Gerard JM van den Aardweg

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Gerard JM van den Aardweg (* 1936 in Haarlem , often Gerard J. van den Aardweg ) is a Dutch psychologist and psychoanalyst who mainly deals with homosexuality .

life and work

Aardweg studied psychology at the University of Leiden from 1955 to 1961 and obtained a doctorate in philosophy in psychology from the University of Amsterdam in 1967 with a thesis on homosexuality and neuroses. He has been working as a psychotherapist with his own practice in Amsterdam since 1963, specializing in neopsychoanalysis and the treatment of homosexuality and marital problems. From 1965 to 1976 he treated prisoners for the Dutch Ministry of Justice.

He has lectured - mostly on the subject of homosexuality - at various universities in the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Germany. In 1977 he was visiting professor of psychotherapy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas in the state of São Paulo . From 1990 to 1994 he taught at the International Academic MEDO Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in the Augustinian Abbey of Rolduc in Kerkrade . He is employed as a lecturer at the Philosophical-Theological Institute in the diocese of Haarlem. He is a member of the scientific advisory board of NARTH and LEO - Gesellschaft für Lebensorientierung e. V. and on the panel of the new Empirical Journal of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior by Paul Cameron . He took part in various Exodus International conferences (California 1992; Germany, Holland, France), as well as in congresses and events of the right to life movement ( Human Life International in Holland 1995; Ireland 1997; Minneapolis 1997; Houston 1998; Austrian Bishops' Conference 1993; etc.) ). Gordon Urquhart counts him close to Opus Dei , in whose activities he participates across Europe.

Aardweg published numerous works and books on psychological and psychotherapeutic topics. His work The Drama of the Ordinary Homosexual is a popular work on homosexuality in conservative - especially conservative - Catholic and Evangelical - circles. The Ecumenical Working Group Homosexuals and Churches (HuK), which deals with the topic of homosexuality and the church in Germany, refers to the, in their opinion, incomplete list of literature on which its work is based. It is mostly ignored by the professional world.

From 1980 to 1990 he was part editor of the Dutch edition of the international Catholic diary Communio .

Aardweg is Roman Catholic , married, has seven children and lives in Aerdenhout . He is not the same as the radiologist Gerard JMJ van den Aardweg , who works in the UK , and Joost G. van den Aardweg , who works in the Department of Pulmonology at the University of Leiden .

Views on homosexuality and homosexual people

His book The Drama of Ordinary Homosexuals , published in 1985, is based on almost 20 years of work with around 200 "homosexual men" and 25 "lesbian women" [ sic ] from his psychological practice. He explicitly rejects the possible objection that he only knows a certain group of homosexuals and believes that his postulated self-pity mechanism would have been checked in many homosexuals, even those who do not want change. He is therefore “certain that this theory applies to every type of homosexual person, regardless of their sociological or psychological background”. He also rejects the possible objection that this is a consequence of social discrimination, however real it may be. His book Self-Therapy for Homosexuality , published in 1996, is based on working with 300 homosexual men.

His theories are a continuation of the work of the Dutch psychiatrist Johan Leonard Arndt and his teacher Wilhelm Stekel and Alfred Adlers . They also incorporate observations and many theoretical concepts from Marcel Eck (1966), E. Bergler (1957), Charles Socarides (1968), and LJ Hatterer (1970).

Contrary to the opinion of leading experts and organizations, Aardweg has been of the opinion since the beginning of his work in the 1960s that homosexual people suffer from "neurotic self-pity" and that homosexual feelings are an expression of this self-pity rooted in childhood. Homosexuals do not cultivate this self-pity willingly or consciously, but out of compulsion - against their will. He is aware that the self-accepting victims do not like to hear this, and he sees them as bitter opponents of any attempt at "objective analysis and critical self-investigation". In his opinion, homosexuals who seek alternative advice will not necessarily be offended by their views and will find support “at every level of (self-) knowledge”. He sees the dissemination of his theory and the dismantling of “traditional and modern prejudices” as a contribution to a “responsible and balanced attitude of the public towards the phenomenon of homosexuality and homosexual people” and is of the opinion that they feel like good parents towards you difficult child should behave. For him, homosexuality is a pathological condition and a somewhat misleading term because it is the most prominent symptom of a neurosis. For Aardweg, the similarities to other neurotics such as anxiety neurotics, neurotically depressive, obsessive-compulsive neurotics and others are much greater than the differences and the public should behave accordingly. But not all of the homosexual's emotions are sick. He differentiates between the "normal, adult part of the personality" and the "infantile ego". In his opinion, the homosexual person has a dual personality.

