Adolph Dombois

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Gustav Adolph Dombois (born January 4, 1823 in Herschbach , † July 11, 1891 in Marburg ) was a German administrative officer and district administrator of the district of Erkelenz and the Unterwesterwald district .


Origin and education

Adolph Dombois was the son of recipe officials in Diez and later Duke of Nassau Hofkammerrats Friedrich Carl Ludwig Dombois and his wife Eleonore Dombois, born Rath. After attending high school in Weilburg , which he in 1841 with passing the final examination left, he studied at the universities of Marburg and Heidelberg law . In 1842 he became a member of the Corps Nassovia Heidelberg .


After completing his studies, Dombois entered the Diez office as an accessist on June 9, 1845 , like his father before, in the service of the Duchy of Nassau, where he was appointed office secretary on November 15, 1858 (Selters office; 1859 office assessor) received and took over the administration of the office Idstein with the dissolution of the duchy or the transition to the Kingdom of Prussia on August 15, 1866 . With the formation of the Prussian province of Hessen-Nassau , he received his definitive appointment as bailiff there .

With a rescript dated November 11, 1877, Dombois was initially temporarily assigned the administration of the district of Erkelenz (November 25, 1877 inauguration). The final appointment was made by means of the highest cabinet order from April 8, 1879 to May 1, 1879 (May 12, 1879 inauguration). By transfer decree of September 3, 1884, Dombois was finally entrusted with the administration of the Unterwesterwaldkreis based in Montabaur on October 1, 1884 . He died on duty and was buried at his last place of work, Montabaur.


The Protestant Adolph Dombois married on August 30, 1855 in Flacht at Diez Johanna Agnese Arnoldine Schnabelius (born May 17, 1836 in Heckholzhausen), a daughter of the pastor Hermann Ludwig Schnabelius and his wife Maria Elisabeth Schnabelius, nee. Achenbach. Her son Friedrich Carl Dombois was last President of the Senate at the Prussian Higher Administrative Court from 1921 to 1925 .



  • Thomas Klein: Senior officials in the general administration in the Prussian province of Hessen-Nassau and in Waldeck 1867–1945. (= Sources and research on Hessian history, 70; Ed. Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt and Historical Commission for Hesse), Darmstadt / Marburg 1988, ISBN 3-88443-159-5 , p. 114.
  • Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 420 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Thomas Klein: Senior officials in the general administration in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau and in Waldeck 1867–1945.
  2. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk: The leading state and communal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945.
  3. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 117 , 96