Hans Beck (mathematician)

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Hans Heinrich Rudolf Beck (born August 16, 1876 in Altzarrendorf , Grimmen district , Pomerania province , † October 24, 1942 in Bonn ) was a German mathematician .

Live and act

After attending elementary school in Jeeser and grammar school in Greifswald , where he passed his school leaving examination at Easter 1895 , Hans Beck studied mathematics, physics and chemistry at the Royal University of Greifswald . On February 25 and 26, 1899, he passed the examen pro facultate docendi (predecessor of the state examination ) there. He completed his educational seminar year in 1899/1900 at the Ratsgymnasium Goslar and was then transferred to the Ilfeld monastery school as a scientific assistant teacher to complete his probationary year . He was then appointed to the Kaiserin-Auguste-Victoria-Gymnasium in Linden as an illness representative. From Easter 1902 he was a senior teacher at the Dortmund Oberrealschule, then from Easter 1903 at Realschule III in Hanover and from 1909 to 1917 in Charlottenburg .

In 1905 Beck received his doctorate from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn with a dissertation on radiation chains in hyperbolic space . In 1917 he was appointed to the University of Bonn, initially as an associate professor and from 1920 as a full professor. On November 15, 1918 Beck was elected as a member of the mathematics and astronomy section of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina ( matriculation number 3411 ). Beck was a member of the German Mathematicians Association , the Berlin Mathematical Society and the Circolo Matematico di Palermo .

Works (selection)

  • Hans Beck: The chains of rays in hyperbolic space . Inaugural dissertation to obtain the philosophical doctorate of the high philosophical faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn presented by Hans Beck from Hanover. Wilh. Riemschneider, Hanover 1905.
  • Maxime Bôcher : Introduction to Higher Algebra . German by Hans Beck. With a foreword by E. Study . BG Teubner, Leipzig, Berlin 1910 (2nd edition 1925).
  • Hans Beck: coordinate geometry . With 47 text illustrations. Volume 1: The Plain. Published by Julius Springer, Berlin 1919.
  • Hans Beck: Introduction to the Axiomatics of Algebra (=  Göschen's teaching library . Volume 6 ). Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, Leipzig 1926 (X, 198 pages).


  • Beck, Hans Rudolf Heinrich . In: HH Stephenson (ed.): Who's Who in Science . International 1914. J. & A. Churchill, London 1914, pp. 150 (English, archive.org ).
  • Annuario Biografico del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Società Internazionale fondata da GB Guccia 1928 . Palermo 1924, p. 25 ( euclide-scuola.org [PDF; 36.0 MB ; accessed on July 9, 2018]).
  • Beck, Hans . In: Paul Weinmeister (Ed.): JC Poggendorff's biographical-literary concise dictionary for mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and related fields of science . Volume V: 1904 to 1922. Verlag Chemie, Leipzig, Berlin 1926, pp. 78-79 ( archive.org ).
  • Karsten Jedlitschka: The archive of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina . German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Halle aS 2006, p. 69 .
  • Franz Kössler : Beck, Hans . In: Personal dictionary of teachers of the 19th century . Professional biographies from school annual reports and school programs 1825–1918 with lists of publications. Preprint edition. Baack - Buzello, 2008, p. 128 ( uni-giessen.de [accessed on July 9, 2018]).

Web links

Wikisource: Hans Beck  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Albert Wangerin (Ed.): Leopoldina . Official organ of the Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists. 54th issue. On commission from Max Niemeyer, Halle 1918, p. 77 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).