In contrast to other therapists, he does not focus on external behavior, but on feelings. So he thinks the term homophilia is more apt, but bowed to the widespread use of the term homosexuality. He also sees an advantage in avoiding what, in his opinion, is unsightly use of the noun homophile instead of homosexual . By focusing on feelings, he also believes that "not all sexual contact or manipulation with members of the same sex in the true sense of the word has to be homosexual in nature," such as masturbation among boys or ritual sexual contacts in non-Western cultures. He defines “homosexual” as a tendency towards members of the same sex with a simultaneous reduction in erotic interest in the opposite sex. He also differentiates between "transient (temporary) homosexuality", especially during puberty as a stage of development towards "full-fledged and psychologically mature" heterosexuality, and "chronic homosexuality". Young people, for whom homosexuality is one of the many ways of obtaining sexual satisfaction, are, in his view, confused by propaganda. In his view, there is also the mild form of a temporary "real homosexuality", and his theory also applies to the slightest cases of homosexual desires, if it leads to a decrease in heterosexual interest. He does not consider a distinction between core and marginal homosexuality to be sensible, since he recognizes the diversity of homosexual people in their desires and behavior, be it sexual or optical, and considers it impossible to define which is the untreatable core homosexual. He includes the concept of latent homosexuality in his definition of homosexuality, which is not directly unconscious, but in which one does not recognize the meaning of homoerotic interests for a long time, since it is about feelings. In his opinion, bisexuals always have a weak heterosexual tendency. For him, homosexual people with more or less pronounced, rudimentary or immature heterosexual traits and in the majority on the Kinsey scale under “exclusively homosexual” are to be classified. In his opinion, the few men and women with homosexual inclinations who can also feel strong heterosexual feelings could never do so at the same time, but only in alternating phases and even there, on closer inspection, the heterosexuality turns out to be weakened and not very permanent. The theory that every human being has an innate bisexual disposition that develops according to certain cultural factors is completely wrong, as is the theory of a third sex . In his opinion, the development of erotic desires is “inevitably directed towards the opposite sex, so that a psychologically and biologically mature person will only have heterosexual interests”. He recognizes the biological principle of finality. Since nature does not produce different variants of a species that have no meaning and no chance of survival, for him all sexual behavior deviating from the norm is to be regarded as a degeneration of the healthy norm or an expression of normal individuals who suffered in some form from a disease or disorder. For him, “luckily” homosexuality turns out not to be the result of degeneration, but rather a functional disorder in a fundamentally normal individual.

In the animal world, homosexual behavior must be explained for him as a function of other than sexual instincts alone, and he cites the examples of social dominance or neutralization of aggression according to DJ West (1960) and Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1970). He believes that in the animal world one does not encounter homosexuality, i.e. an erotic preference for same-sex partners, which is accompanied by a considerable decrease in interest in the opposite sex. These views about the animal world have now been refuted many times.

Homosexuals, in his view, are more of the "soft egg" than the super-masculine bodybuilder, and the film Brokeback Mountain is an unreal propaganda that confuses society even more, dampens the "healthy aversion to practiced homosexuality" and makes it more difficult to oppose To take a stand on homosexuality without being socially isolated. Films like this get awards mainly because of the subject, no matter how well they are crafted.

Since, in his opinion, homosexuality is a neurotic disorder and has no biological basis, homosexuals should not be given the same rights, as this does not help them.

“Instead of working to eliminate the disorder, you reinforce their personality defect. […] In my opinion, the most urgent task is to publicly expose the untruths and untenable claims of the homosexual movement and to inform them about the true background of homosexuality. "

- Aardweg : in an interview in January 2006


Homosexual and heterosexual authors cannot understand his explicitly general descriptions of homosexual people in their experience.

"Even if corresponding therapeutic observations are not to be completely denied, based on experience, they do not simply affect all homosexuals, especially not those who have lived in stable and happy relationships for years."

