Heinrich Dietrich von Grolman

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Painting by Carl Joseph Begas around 1835

Heinrich Dietrich Grolman , von Grolman since 1786 , (born December 31, 1740 in Bochum , † October 21, 1840 in Berlin ) was a lawyer, Prussian Real Privy Council, President of the Secret High Tribunal and member of the State Council .


Dietrich von Grolman studied in Kleve prefigured in Halle and Göttingen , the rights and began his practical legal career with the Government in Kleve, which he in 1765 Kammergerichtsrat in Berlin and later Pupillenrat (Vormundschaftsrat) was.

In 1786 he was ennobled. Even then, he was one of Prussia's distinguished legal scholars, and in 1787 he was appointed as a member of the law commission as a secret judge and worked as a collaborator in the development of the Prussian general land law.

In 1793 he was promoted to council and in 1804 to president of the Secret High Tribunal, and when the State Council was created in 1817, he was appointed a member of the same. After 67 years of official activity, he received his dismissal from civil service and the Order of the Black Eagle in 1833 .

Grolman's grave

He died shortly before his 100th birthday and was buried with his family members in Cemetery II of the Jerusalem and New Church Congregation.

As a co-author of the Prussian General Land Law of 1794, he was probably also the namesake of Grolmanstrasse in the Charlottenburg “Juristenviertel” in the Charlottenburg "Juristenviertel" over Savignyplatz - Savigny was subsequently (1820) the editor of the land law.


He was married to Maria Susanna Maercker (1744-1825), daughter of Kriminalrat Arnold Georg Maercker († 1758). The couple had nine children, of whom two daughters and a son died young, another in 1796, survived:

⚭ Sophie von Gerlach (1787–1807)
⚭ Hedwig von Rotenhan (1796–1864)
  • Wilhelm Heinrich (February 28, 1781 - January 1, 1856), President of the Chamber Court
⚭ 1810 Henriette Wilhelmine Heim (* July 20, 1783; † December 10, 1820) daughter of Ernst Ludwig Heim
⚭ 1828 Malwine Marie Eimbeck (* December 23, 1804 - March 11, 1857)

See also


Web links

Commons : Heinrich Dietrich von Grolman  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin tombs. Haude and Spener, Berlin 2006, p. 111.
  2. Grolmanstrasse. In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein (near  Kaupert ) - In the 1998 edition, the résumés of father and son were mistakenly mixed up here, and from 2005 only the son was left.
  3. ^ Caroline Henriette von Grolman at schlossarchiv.de; last accessed on June 10, 2019.
  4. ^ Wilhelm Heinrich in Conversations-Lexikon der Gegenwart: In four volumes. F to J, Volume 2, pp. 525 f. ( Digitized version ).
  5. ^ Wilhelm Heinrich von Grolmann online-ofb; last accessed on June 10, 2019.