Friedrich Dombois

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Friedrich Carl Dombois (born June 8, 1860 in Selters ; † November 12, 1931 in Potsdam ) was a German administrative officer , lawyer , district administrator of the Prüm and Guben districts, and most recently President of the Senate at the Prussian Higher Administrative Court .


Origin and education

Friedrich Dombois was the son of the Duke of Nassau Office secretary and later royal Prussian district administrator Adolph Dombois and his wife Johanna Dombois, born Schnabelius born. Following a visit to a high school , he studied in Marburg , Strasbourg and Berlin law . In 1879 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Strasbourg . After passing the first state examination and being appointed court trainee (October 31, 1882), he received further training at the regional courts of Cologne and Aachen , the Erkelenz district court and the Berlin public prosecutor , before joining the Prussian administrative service as a government trainee on November 13, 1884 changed, where he was employed by the Royal Prussian governments of Aachen and Köslin .


With his appointment as government assessor on December 22, 1887, after passing the second state examination , Dombois was transferred to the directorate of the administration of direct taxes for employment. He was transferred to Prüm on July 3, 1890 , to initially take over the administration there on a temporary basis after the previous District Administrator Hugo Brasch was transferred to Insterburg. His definitive appointment as royal Prussian district administrator in Prüm followed on June 18, 1891. From Prüm, Friedrich Dombois was also commissioned provisionally with the administration of the Guben district on December 16, 1899, but already on August 22, 1900 and appointed on Government councilor appointed to the Upper Presidium of the Rhine Province in Koblenz (23 March 1903 appointment to the Upper Government Council there ). With his promotion to the Higher Administrative Court Council (April 30, 1907) he then moved to the highest Prussian administrative court with the Higher Administrative Court in Berlin-Charlottenburg. After his appointment as Senate President on June 20, 1921, he retired in this position on September 22, 1925 on October 1, 1925.


The Protestant Friedrich Dombois married Charlotte Mannkopff on November 20, 1888, probably in Köslin, whose father Julius Mannkopff was a lawyer and notary in Köslin and his wife Anna Mannkopff, née. Gessner. Her son Wilhelm Dombois (1890–1982) was also a Prussian administrative officer and most recently district administrator of the Rhein-Wupper district . His brother-in-law Georg Mannkopff headed the administration of the Wittlich district from 1891 to 1903 . From 1894 Friedrich Dombois was a member of the Protestant parish in Prüm Presbyter .

Web links


  • Franz Josef Faas: The district administrators of the Prüm district. In: District Administrator of the Prüm District (ed.): Yearbook District Prüm 1968, Prüm 1967, p. 32.
  • Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 419 f .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk: The leading state and communal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945.
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 189 , 76
  3. ^ A b Franz Josef Faas: The district administrators of the Prüm district.