- Valeria Hinck : Disputes about love, 2003

After reading the book The Drama of the Ordinary Homosexual, others are of the opinion that

“Mr. Aardweg is not only consistently insulting, insulting and discriminatory against homosexuals, but is also incompetent and alien to life when it comes to homosexuality. [...] What negative things happen to heterosexual people on a daily basis, Mr. A. fades out and focuses on what negative things happen in the sexual field, naturally on homos and of course only imputes it to them, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality itself Has. […] What would not be questioned as a normal, healthy reaction in heterosexuals, is completely natural for Gays and automatically neurotic. [...] As a gay person, I hardly feel addressed anywhere and can hardly find myself anywhere. And I know enough gays that I'm sure they see it that way. "

- Walter Conzelmann : Quotes from the book with notes

Homosexual associations, such as the LSVD , condemn his examples in the therapy recommendations for hyperdramatization ( provocative therapy ) against the child's self-pity ( inner child ) that is inherent in every homosexual according to Aardweg , about which one should ultimately laugh. Once this is achieved, it should be an "immediate antidote" against neurotic complaints and compulsions.


  • (“Heymans” factors in children) , Ned Tijdschr Psychol., 1961; 16; Pp. 292-301
  • (Auto-psychodrama. Theory and therapy of neuroses by the JL Arndt method) , Ned Tijdschr Psychol., 1962; 17; Pp. 561-584
  • Autopsychodrama: Theory and Therapy of Neurosis according to JL Arndt , Am J Psychother, April 1964; 18; Pp. 259-71
  • Homofilie, neurose en dwangzelfbeklag: a psychological theory about homofilie, toegelicht met an analysis van leven en werk van André Gide , Polak en Van Gennep, 1967
  • Mannelijke homosexualiteit en psychological tests (Male homosexuality and psychological tests) , Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, January / February 1964, 19, pp. 79–96
    English: Male Homosexuality and Psychological Tests , International Mental Health Research Newsletter, New York 1969, 11, pp. 7-11
  • De neurose van Couperus ( The Neurosis of Couperus ), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, May 1965, 20, pp. 293-307
  • Homofilie en klachtenlijsten: een overzicht van de Gegevens ( Homophilia and Lists of Complaints: A Review of the Evidence ), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 1967, 22, pp. 687-695
  • Homofilie, neurose en dwangzelfbeklag ( Homophilia, Neurosis and the Compulsion to Complain ), Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1967
  • Dissertation: Homofilie, neurose en dwangzelfbeklag , Polak en Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1967
  • Homofilie en dwangzelfbeklag. Opmerkingen over twee critieken , Maandblad Geestelijke volksgezondheid No. 23, 1968, 1, pp. 28-29
  • A Grief Theory of Homosexuality , American Journal of Psychotherapy, January 1972, 26, pp. 52-68
  • Homossexuais masculinos em tratamento (Male homosexuality in treatment), Boletim de Psicologia, São Paulo 1972, 24, pp. 155-171
  • De factor “complaints”, neurose en homofilie ( The Factor “Complaining Sickness”, Neurosis, and Homophilia ), Psychologica Belgica, 1973, 13, pp. 295-311
  • Neurotic Self-Pity (1978)
  • Homofiele pressie op het NIP , De Psycholoog 16, 1981, 11, pp. 774-776
  • J. Bonda: Een netelig vraagwtuk: Homofilie, geloof en psychologie ( A Thorny Problem? Homophilia, Faith, and Psychology ), Callenbach, Nijkerk 1981
  • Opvoeden tot jongen, opvoeden tot meisje ( Educate to boy, educate to little girl ), Klub Lariks, Amsterdam 1983
  • Une réhabilitation psychologique: Jeanne d'Arc , Revue Catholique Internationale, 1983, vol. 8, no1, Communio Paris, pp. 80-91
  • Married and Children (Dutch), 1984
  • Parents of Homosexuals: Not Guilty? Interpretation of Childhood Psychological Data , American Journal of Psychotherapy 38 (2), April 1984, pp. 180-189
  • Gaardheid of Scheefgroei? ( Inherentness or Stunted Growth? ), Tabor, Bruges 1984
  • The Common Homosexual Drama: Analysis & Analysis Therapy (translated by Ingrid Elgert), Hänssler, Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1985, further editions: 1992, 1995, ISBN 3-7751-0983-8
    International title: Homosexuality as a disease of self-pity
  • Omosessualità e speranza, terapia e guarigione nell'esperienza di uno psicologo , Edizioni Ares, Milan 1985, 1995, 1999 ISBN 88-8155-005-9
    International: Homosexuality and hope (a psychologist talks about treatment and change) , Servant Pubns, 1985 , ISBN 0-89283-265-7
  • On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Reinterpretation - A Psychoanalytic Approach , Greenwood Press, 1985, ISBN 0-275-90233-1
  • Male Homosexuality and the Neuroticism Factor: An Analysis of Research Outcome , Dynamic Psychotherapy, 1985, 3, ISSN  0736-508X , pp. 79-87
  • Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change , Servant Pubns, 1985, ISBN 0-89283-265-7
  • Getrouwd en kinderen in deze jaren tachtig: christelijk-psychologische Beschouwingen over huwelijk en opvoeding , Tabor, Brugge 1986
  • Geaardheid of scheefgroei ?: een psychologische kijk op homofilie , Tabor, Brugge 1987
  • Fatima, 1917. De greatest 'paranormal' Gebeurtenis uit de modern Geschiedenis , Tabor, Bruges 1988, new edition 1997
  • Educational goal happiness: moral education from a psychological point of view , Adamas-Verlag, Cologne 1989, ISBN 3-925746-37-4
  • with Bruno Hamann, Johannes B. Torelló, Gabriele Plettenberg and Fördergemeinschaft f. Independent schools e. V. as editor: Personal Education , Adamas-Verlag, Cologne 1990, ISBN 3-925746-40-4
  • with WGM Witkam: Achterhaald atheïsme: natuurwetenschappen, psychologie en het Godsbestaan , Colomba, Oegstgeest 1992
  • Contribution in: Roland Werner (Ed.): Homosexualität und Seelsorge , Brendow, Moers 1993
  • L'omosessualità si può curare? P. 43, Omosessualità: verso la liberazione , p. 810, both in: Studi Cattolici , anno XXXVII (= vol. 37), No. 394, December 1993
  • Obsolete Atheism (Dutch), 1994
  • "Matrimonio" omosessuale & affidamento a omosessuali , in: Studi cattolici , 449/50 (1998), pp. 499-507
  • Un motivato NO al “matrimonio omosessuale” , Studi cattolici, n. 517 (2004), pp. 164-186
  • La terapia riparativa dell'omosessualità - Colloquio con Gerard JM van den Aardweg a cura di Roberto Marchesini, Studi Cattolici, 535 September 2005, pp. 616-622
  • with Joachim Meisner and Georg Kamphausen: Pastoral care at the beginning ?. Perspectives on the New Evangelization , ISBN 3-88096-874-8

