Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald

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All Upper Austria room units

The Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald is one of the 41 Upper Austrian spatial units and lies on the border between the Inn and Hausruck districts .


The room unit is located in the four districts of Braunau , Grieskirchen , Ried and Vöcklabruck and consists of 2 sub-areas.

The area of ​​the Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald is 410.45 km². The deepest area is the edge area to the surrounding room units at around 600  m above sea level. A. The highest point in the Kobernaußerwald is the Hobelsberg at 777  m above sea level. A. , that of the Hausrucks of Göblberg at 801  m above sea level. A.

The following municipal areas are wholly or largely in the Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald (in alphabetical order): Ampflwang in the Hausruckwald , Fornach , Lengau , Lohnsburg , Maria Schmolln , Mettmach , Pöndorf , Redleiten , St. Johann am Walde and Waldzell .

The room unit is surrounded by the following Upper Austria room units (clockwise, starting in the north): Inn- and Hausruckviertler Hügelland , Vöckla-Ager-Hügelland , Südinnviertler Seengebiet and Neukirchner Platte . A smaller hill area west of the Mattigtal spatial unit is included in the Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald spatial unit , so that it is divided into two parts.

The Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald is divided into two sub-units:

  • Wooded area
  • Settlement area and agriculture.


Kobernaußerwald seen from the balloon
  • Furrowed hill country between 600 and 800 meters above sea level with low mountain character .
  • Early brown coal mining (approx. 1766 to 1995).
  • High proportion of forest in the center of the spatial unit (sometimes over 90%) with a very high proportion of spruce . In Hausruck are woodruff - beech forest remains more common. There are also remains of oak and hornbeam forests, wet ash forests and black alder brook forests. The forestry use has the tendency towards near-natural management ( Femel and Plenterwirtschaft ). There is also a dense network of forest roads.
  • Many small, near-natural streams emerge mostly unobstructed and have accompanying gallery forests ( black alder , ash and broken willow). In the lower reaches, nutrient-rich meadows line the streams.
  • There are still very small-scale remains of species-rich, partly muddy forest meadows. However, only a small number of cultural landscape elements ( hedges , poor meadows and orchards ).
  • In peripheral locations, especially in the northwest, there is a close interlinking of forest and grassland with a 30 to 40% forest share.
  • There are layers of fresh water below the Hausruck ceiling gravel , but superficial ponds are rare.
  • There are only a few larger localities (Ampflwang), mostly four-sided farms in individual locations.
  • Precipitation- rich climate with up to 1400 mm annual precipitation.


  • Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Nature Conservation Department (Ed.): Nature and Landscape / Guiding Principles for Upper Austria. Volume 25: Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald room units . Lochen and Linz 2007 ( [PDF; accessed on February 17, 2017]).

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