Hans Wallner (politician)

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Hans ("Jonny") Wallner (born June 16, 1950 in Mietraching (Deggendorf) ) is a former German politician ( CSU ) and entrepreneur. He was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament from 1986 to 1998. He became known through various scandals, because of the use of his state parliament telephone for chargeable telephone sex calls , he was finally sentenced to a suspended sentence.

education and profession

Wallner completed professional training as a baker, pastry chef and office clerk after finishing school. In 1984 he founded the advertising agency Tekko-Werbung , which was deleted from the commercial register in 2005.


Wallner joined the CSU in 1968. From 1971 to 1981 he was the local association chairman of the CSU Mietraching. From 1972 to 1984 Wallner was the managing director of the CSU in the Deggendorf constituency , but after some unclear proceedings about party donations, the employment relationship was terminated at the insistence of Franz Josef Strauss .

In 1972 he became a councilor in Mietraching and CSU parliamentary group spokesman. Through the incorporation of Deggendorf he became in 1974 an advisory member of the city council.

In the local elections in 1978 he was then city and district council in Deggendorf. From 1984 to 1986 he was deputy chairman of the city council, in 1990 he became deputy chairman of the district assembly. From 1984 to 1993 he was Deggendorf district sports representative.

In the state elections in 1986 , 1990 and 1994 , he entered the Bavarian state parliament for the Deggendorf constituency and was a member of the following committees:

  • Petitions Committee (1986 to 1990)
  • State Development and Environment Committee (1986/1987 and 1994 to 1998)
  • Finance Committee (1987 to 1990)
  • Committee of Inquiry into Straubing Prison (1990)
  • Constitutional, Legal and Local Committee (1990 to 1994)
  • Economic and Transport Committee (1990 to 1994)
  • Inner German and Border Region Committee (1993/1994)

He was also a member of the State Sports Advisory Board from 1990 to 1998 and a deputy member of the Bavarian IT Advisory Board from 1986 to 1994.

Wallner, who himself described his state parliament mandate as a “part-time job”, was unpopular with the CSU leadership due to a lack of involvement in parliamentary work and various affairs. Repeated attempts by the party leadership to prevent Wallner's nomination in the constituency of Deggendorf failed - not least because of the latter's threat to unpack “certain party donations” if he was not presented for the 1994 election. Later he affirmed in lieu of oath that he had never made this statement - but since there were witnesses, the Deggendorf Regional Court sentenced him on May 3, 1995 to a fine of 9,000 DM. A legally binding penal order from the Erding District Court for DM 8,000 plus a one-month driving ban for a dangerous overtaking maneuver with the middle finger subsequently shown did not leave the Deggendorf CSU delegates in doubt about the suitability of their Landtag candidate - on the contrary: Wallner, who, in addition to his scandals, played an excellent sheep-head game , frequent casino visits and a total loss after the fire brigade festival as a popular politician, was regularly re-established.

In 1997, however, the state administration noticed that Wallner's office telephone had incurred unusually high costs. It was not, as initially assumed, a billing error, but phone sex charges totaling 26,832 DM. Wallner had used the relevant hotlines over four hundred times and for up to seven hours. In the course of the investigation, the CSU MP Markus Sackmann also showed a strange behavior when using work telephones, who immediately paid around 600 DM for their non-business use. Wallner, on the other hand, denied the allegations, but in the second attempt his immunity was lifted and charges of fraud were brought. On April 21, 1999 he was sentenced by the Munich District Court to a one-year suspended sentence, compensation for damages and a fine of 20,000 marks. Wallner appealed, but later limited it only to the sentence, so that the guilty verdict became final. In the course of the process, Wallner attacked a tz journalist on April 12, 1999 and threw his camera on the floor. During the appointment process, he attacked a photographer on October 16, 2001. The regional court Munich I finally confirmed the judgment of the lower court.

Since Wallner had also persuaded several friends from the Mietrachinger Nockherbergverein to give him a false alibi (allegedly visiting the strong beer festival at Nockherberg together ) during the appeal process , they were arrested in the courtroom for false testimony and attempted to avoid punishment. Party colleague Barbara Stamm had refused to give Wallner a false alibi. In the trial against his Nockherbergverein friends, Wallner was summoned as a witness and was violently attacked by a photo journalist, the defendants confessed and were sentenced to three months' probation.

In the Deggendorf CSU candidate list for the following state election, Wallner was eliminated in the first ballot and was replaced by the grammar school teacher Bernd Sibler .


Wallner is married, Roman Catholic and has one child.

From the end of the 1980s Wallner had an extramarital relationship with a foreigner convicted of aiding and abetting prostitution , whose husband beat him on the street in 1988. Wallner even wanted to have his lover naturalized and presented her as a partner at the official summer reception of the state parliament president in 1992, but later smashed her home furnishings.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Short biography on the official website of the Bavarian State Parliament (status 1998, cannot be directly linked)
  2. Commercial register of the district court Deggendorf, sheet HRA 1077
  3. a b c d e f A Hund is 'er scho'! - Rise and fall of a Lower Bavarian top dog Welt-Online from October 22, 1997
  4. a b c d e Michael Koch: CSU - The Hans is a dog Focus No. 41/1994, p. 126
  5. a b CSU - A handful of Guate . In: Der Spiegel . No. 2 , 1998, p. 46-47 ( Online - Jan. 5, 1998 ).
  6. a b c Gisela Friedrichsen: It can get very bitter . In: Der Spiegel . No. 7 , 1999, p. 36-38 ( Online - Feb. 15, 1999 ).
  7. Periscope: Large Moaning Coalition Focus No. 52/1997 , p. 11
  8. a b c Telephone sex: Wallner snaps again from Münchner Merkur on November 4, 2003
  9. Panorama: Phone sex affair - Hans Wallner beats photographers in the SPIEGEL-ONLINE courtroom on October 16, 2001
  10. Panorama: Telephone sex trial - Wallner gets suspended sentence SPIEGEL-ONLINE from February 13, 2001
  11. Panorama: Telephone sex trial - three Wallner alibi witnesses arrested SPIEGEL-ONLINE from October 23, 2001
  12. Panorama: Wallner trial - no alibi from ex-minister Stamme SPIEGEL-ONLINE of October 21, 2001