Web links

Individual evidence

The Common Homosexual Drama: Analysis & Analysis therapy
(Translated by Ingrid Elgert), Hänssler, Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1985, ISBN 3-7751-0983-8 .
  1. p. 34
  2. p. 30
  3. p. 31
  4. p. 34
  5. pp. 27-31
  6. a b pp. 37-47
  7. p. 61
  8. p. 426
  1. Bisdom van Haarlem: Studiegids 2006–2007
  2. leo-ev-names: LEO e. V. - People go with you - The Scientific Advisory Board , call: November 16, 2007
  3. ^ Gordon Urquhart: Opus Dei: The Pope's Right Arm in Europe (Eng .: In the name of the Pope ), Catholics for a Free Choice
  4. HuK: Literature list on the topic of "Homosexuality and the Church" ( Memento from June 27, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), as of 1998
  5. so z. B. Reports collected by Bruce Bagemihl: Biological Exuberance: animal homosexuality and natural diversity , St. Martin's Press, New York 1999, ISBN 0-312-19239-8 , see also Homosexual behavior among animals
  6. a b Idea: Homosexuals - between 'wimp' and 'tough man' ,, January 28, 2006
  7. Valeria Hinck: Dispute Love - Biblical Pleading Against the Exclusion of Homosexual People - Chapter: The Role of the Creation Order ( Memento of July 23, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 95 kB), Claudius Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-532-62293 -9
  8. Walter Conzelmann: Quotes from the book "The Drama of Ordinary Homosexuals" with comments by Walter Conzelmann ( Memento from October 11, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 199 kB), Initiative, StuRa TU-Chemnitz, Version: October 8, 2007
  9. Press release: LSVD Saxony: With a "bottle of hydrogen cyanide" against homosexuality?, October 17, 2007, archived from the original on March 31, 2013 ; Retrieved July 20, 2013 .
  10. Walter Conzelmann: A few comments on the extraordinary drama of the utterly unusual Dr. Aardweg and its book, which discriminates gays and lesbians in an vulgar way: "The drama of ordinary homosexuals". ( Memento from October 11, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 44 kB), Initiative, StuRa TU-Chemnitz, Version: 8. October 2007