Hans-Achim Roll

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Hans-Achim Roll (born July 7, 1942 in Danzig ) is a German ministerial official.


Roll attended schools in Lübeck and Midland (Michigan) . After graduating from the Johanneum in Lübeck on February 21, 1962, he studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg . He was reciprocated in the Corps Rhenania-Strasbourg in Marburg in 1962 and distinguished himself as a senior . When he was inactive , he moved to the University of Lausanne and the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . He passed the trainee examination on November 28, 1966 and the assessor examination on March 9, 1972. On June 26, 1972, he was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD. For six years, from April 5, 1972 to August 16, 1978, he was a research assistant to Hans Hattenhauer at the chair for legal history and civil law at the University of Kiel.


He was then transferred to the administration of the German Bundestag in Bonn, where he held various functions in the academic service and in the parliamentary services department. Among other things, he was secretary of the council of elders and head of the parliamentary law department. From August 29, 1989 he was on leave of absence from the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag as head of the parliamentary group office (parliamentary group administration). Among other things, he was responsible for personnel, organization and budget of the group and the procedural preparation of the plenary sessions. On October 1, 1992, he was transferred to the Federal Chancellery (Bonn) . As Ministerial Director and Head of Department 1 (Central Department, Interior and Law), he was responsible for the administration of the Federal Chancellery and personnel matters of the Federal Government, for the task planning of the Federal Government and the federal / state relationship, for coordinating the work of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice, informing the Federal Chancellor and preparing policy decisions by the Federal Chancellor, cabinet decisions and coalition decisions in the field of domestic and legal policy. An additional function was the planning of the new Federal Chancellery in Berlin . After the 1998 Bundestag election and the change of government, he was transferred to temporary retirement on November 2, 1998 .


At the beginning of 2000, Hans-Achim Roll was accused by the then head of the Federal Chancellery, State Secretary Frank-Walter Steinmeier , of illegally deleting data and destroying files in the so-called "Federal Deletion Days" before the change of government. The process was dealt with several times in the German Bundestag, including in small questions and a current hour . After the public prosecutor finally closed the proceedings against Hans-Achim Roll on October 2, 2003 for lack of a criminally relevant offense, Federal Minister Thomas de Maizière, as head of the Federal Chancellery, declared on December 4, 2006 that all allegations were and are unfounded and that Hans -Achim Roll "be fully rehabilitated".


He established himself as a lawyer in the area of ​​the Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg . In 1999 he ran for the office of mayor of Lübeck for the CDU Schleswig-Holstein . He was defeated in the runoff election on December 19, 1999. On behalf of various international organizations, from 2000 he advised foreign governments on questions of civil service law and administrative organization, including in Albania , Kosovo , Montenegro , the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , North Macedonia , Romania , Georgia and Armenia . He works on a voluntary basis in the Order of St. John and chairs the administrative board of the Evangelical and St. John Hospital Dierdorf / Selters.


Roll is married and has four children.



  • On the history of Lex-Salica research, studies on German state and legal history , Vol. 17, Aalen 1972.
  • with Hans Trossmann: Parliamentary Law of the German Bundestag, Commentary on the Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag , Munich 1981.
  • Editor: Plenary Sessions of the German Bundestag, Contributions to Parliamentary Law , Vol. 4, Berlin 1982.
  • Interpretation and further development of the rules of procedure , in: Plenary sessions of the German Bundestag, Contributions to Parliamentary Law, Vol. 4, Berlin 1982.
  • Asset management by credit institutions, studies on savings, giro and credit systems , Vol. 25. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1983.
  • Rules of conduct , in Hans-Peter Schneider and Wolfgang Zeh (eds.): Parliamentary law and parliamentary practice . Berlin New York 1989.
  • The Council of Elders , in Hans-Peter Schneider and Wolfgang Zeh: Parliamentary Law and Parliamentary Practice . Berlin New York 1989.
  • Organization, procedures and functions of the German Bundestag , in: The German Parliament (published by the President of the German Bundestag). Stuttgart Berlin Cologne, 4th edition 1999.
  • Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag , commentary. Baden-Baden 2001.
  • Appraisal of Civil Servants . Manual, Belgrade 2008.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1971, 100/472
  2. BT-Drs. 15/2239, BT-Drs. 15/2641, BT-Drs. 15/2735
  3. Plenary Protocol 15/71, p. 6100ff.
  4. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, Press Release No. 431.
  5. ^ List of members of the Rhenania-Straßburg zu Marburg (2011), No. 491