Matthias Rosbach

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Matthias Rosbach (born September 17, 1784 in Trier , † December 21, 1859 ibid) was a Prussian administrative officer and provisional district administrator for the districts of Prüm and Vulkaneifel .

Life and origin

Rosbach was the son of a lawyer or manorial court jurors . After completing his school education, he completed a law degree and initially became a rentmaster in Cochem . Towards the end of 1809 he worked in the customs and tax administration, in 1814 he was promoted to tax officer and from 1816 he was the third government secretary in Trier. In 1817 he was a deputy district administrator for the districts of Daun and Prüm (here May 1, 1817 - October 31, 1817). In 1833 he was head of the mortgage office in Cologne and in 1836 he was head of the Trier stamp tax. In 1850 he was adopted into retirement.


Matthias Rosbach had been married since 1809.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816-1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 316 .
  2. ^ Karl Bruns: German translation books of the General German Language Association - The official language. Publishing house of the General German Language Association, Berlin 1915, p. 164, Stempelfiskalat, In: