Good friends (game)

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Good friends
Game data
author Alex Randolph
graphic Hannelore Wernhard
publishing company Selecta Toys AG , Three Magician Games
Publishing year 1988
Art Child's play
Teammates 2 to 4
Duration 20 minutes
Age from 5 years


Good friends is a breeze from American game designer Alex Randolph . The game for two to four players, ages five and up, lasts around 20 minutes per round. It was published by Selecta Toys AG in 1988 and won the special children's game prize as part of the game of the year the following year . In 2005 it was reissued by Drei Magier Spiele .

Theme and equipment

The game is thematically based on the fairy tale The Frog Prince . In the role of frogs, the other players try to fish as many treasures as possible out of a pond in order to impress the princess.

In addition to the instructions, the contents of the game box consist of 12 water lilies, four frogs, four special dice with 0 to 2 eyes, 60 coins in two different colors (gold, silver) and seven stones as well as a cloth bag. The frogs and the water lilies are made of wood, the coins and stones are colored wooden discs.

Style of play

At the beginning of the game the water lilies are arranged in a circle. Depending on the number of players, coins and stones are filled into the cloth bag and mixed up. Then each player is drawn a frog figure and these are placed one after the other on adjacent water lily fields in a fixed order. One die is also required for each character.

The player with the frog in the last position pulls three discs out of the bag and places them on the water lily field behind his pawn. If a stone is drawn, it is placed on the edge of the playing area and another coin is drawn. The player with the first frog throws his die and moves his figure forward according to the throw. Then the other players follow and each use one more die than their predecessor. If a frog lands on an occupied space, your own frog is placed behind the existing ones on the same sheet and both players can each pull a coin out of the sack as friends. Whenever a stone is drawn, it comes to the edge of the playing area and the player who draws must give up a gold coin from his own supply.

If a player lands on the field with the coins, he may take them. Then the player who is currently at the back pulls three new discs out of the bag and places them on the next lily pad behind his figure. If there are less than six coins left in the bag, they are all placed on the lily pad.

The game ends when all coins have been awarded. The players count their coins, with each gold coin being worth three silver coins. The player with the highest value wins the game.

Expenses and reception

The game Gute Freunde was developed by Alex Randolph and was released in 1988 by Selecta Toys AG . In 2005 it was reissued at Drei Magier Spiele in a new design.

In 1989 it was awarded the very first Children's Game Special Prize as part of the Game of the Year . The jury justified the award as follows:

“It is no coincidence that the GUTE FRIENDS game from Selecta won the special children's game award, which was first awarded in 1989. Because year after year, this publisher impresses with particularly beautiful and lovingly designed games for children of preschool age and for school beginners. (...) However, everyone won long ago: the children in the joy they experience every time they shake hands to say “good friends”; the parents in the knowledge that they have given their children something really worth playing. "

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e game description , review on; accessed on December 24, 2019
  2. Versions of Gute Freunde in the board game database BoardGameGeek (English); accessed on December 24, 2019
  3. Good friends on the jury 's website for Children's Game of the Year ; accessed on December 24, 2019

Web links