Corps Rhenania Strasbourg

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Rhenania's coat of arms

Corps Rhenania Strasbourg was a student union that belonged to the Kösener Seniors Convents Association from 1872 to 1971 . The Corps was color-supporting and to 1971 duty striking .


Rhenania wears the colors borrowed from the Strasbourg coat of arms , light blue-silver-brick-red with silver percussion and a light blue cap. The fox ribbon is light blue-silver. Members of the Rhenania Strasbourg are also called silver rhenans (in jargon "street rhenans ").


With the help of Munich Francs , Tübingen Swabia , Wroclaw Prussia and Würzburg Rhinelanders , Rhenania was donated to the new Imperial University, later Kaiser Wilhelms University , on May 1, 1872 . Six years later, in 1878, it was the presiding suburban corps and, along with Karl Lorenz, was the chairman of the Kösener Congress. On May 2, 1903, the corp house built according to plans by the architect Otto Back was inaugurated in Lessingstrasse. It was the oldest corp house in Strasbourg. The construction was made possible, among other things, by the foundation of the property by the publisher Josef Neven DuMont , who was the old man of the corps. Like all student associations, expelled from Strasbourg before the Versailles Peace Treaty , Rhenania had been accredited at the Philipps University of Marburg since May 24, 1919 . It stands with Palatia , Suevia and Palaio-Alsatia (susp.) In the Strasbourg concept, which was never dissolved . The Rhenanenhaus at 19 rue Erckmann Chatrian in Strasbourg had to give way to a new apartment house in 1973.

Against the zeitgeist

Rhenania Strasbourg as well as Suevia Munich , Borussia Halle , Suevia Tübingen and Vandalia Heidelberg refused in 1934 to comply with the National Socialist Aryan paragraph and to dismiss members of the Jewish corps. In 1935, Rhenania refused to return Gustav Simon's tape and took his wish as an opportunity to dissolve.

With the zeitgeist

On March 9, 1970, Rhenania submitted the oKC application on behalf of Bremensia and Suevia Tübingen to abandon the scale as an association principle of the KSCV. After the application had been rejected in advance by the senior citizens 'conventions , the corps boys' conventions of the three corps resigned from the KSCV on April 20, 1971. In contrast to the other corps that had resigned, the old rulers split into two groups, one of which still belongs to the VAC . A few years later, Rhenania had to suspend Strasbourg. The corps has not appeared since then. Reconstitution was never prepared. The corp house at Weinberg 13 in Marburg is used by the German Study Institute for the Blind . A commemorative plaque reminds of its use from 1927–1976.

Relative Corps

Corpshaus Lessingstrasse 19, Strasbourg (1903)

Rhenania belonged to the green circle in the KSCV. All relationships were completed shortly after the establishment:

