Heiko Möhring

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Heiko Wilhelm Botho Möhring ( June 12, 1940 - June 1, 2004 ) was a German Bundeswehr officer, most recently Colonel d. R. , and later management consultant who was considered a supporter of neo-Nazi circles.


Heiko Möhring's father was a teacher and died in the German-Soviet War as a lieutenant in the Nebeltruppe in August 1942 near Stalingrad .

Möhring, who grew up without a father, was active in Lower Saxony as a “Gauleiter” of the Federal Youth Home Attendants (BHJ) and joined the German Armed Forces as an officer candidate in the early 1960s . As a young lieutenant, in an article in the Kampftruppen magazine, he rated the Bundeswehr flag donated by Federal President Heinrich Lübke by order on September 18, 1964 as a “symbol of our military service” and received applause from the troops. As a captain , he was spokesman for the so-called captains of Unna in 1970/71 and was mentioned or cited several times in this context in the news magazine Der Spiegel .

After his military career, Möhring went into business, where he initially worked as a manager at the Heitkamp construction company in Herne and then in Düsseldorf as an independent management consultant (Möhring Personal-Management GmbH) and as managing director of Greif Mediendienst & Kommunikation GmbH.

Möhring had connections in right-wing extremist circles, was a long-time functionary of the Association for Germans Abroad (VDA), where he was chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional association and was a member of the VDA administrative board. Möhring gave lectures at the Deutsche Kulturwerk Europäische Geistes (DKEG) and at fraternities, for example at the Danubia Munich fraternity , which are assigned to the right-wing extremist spectrum and whose activities are monitored by the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution. He also maintained contacts with the Austrian Landsmannschaft (ÖLM). Through his personnel management company, he also found jobs for his colleagues, including the aspiring NPD man Holger Apfel a position at the Austrian Leopold Stocker Verlag . In 1976, when Möhring was a member of the CDU and a citizen's representative in the local culture committee, he disrupted a Third World event of the Christ Church by assigning the development policy event to the communist camp and publicly insulting the pastors.

Together with Herbert Taege , he published the study collection for contemporary history and youth research at Lindhorster Askania-Verlag , which was founded in 1976 and which the right-wing extremist publisher Richard Bohlinger took over in 1994 , and together with Taege wrote two papers on the alleged "Enlightenment of the History lie ”about the Tulle and Oradour massacres . He also published in the German Soldier's Yearbook , in Nation and Europe and in Germany in the past and present .

The answer of the federal government to a small question of the Bundestag member Ulla Jelpke and the group of the PDS / Linke Liste for the Askania-Verlag shows that at the beginning of November 1993 there were only constitutional protection relevant findings about Möhring from years past.

Heiko Möhring was also an active member of the Association of Self-Employed . He was killed in a traffic accident in 2004. The Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend (HDJ) mourned the loss of their "sponsor, adviser and comrade" and described him as an "upright fighter for our enslaved people".

His urn was buried in the family grave at the Bremen- Hastedt cemetery.

Heiko Möhring was the father of actors Wotan Wilke and Sönke Möhring , journalism professor Wiebke Möhring and another son who, like his mother, became a teacher.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hanno Borchert: prophecies of doom from the Rheinhardswald. Junge Freiheit 50/97, December 5, 1997;
    becomes in Friedrich Paul Heller ; Anton Maegerle : The language of hatred: right-wing extremism and folk esotericism, Jan van Helsing , Horst Mahler . Butterfly, Stuttgart 2001, p. 122, erroneously called “Colonel i. G. “called.
  2. ^ A b Martina Uckermann: “Tatort” star Wotan Wilke Möhring “I still miss my father”. Cologne News Journal, May 9, 2018.
  3. a b tombstone at the Bremen-Hastedt cemetery , genealogy.net.
  4. Through the rag. Der Spiegel 51/1956, December 12, 1965, p. 38. ( pdf )
  5. "To fight must be educated." Der Spiegel 15/1971, April 5, 1971, pp. 30–31. ( pdf )
  6. ^ Bundeswehr - captains: Turn right and turn. Der Spiegel 15/1971, April 5, 1971, pp. 26-29.
  7. ^ General Middeldorf: tears in the eyes. Der Spiegel 16/1971, April 12, 1971, pp. 31-34. ( pdf ).
  8. Heiko Möhring , Moneyhouse .
  9. a b Möhring crashed. In: Antifaschistische Nachrichten 14 / July 2004. ( online , VVN-BdA e.V. Landesvereinigung NRW.)
  10. ↑ List of speakers. Danubia.
  11. a b Andreas Speit ; Andrea Röpke (Ed.): Neo-Nazis in pinstripes. The NPD on the way to the middle of society. Chr. Links Verlag, Berlin 2012. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  12. Insults in front of the Christ Church When: CDU member insults pastors as communists. Heiko Möhring disrupts Third World campaign. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 19, 1976. ( pdf )
  13. Askania-Verlag, Lindhorst. In: look to the right. Volume 10, No. 5, March 9, 1993, p. 8.
  14. ^ Answer of the federal government to the small question of the Bundestag member Ulla Jelpke and the group of the PDS / Linke Liste. Printed matter 12/6080, German Bundestag, 12th electoral period, November 8, 1993, p. 3.