Great Expectations (2011)

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German title Great expectations
Original title Great Expectations
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Publishing year 2011
length (BluRay version) 180 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Brian Kirk
script Sarah Phelps
production George Ormond
music Martin Phipps
camera Florian Hoffmeister
cut Guy Bensley ,
Victoria Boydell

Great Expectations is a three-part television series of the British television channel BBC from 2011, after the novel by Charles Dickens .


Part 1

At the beginning of the 19th century in the English marshland : The nine-year-old orphan boy Pip has a difficult life. His much older sister, with whom he grew up, treated him like servants. The visits to the wealthy Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella are a small ray of hope. Pip is supposed to serve the girl as a partner. When Pip grew up and had almost finished his training as a blacksmith, a notary offered him a small fortune on the condition that he would lead a decent life in London. He should only know the name of the testator when he is of legal age. Pip agrees and travels to the capital.

Part 2

Pip receives private tuition and turns into a genteel gentleman who is ashamed of his origins and leads a lavish luxury life. Miss Havisham is now sending the adult Estella to London to strengthen the connection with Pip. Every encounter with Estella builds Pip's affection. He is in love. Estella and Pip now enjoy the comforts of life in high society together.

When his coming of age is imminent, a mysterious man appears in his room. He's the one who made him prosperous - Abel Magwitch, an escaped convict whom Pip did a favor as a young boy.

part 3

Pip does not want to have anything to do with his benefactor, as he firmly believed that Miss Havisham was the good soul who did all this for him. Miss Havisham, meanwhile, wed Estella to Pip's adversary Bentley Drummle, a raw, uncouth villain. In revenge, Estella breaks off contact with her foster mother. This breaks Miss Havisham's heart - she puts an end to her life.

Pip is now looking for contact with Magwitch. He now finally has the opportunity to tell details from his past. Pip learns that Magwitch's criminal acts were in no way the result of base motives. He still has a score to go with a certain Compeyson. This approached Magwitch's wife Molly. When she rejected him, he had her locked up. The Magwitch couple's child died at home because they were not cared for.

Magwitch is discovered in the course of his further escape and injured so badly that he dies before his execution. Shortly before his death, Pip can tell him that his daughter did not die as expected, but grew up as Estella in Miss Havisham's house. Pip works as a judicial officer according to his training and returns to Estella, who is now widowed.




Harry Lloyd, who plays the role of Herbert Pocket, is a fifth generation descendant of Charles Dickens.



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Individual evidence