Foundation festivals


Surname Life dates job image
Viktor Albrecht 1859-1930 General of the infantry, bearer of the Pour le Mérite
Viktor Albrecht
Bernhard Averbeck 1874-1930 Industrial and association functionary in the cement industry
Bernhard Averbeck
Friedrich Beneke 1853-1901 Classical philologist, high school teacher in Oldenburg, Bochum and Hamm
Louis-Paul Betz 1861-1904 first professor for comparative literature at the University of Zurich
Alwin Bielefeldt 1857-1942 Ministerial official in the Reich Insurance Office and pioneer of allotment gardening
Alwin Bielefeldt
Paul Bostetter 1878-1960 District director of the Diedenhofen-West district, vice-president of the government in Szczecin
Erich Brodmann 1855-1940 Judge at the Imperial Court
Ludwig Burchhard 1853-1892 District Administrator of the Schrimm District
Jost-Dietrich Busch * 1935 Ministerialrat in Kiel, Kant researcher
Carl Caro 1850-1884 writer
Carl Caro around 1882
Wilhelm Dall 1850-1925 District director in Rappoltsweiler, police chief in Strasbourg
Peter Dettweiler 1856-1907 Classical philologist
Peter Dettweiler
Georg Deycke 1865-1938 German internist and tuberculosis researcher
Rudolf Diels 1900-1957 first head of the Gestapo
Rudolf Diels
Gottfried Dierig 1889-1945 Industrialist, chairman of the Reich Association of German Industry
Friedrich Dombois 1860-1931 District Administrator for the districts of Prüm and Guben, President of the Senate at the Prussian Higher Administrative Court
Wolfgang von Drigalski 1907-1943 Internist in Halle
Heinz Froebel 1921-2018 District President in Kassel
Heinrich Gundlach 1908-1998 District Administrator in Königshofen in Grabfeld
Carl von Halfern 1873-1937 Upper President in Pomerania
Karl von Hammerstein-Gesmold 1866-1932 District Administrator of the Zeven District
Richard Herbertz 1878-1959 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bern
Willi Huber 1879-1957 General director and chairman of the board of Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG, chairman and later honorary chairman of the advisory board of Raab Karcher GmbH
Wilhelm Ferdinand Kalle 1870-1954 Chemist, industrialist and politician, MdR, MdL
Wilhelm Ferdinand Kalle
Peter Klemm 1928-2008 Involved in reunification as State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance
Wilhelm Herbert Koch 1905-1983 Journalist and writer, creator of the pal Anton
Adolf Krazer 1858-1926 mathematician
Adolf Krazer
Georg Kroenig 1856-1911 Professor of Internal Medicine
Wilhelm von Kuhlmann 1879-1937 Envoy to Central America and Ireland
Friedrich Landfried 1884-1952 State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Economics, Honorary Senator of Heidelberg University
Fritz Lentze 1861-1945 Ministerial Officer, Senate President at the Reich Economic Court
Otto Leverkus 1856-1934 Chemical entrepreneur
Otto Leverkus junior 1883-1957 Chemical entrepreneur
Otto Lucius von Ballhausen 1867-1932 District Administrator
Alfred Mannesmann 1859-1944 Industrialist
Hans Gerald Marckwald 1878-1965 Diplomat, envoy in La Paz, Bolivia
Peter Matthiessen 1907-1995 District Administrator, MdL
Friedrich von Moltke 1852-1927 Upper President in Schleswig-Holstein, Prussian Minister of State for the Interior, MdHH
Friedrich von Moltke
Louis Mürset 1857-1921 Secretary General and District Director of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)
Josef Neven DuMont 1857-1915 publisher
Georg Nirrnheim 1877-1935 Prussian administrative officer, district administrator of the Gersfeld district
Adolf Pauli 1860-1947 Envoy
Theodor Pieschel 1877-1960 District Administrator of the Lehe and Neuhaldensleben districts, member of the Hanover Provincial Parliament
Albert Plate 1873-1908 District Administrator in Fallingbostel
Ernst Poensgen 1871-1949 Entrepreneur and patron of the city of Düsseldorf
Erich tho Rahde 1875-1927 Bank lawyer, VAC official
Ernst von der Recke 1858-1939 District Administrator in Eckernförde
Heinrich Richter-Brohm 1904-1994 Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG
Hans-Achim Roll * 1942 Ministerial Director in the Federal Chancellery
Wilhelm Runtsch 1921-1977 Member of the Hessian state parliament and mayor of the city of Lahn
Heinrich Schellen 1877-1939 Ministerial Director, Senate President at the Prussian Higher Administrative Court
Ernst August Schwebel 1886-1955 Judge at the Reich Administrative Court
Hans-Joachim Schweitzer 1928-2007 Pharmacists and paleobotanists
Gustav Simon 1878-1962 District Administrator in Heiligenbeil, Administrative Court Director in Königsberg
Hermann Sommer 1882-1980 President of the Reich Administrative Court
Karl von Starck 1867-1937 State Commissioner
Heinrich Stilling 1853-1911 Pathologist in Lausanne
Heinrich Thon 1872-1939 Upper President in Schleswig-Holstein
Alfred Vogel 1875-1938 Director at the Audit Office of the German Reich
Hermann Waetjen 1876-1944 Legal scholar
Carl von Wangenheim 1860-1931 District Administrator in Diepholz and Osnabrück
Ottomar Weber 1860-1928 District director in Altkirch and Rappoltsweiler
Max von Zeppelin 1856-1897 Zoologist, explorer

See also

Web links


  • Wilhelm Fabricius : The German Corps. A historical representation with special consideration of the scaling system , Berlin 1898 (2nd edition 1926)
  • Corps Rhenania-Straßburg , in: Michael Doeberl , Otto Scheel , Wilhelm Schlink , Hans Sperl , Eduard Spranger , Hans Bitter and Paul Frank (eds.): Das akademische Deutschland , Vol. 2, Berlin 1931, p. 944.
  • Paulgerhard Gladen : History of the student corporation associations , Vol. 1, Würzburg 1981.
  • Paulgerhard Gladen: The Kösener and Weinheimer Corps: Your representation in individual chronicles . 1st edition. WJK-Verlag, Hilden 2007, ISBN 978-3-933892-24-9 , pp. 138-139 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Hans Eberhard : Handbook of the student liaison system. Leipzig, 1924/25, p. 92.
  2. From the Kösener SC. The youngest corp house . Academic monthly books 20 (1903/04), pp. 97-101
  3. Strasbourg Presentation (VfcG)
  4. with further historical pictures
  5. ^ Corpse house and memorial plaque at the Marburg picture index