Gotthard Johann Graf Manteuffel

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Gotthard Johann Graf Manteuffel, portrait by George Dawe around 1825

Gotthard Johann von Manteuffel (born June 10, jul. / 21st June  1771 greg. In Metzküll , Livonia , † October 20 jul. / 1. November  1813 greg. In diving ), Count Ivan Vasilyevich Manteyfeldt or Mantejfel ( russian Иван Васильевич Мантейфель), was a Russian major general and commander of the St. Petersburg Dragoons Regiment .


Manteuffel came from the Estonian or Livonian branch of the Baltic noble family Zoege or Zoege von Manteuffel (also: Counts of Manteuffel ).

At the age of twelve (since August 16, 1783) Manteuffel was already a sergeant in the Preobraž. Regiment . The following year, from September 24, 1784, he served as sergeant in the Russian bodyguard on horseback , from 1791 with the rank of cornet . In 1787 Manteuffel stayed in Leipzig to study and was given leave of absence.

After his father died, the second lieutenant returned to the military: first major in the line cavalry in 1794 , since March 20, 1797 with the Saint Petersburg Grenadier Regiment and on October 26, 1797 with the Isjum Hussar Regiment , where he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1798 and in 1799 to colonel . In 1803, Colonel Manteuffel served in Cesarevic's Uhlan Regiment .

For his special courage and bravery in the Battle of Austerlitz , Manteuffel was awarded the Russian Order of St. George (4th grade) in 1806. On May 24, 1807 he was promoted to major general after Manteuffel had already been chief of the Saint Petersburg Dragoons Regiment at the beginning of 1807. On May 20, 1808, he was again awarded the Order of Saint George (3rd class) for his special service against French troops in the 1807 campaign .

Katharinenkirche zu Seegeritz . From here Manteuffel overlooked a large part of the area and directed his Cossack unit in the Battle of the Nations.

With the rank of major general Manteuffel also served for Russia in the Russo-Turkish War .


Rectory in Taucha: here Manteuffel died of his injury
Manteuffel's grave monument in Taucha before restoration

In 1813 Count Manteuffel fought with his Cossack Brigade in the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig ; on October 17th he stayed at the church in Seegeritz , where he also stayed the night. Manteuffel later succumbed to his wound, which he suffered in the afternoon of October 18, 1813 in the area around Paunsdorf . After being injured by a cannonball in his abdomen, his adjutant, a Cossack officer, first came to Taucha late in the evening on October 18th. He had to prepare a suitable resting place for the general. In the early morning of October 19, his companions took him to a hospital in Taucha; there in the rectory he finally died the next day.

At the cemetery in Taucha , where Manteuffel was buried on October 21, his widow dedicated a monumental tomb to him , consisting of a white marble stone, written in two languages, under a canopy on partially gilded white columns. His burial took place with a loud bell ringing. The preacher, school teacher and citizen from Taucha went on a funeral march from the rectory to the morgue behind the church. Manteuffel was laid out here in his uniform in the mornings. Eight Cossack NCOs then carried his coffin to the grave, followed by the Cossack officers.



Property in Polivanovo near Moscow

Gotthard Johann was the son of Ludwig Wilhelm Graf Manteuffel adH Bersohn († 1793), Russian major, Livonian district administrator on Metsküla mõis (manor of the former municipality of Metzküll in Wolmarschen district , today Lode in the district of Rūjiena , district of Valmiera ), real state councilor , and the Juliane Eleonore Countess Münnich .

Manteuffel married Katharina Zalesska . There were two daughters from this marriage:


  • Johann G. Guth: History of the city of Taucha from the time of its foundation to the year 1813: after d. Sources and testimonials from recognized source writers. 1866.
  • Andreas Platthaus: 1813: The Battle of Nations and the end of the old world. Rowohlt, 2013.
  • Emil Wilhelm Robert Naumann: The Battle of Nations near Leipzig. Along with news from contemporaries and eyewitnesses about the same, etc. 1863.
  • Johann Sporschil: History of the Battle of Nations near Leipzig. 1841.
  • August Wilhelm Hupel : Nordic Miscellanees . Volumes 15-17, 1788, p. 310
  • Hermann August Ludwig Degener, Walter Habel: German Who's who. Volume 2, 1906, p. 1203
  • Heinrich von Hagemeister : Materials for a history of the country estates of Livonia. Volume 1, 1836, p. 127

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