Hugo Strom

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Carl Friedrich Hugo Strom (born April 29, 1831 in Aachen , † August 6, 1879 in Henri-Chapelle ) was a Prussian district administrator .

Life and origin

Hugo Strom was the son of the Aachen merchant Nicolas Corneil Strom and his wife Maria Anna Wilhelmina, née Hellen. After attending the Kaiser-Karl-Gymnasium in Aachen and passing the matriculation examination in 1851, he studied law in Bonn and Heidelberg . On September 29, 1854 he became an auscultator at the Aachen Regional Court . On October 1, 1854, he began his military service, which was terminated prematurely on February 7, 1855 as a result of a declaration of unfit. On November 18, 1857 he was first court trainee and on February 7, 1858 government trainee with the Aachen government . In the autumn of 1859 he became administrator of the consulate general in Antwerp , from where he returned to the Aachen government on October 13, 1863 as a government assistant. From June 1864 to August 1869 he was active in the high presidium in Poznan and in the Wiesbaden government.

He was then from November 1869 to May 1870 administrator of the office in Herborn , from October 1870 to June 1871 general secretary of the prefecture (or the police department) Strasbourg , as well as the district directorate in Erstein , and from September 1871 to February 1872 administrator of the office in Runkel . From February to July 1872 he took over the administration of the district office in the district of Adenau , from December 1872 to March 1873 he represented the office of Rüdesheim , then in the same month he was appointed provisional district administrator of the district of Prüm , where he worked until 1876. On June 18, 1876 he was appointed by the highest cabinet order (AKO) as district administrator of the district of Erkelenz , and took office on November 1, 1876. Here Strom suffered such a bad mood that since then he was considered incurably nervous and was only on leave from July 1877 with Dimissoriale from October 4, 1878 to February 1, 1879 was forced to retire.


Hugo Strom was married to Maria Anna Eugenie Josephine von Freyhold (born April 20, 1855 in Rheine ), daughter of surveyor Ferdinand Heinrich Wilhelm von Freyhold and his wife Emilie Henriette, née Hoene, since November 14, 1872 .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e f g Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 234, 281, 317, 322, 772 f .