Gholam Sehhati-Chafai

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Gholam Sehhati-Chafai (born  July 22, 1937 in Tabriz ; † April 17, 2019 ) was a German-Iranian anesthetist , intensive care physician and pain therapist .



Gholam Sehhati-Chafai was born in Tabriz as the eldest child of a very traditional Persian family of doctors who had been and is active in the medical profession for over 400 years. His grandfather was given the honorary title of Chafai (the healer) by Nāser ad-Din Shah after he treated the population as one of three doctors during a major cholera epidemic in Tabriz, when many doctors had already fled the city. His father was an internist and pediatrician who mainly treated patients with leprosy , cholera and tuberculosis in Tabriz , whose house is now home to the Moharam Museum , which is unique of its kind in Azerbaijan and Iran .

In 1957 he came to Germany to be medical school to start. He studied at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz , Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf , where he passed the medical state examination in 1966. His studies in dentistry and psychology, which he had started at the same time, had to give up due to a serious car accident in 1959. He received his doctorate in 1972 from the University of Mainz under Rudolf Frey , where he successfully completed his specialist training in anesthesiology and intensive therapy in 1974 , as well as his habilitation in 1977. With Rudolf Frey he then became senior physician and finally deputy director. In this role, he helped set up Germany's first pain clinic. After the death of Rudolf Frey, in memory of his great achievements, he created the Rudolf Frey Prize , which is awarded once a year for special achievements in the fields of anesthesia, intensive care medicine, pain therapy and emergency medicine. Many well-known scientists have been honored to this day, including his fellow student Madjid Samii .

His clinical achievements were followed by a number of research stays in the USA , for example in Houston , Dallas and Birmingham . During these research stays, he was able to write his habilitation thesis in 1977 , with the help of which he received the venia legendi for the subjects of anesthesiology, intensive care medicine and pain therapy and the subsequent appointment as professor. At the time, it was the first Iranian anesthetist in the position of a university professor for his subject .

In 1980 he took over the management of the department for anesthesiology, intensive therapy at the Red Cross Hospital Bremen , which was later officially renamed the Clinic for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy due to its special achievements in the field of pain therapy , because he was founded in Bremen based on the model of the Mainz-based company University Clinic, the first pain clinic in northern Germany, which quickly developed into the largest pain center in all of northern Germany and, under his leadership, had up to 26 beds for fully inpatient and outpatient pain therapy cases. He founded further pain centers in Tehran in 1985 and in 1987 in his hometown of Tabriz .

Until his age-related retirement in 2002 he worked in Bremen, but since the founding of the International Neuroscience Institute Hannover (INI) in 2001 he built up the pain center there. Since the International Neuroscience Institute has been an affiliated institute of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg , he has been a member of the teaching staff at the University of Magdeburg as director of the pain center at INI.

He was also president and founder of several non-profit organizations; In addition to his commitment to the German Pain Relief, this includes the establishment of the Aid for Drug Dependent Pain Sufferers (HIMS) . He was a member of numerous professional associations, pain societies and international institutions for anesthesiology, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine and pain therapy. He was also a corresponding member of various specialist journals.

In the book Thousand Best Doctors published by Focus magazine , he was mentioned as one of the ten best pain therapists in Germany.

Professional focus

Sehhati-Chafai's professional focuses are:

Focus on pain therapy

Chronic pain and the like a.


Sehhati-Chafai had been married since 1960 and had a daughter and a son. His daughter has followed him in the family tradition and has successfully studied medicine and dentistry with a doctorate and qualified as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

He mastered the Azerbaijani , Turkish , Persian ( Fārsī ), Arabic , German , English and Latin languages.


  • Comparative studies on the behavior of the acid-base balance and blood gases after prostatectomy under general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia (dissertation), 1972
  • On the problem of aspiration during anesthesia from the series Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin Volume 115, 1979, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-09162-9
  • ABC of life-saving emergency measures and first aid 1980, Gustav Fischer Verlag, ISBN 3-437-00320-8
  • Pain Diagnosis and Therapy Volume I in Memoriam Prof. Frey, 1982, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, ISBN 3-924517-06-1
  • Pain Diagnosis and Therapy Volume II Cancer Pain, Facial Pain, 1985, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, ISBN 3-924517-10-X
  • Pain Diagnosis and Therapy Volume III Low Back Pain (Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Therapy), 1988, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, ISBN 3-924517-11-8
  • The headache (pathophysiology, diagnostics, therapy), 1991, Medizinisch Literäre Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-88136-145-6
  • Practice of Anest theology and Intensive Care Medicine Volume I Fiber-Bronchoscopy, 1988, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, ISBN 3-924517-16-9
  • Pain therapy without medication , 1994

He has contributed to 33 book reviews, 41 book publications and 12 educational films. He also organized 11 international congresses on pain diagnosis and therapy (held every two years in Bremen). These congresses were held with over 1,000 international, active pain specialists. At the end of the congress, a patient forum was set up in Germany for the first time since 1981, at which the speakers inform lay people and those affected about the current state of science and therapy methods.