Gustav Morgenstern

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Gustav Morgenstern (born October 4, 1867 in Pausa ; died 1947 in Leipzig ) was a German Scandinavian scholar , journalist and translator .


Gustav Morgenstern was the son of a pharmacist. He attended the Royal High School in Leipzig. He studied philology at the University of Leipzig and received his doctorate there in 1890 with Oddr Fagrskinna Snorre. Contributions to the Old Norse literary history for Dr. phil.

Gustav Morgenstern was a theater critic for the Munich Post and, in 1896, successor to Edgar Steiger as the features editor of the Leipziger Volkszeitung (LVZ). He only stayed a year and moved to the Saxon Workers' Newspaper in Dresden . After the death of Bruno Schönlank , he became the features editor of the LVZ again.

Rosa Luxemburg judged Morgenstern in a letter: “If you only knew what this Dr. Morgenstern in private traffic for a stale, dry guy! But I would like his psychological acumen from the creator of the German essay ”.

From August 1918 he headed the feature section of the Free Press . From the summer semester of 1918 to the winter semester of 1922/23 he worked as a lecturer at the Institute for Newspaper Studies at Leipzig University and taught the subject of feature pages . After 1922 he worked as administrator of the municipal public libraries in Leipzig.

Gustav Morgenstern published numerous translations from Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, including works by Henrik Ibsen .

He died in Leipzig in 1947 as a librarian .


  • Oddr Fagrskinna Snorre. Contributions to Old Norse literary history . Emil Gräfe, Leipzig 1890. (At the same time Leipzig, Univ., Diss., 1890) Digitized
  • Henrik Ibsen: Supporting Society. Play in four acts . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1890. (= Meyers Volksbücher )
  • Henrik Ibsen: The wild duck . Play in five acts . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1891. (= Meyers Volksbücher Volume 770/771)
  • Henrik Ibsen: An enemy of the people . Acting in five acts . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1891. (= Meyers Volksbücher Volume 918/919)
  • Henrik Ibsen: Ghosts . A family drama in 3 acts . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1893 ( Meyers Volksbücher Volume 945/946)
  • Arnamagnaean fragments . (Cod. AM. 655 4to III-VIII, 238 fol. II, 921 4to IV 1. 2). A supplement to the Heilagra Manna Sögur . According to the manuscripts. ed. by Gustav Morgenstern. Emil Graefe, Leipzig 1893.
  • Gunnar Heiberg : The big lot. Play in five acts . The only authorized German edition by Gustav Morgenstern that has been reviewed by the author. Emil Graefe, Leipzig 1896.
  • Hans Aanrud : The stork. Comedy in 3 acts . The only authorized German edition by Gustav Morgenstern that has been reviewed by the author. Emil Graefe, Leipzig 1896.
  • A chapter from Hans Jäger's Christianibohême . Translated and introduced by Gustav Morgenstern. In: Zürcher Diskußjonen , Zurich 1897, No. 2, pp. 1–7.
  • Karl August Tavaststjerna : Little Karl . Gustav Bondi, Leipzig 1898. (= Scandinavian Library Volume 2)
  • Gustaf Geijerstam : Ivar Lyth. The story of an unfortunate man. Novel . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Georg Bondi, Berlin, 1898. (= Scandinavian Library Volume 3)
  • Ed .: The hut. Magazine for the people and their youth . Hermann Wallfisch, Dresden 1902/1903.
  • Leipzig theater emergency . Haupt & Hammon, Leipzig 1910.
  • Karl Ewald's selected fairy tales . 4th edition, Verlag der Leipziger Buchdruckerei, Leipzig 1911.
  • Bernhard Kahle : Henrik Ibsen, Björnstjerne Björnson and their contemporaries . Preface by Gustav Morgenstern. 2nd edition, BG Teubner Leipzig, Berlin 1913 (= From Nature and Spiritual World . Volume 193)
  • Johan Skjoldborg : The new gender. Novel . Translated from Danish by Gustav Morgenstern. Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1919.
  • Martin Andersen Nexö : The people on Dangaard. Drama in 3 acts . Translation from Danish. Albert Langen, Munich 1919.
  • Pictures and stories . Philipp Reclam jun., Leipzig 1921 (= Reclams Universal Library No. 6226)
  • Birger Sjöberg : The blown up quartet. Novel . The only authorized German edition by Gustav Morgenstern that has been reviewed by the author. Grethlein & Co., Leipzig and Zurich 1925.
  • Johannes Anker Larsen : The Garden of Paradise. Two Sunday stories . German by Gustav Morgenstern. Grethlein & Co., Leipzig 1927.
  • Nordahl Grieg : And the ship goes on. Novel . Only authorized translation from Norwegian by Gustav Morgenstern. Grethlein & Co., Leipzig 1927.
  • Gerhard Gran : Henrik Ibsen. The man and his work . Translated from the Norwegian by Gustav Morgenstern. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1928.
  • Carl Gustav Grimberg ; World history. Life and culture of the peoples . Edit for Germany by Fritz Eberhardt. Transferred by Gustav Morgenstern. 3 volumes. Voigtlander, Leipzig 1929–1930.
  • Fredrik Böök : Summer spook . Novel . From the Swedish by Gustav Morgenstern. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1938.
  • Johannes Buchholtz : Good, small town. Novel . Translated from the Danish by Gustav Morgenstern. JG Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachhaben, Stuttgart 1939.
  • Johannes Buchholtz: Dr. Malthe's house. Novel . Translated from the Danish by Gustav Morgenstern. JG Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Successor, Stuttgart 1940.



  • Obituary in the Leipziger Volkszeitung, 1947, No. 59, p. 2.
  • Chronicle of the royal German seminary at the University of Leipzig 1873 - 1898. Commemorative publication to celebrate its 25th anniversary . Vollrath, Leipzig 1898, p. 25.
  • Morgenstern, Gustav . In: Hermann Hillger (Hrsg.): Kürschner's German Litteratur-Kaldender on the year 1903 . Göschen, Leipzig 1903, p. 922. Digitized
  • Gustav Morgenstern . In: Franz Osterroth : Biographical Lexicon of Socialism . Volume I. Dying Personalities . JHW Dietz Nachf., Hannover 1960, pp. 223-224.
  • Jürgen Schlimper: Practitioner at the university. To include practically active journalists in the training company of the Leipzig Institute for Newspaper Studies . In: Munich contributions to communication science . No. 7, June 2007. Digitized
  • Matthias John (Ed.): Selected letters from leading social democrats to Konrad Haenisch and his letters to third parties . trafo verlag, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-89626-410-9 , p. 43 ff. Table of contents


  1. ^ Royal High School in Leipzig 1883/1884 .
  2. ^ Franz Osterroth.
  3. ^ Rosa Luxemburg to Hans Diefenbach. April 16, 1917. ( Rosa Luxemburg. Writings on art and literature . Verlag der Kunst. Dresden 1972, p. 163.)
  4. Jürgen Schlimper, p. 33.
  5. Jürgen Schlimper, p. 29 f.
  6. April 1902 issue 1 to March 1903 issue 24.
  7. ^ Dieter Fricke : The German labor movement 1869-1914. A manual about their organization and activity in the class struggle . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1976, p. 433.