsche publishing and university bookstore , Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-214-09089-5 .
  • Creating new realities ... prospects for university productivity. In: Christian Reder (ed.): Reading book projects. Anticipations, outbursts into the distance . Springer, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-211-28587-3 .
  • The social significance of photography using the example of the recently published publication “Tony Vaccaro” . In: EIKON . No. 55 , 2006, ISBN 3-902250-25-9 , pp. 52–58 (together with Giorgio G. Campanaro and Manfred Wagner).
  • Art, Science and Society - Who Keeps The Space Open that Utopia Would Fill? In: Herbert Arlt (Ed.): Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies . Institute for Research and Promotion of Austrian and International Literature Processes (INST), Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-9501947-4-6 , p. 57-62 ( TRANS No. 16 [accessed December 8, 2009]).
  • Gerald Bast: What art . In: Patrick Werkner and Frank Höpfel (eds.): Art and State, contributions to a problematic relationship . Huter and Roth, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-902590-00-8 , p. 7-9 .
  • Gerald Bast (ed.): From the independence of thought . Aesthetic and moral attempts at orientation. Springer, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-211-78926-1 .
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): With Their Own Eyes . Artists from the former master class Maria Lassnig - Former Students of Maria Lassnig. Springer, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-211-77840-1 .
  • Florian Pumhösl , Thomas Geisler, Martina Fineder, Gerald Bast (eds.): Victor Papanek: Design for the real world. Instructions for a humane ecology and social change . Springer, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-78892-9 .
  • Gerald Bast, Doris Krüger, Walter Pardeller and Monika Pessler (eds.): Undisciplined - Undisciplined. The Phenomenon of Space in Art, Architecture and Design . Springer, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-09411-2 .
  • Roy Ascott, Gerald Bast, Wolfgang Fiel, Margarete Jahrmann , Ruth Schnell (Eds.): New Realities: Being Syncretic . IX th Consciousness Reframed Conference Vienna 2008. Springer, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-78890-5 .
  • Elisabeth Frottier, Gerald Bast (Ed.): WF Adlmüller Mode - Staging + Impulse . Edition Angewandte, Springer, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-89039-4 .
  • Gerald Bast (Ed.): Josip Kaiser - Segments . Edition Angewandte, Springer, Vienna a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-211-85751-9 .
  • Carl Aigner, Gerald Bast (ed.): Helga Philipp . Poetry of logic. Springer, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-211-99141-1 .
  • Gerald Bast, Florian Bettel and Barbara Hollendonner (Eds.): UNI * VERS . Young research in science and art. Springer, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-211-99284-5 .
  • Janet Ritterman, Gerald Bast, Jürgen Mittelstraß (Eds.): Art and Research - Can Artists Be Researchers? Springer, Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-7091-0752-2 .
  • Subjectivity, Volatility, Fuzziness, Imperfection - and the "Truth . In: Massimo Gasperini, Alessandro Melis (Ed.): Shining Dark Territories - 100 Thoughts of Architecture . Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2014, ISBN 978-3-7091-0752-2 .
  • Preparing a "Creative Revolution" - Arts and Universities of the Arts in the Creative Knowledge Economy , in: Carayannis, Elias G. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Springer New York, 2013
  • Fighting Creative Illiteracy, Creative Skills Constitute the New Cultural Techniques of 21st Century Innovation Societies , in: G. Bast, E. Carayannis, D. Campbell (Edts.), Art-Research-Innovation-Society; Springer New York, 2014

Web links

Commons : Gerald Bast  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Club Carriere . The encyclopedia of success. tape 3 . Algoprint-Verlag, Vaduz 2000, ISBN 3-9521669-3-6 , p. 244 .
  2. a b Rector Dr. Gerald Bast. Austrian University Conference , accessed on December 3, 2009 .
  3. a b c Curriculum Vitae Dr. Gerald Bast. University of Applied Arts Vienna , accessed on December 3, 2009 .
  4. Business division. (PDF; 211 kB) Federal Ministry of Science and Research , August 1, 2009, p. 9 , archived from the original on December 29, 2009 ; Retrieved December 3, 2009 .
  5. Uni-Reform: Implementation with obstacles. In: April 16, 2003, accessed December 4, 2009 .
  6. ^ University of Applied Arts Vienna: OTS0201: Applied: Acting Rector Gerald Bast re-elected. In: APA -OTS. December 18, 2006, accessed December 4, 2009 .
  7. Gerald Bast unanimously re-elected as rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna . OTS notification dated December 1, 2017, accessed December 1, 2017.
  8. Gerald Bast: Unigesetz, we follow you! (No longer available online.) In: Der Standard . November 9, 2002, archived from the original on March 5, 2016 ; Retrieved December 4, 2009 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Gerald Bast: Help, the Germans are coming! In: The Standard . October 29, 2009. Retrieved December 4, 2009 .
  10. Great Golden Decoration of Honor of the Republic to Rector Gerald Bast . OTS announcement of May 18, 2018, accessed May 18, 2018.