Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country
Coordinates: 48 ° 14 ' N , 13 ° 40' E
The Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country is the largest of the 41 Upper Austrian spatial units and is located in the Inn and Hausruckviertel .
The spatial unit is located in ten districts of Braunau , Eferding , Grieskirchen , Linz , Linz-Land , Ried , Schärding , Vöcklabruck , Wels (city) and Wels-Land .
The area of the Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country is 1758.52 km². The deepest area is around 350 m above sea level. A. near Linz. The highest area of the area is on the edge of the Kobernaußerwald at around 600 m above sea level. A.
The following municipal areas are entirely in the Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country (alphabetically sorted by district): Polling im Innkreis , St.Veit , Scharten , Gallspach , Grieskirchen , Hofkirchen an der Trattnach , Kallham , Meggenhofen , Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis , Pram , Rottenbach , Schlüßlberg , St. Georgen , St. Thomas , Taufkirchen an der Trattnach , Tollet , Wallern an der Trattnach , Weibern , Wendling , Andrichsfurt , Eitzing , Hohenzell , Kirchheim im Innkreis , St. Martin im Innkreis , Lambrechte , Mehrnbach , Neuhofen im Innkreis , Pattigham , Ried im Innkreis , Senftenbach , Tumeltsham , Utzenaich , Weilbach , Wippenham , Altschwendt , Eggerding , Mayrhof , Dorf an der Pram , Riedau , Sigharting , Atzbach , Manning , Niederthalheim , Pitzenberg , Rutzenham , Ungenach , Aichkirchen , Bachmanning , Krenglbach , Offenhausen , Pennewmanning and Pichl near Wels .
The room unit is surrounded by the following Upper Austria room units (clockwise, starting in the north): Sauwald , southern Mühlviertel region , Eferdinger basin , Danube gorge and side valleys , Lower Trauntal , Traun gorge , Vöckla-Agertal , Vöckla-Ager-Hügelland , Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald , Neukirchnerwald Platte , Weilharts- and Lachforst and Inntal . The Mattigtal spatial unit divides the Inn and Hausruckviertel hills.
- Hill landscape with flat valleys, mostly between 350 and 500 meters above sea level.
- Spacious streak and sand area with gravel on the roof and terrace in the edge areas.
- Gravel areas and pits are used both industrially and for personal use.
- Many small forest areas (approx. 15% forest share) exist, which are dominated by spruce trees . Small forests ( ash - maple ) are often close to nature. Beeches occur only in the southern part.
- Delicate water network, streams are often meandering and mostly unobstructed. Trees that accompany the banks are mostly black alder and ash forests and are close to nature. The rivers are regulated and blocked within the local areas.
- In agriculture, arable farming is predominant in flat areas ( maize , grain), meadows are mainly found in favored areas.
- There are many small, poor, and colorful, fat meadows . Moist, nutrient-rich meadows and fallow land can still be found scattered.
- Striking cultural landscape with large orchards and rows (often several 100 m long) as well as single trees, hedges , shrubbery, embankments mostly present, only less often in more level arable areas.
- A few small towns (Ried, Grieskirchen, Schärding) are part of the spatial unit, mostly small settlements with a rural character. Predominant here are hamlets , isolated farms ( square - Vierseithof). There is a high degree of urban sprawl around the larger settlement areas .
- Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Nature Conservation Department (Ed.): Nature and Landscape / Guiding Principles for Upper Austria. Volume 24: The Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country unit . Lochen and Linz 2007 ( pdf [accessed December 1, 2014]).
Web links
- Map for the spatial unit Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country. In: DORIS . Retrieved December 1, 2014 .
- Inn and Hausruckviertel hill country. In: Nature and Landscape in Upper Austria. Retrieved December 1, 2014 .