Heinrich Sprick

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Heinrich Sprick
Heinrich Sprick in the workshop

Heinrich Sprick (born June 4, 1910 in Mönninghausen , Soest district , formerly Lippstadt district , † January 24, 1979 in Münster ) was an important wood and stone sculptor in Westphalia .


During his apprenticeship at the August Ververs wood sculpting company in Lippstadt, he learned the profession of wood and stone sculptor from 1924 to 1928. From 1930 to 1933 he attended the arts and crafts school in Dortmund . After the master's examination in 1934, he worked as a wood sculptor in Mönninghausen . In 1937 he moved his company to Erwitte , where he built up the Sprick wood and stone carving workshop on Hellweg . Heinrich Sprick worked here as a freelance sculptor for over 40 years. After exhibitions in Soest and Münster , he took part in the Great German Art Exhibition in the House of German Art in Munich in 1939 as a member of the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts . In the time of National Socialism he was a sought-after artist for martial war memorials, for example in Kneblinghausen or Günne. After the Second World War , he focused on sacred art. He was one of the most deserving members of the regional community of Rhenish-Westphalian crib friends. For 14 years he was head master of the wood sculptors' guild in Lippstadt, which appointed him honorary master because of his diverse services. As a bird farmer, he made the wooden eagles for every shooting festival in Erwitte . At the beginning of the 1970s, he increasingly focused on secular rather than sacred art. He died after a short, serious illness on January 24, 1979 in Münster.

Catalog of works

Heinrich Sprick had devoted himself primarily to religious art and nativity scenes. Numerous works in wood and stone in Westphalia testify to his artistic skills. His works include many gravestones in Westphalia (priest's crypt in the cemetery in Erwitte , the grave of the Seibel family (Erwitte cemetery), the wooden cross for the Zumdick family in Steinhausen and the boulder for Pastor Josef Nillier in Langeneicke ), among others the following works:


  • Maximilian Kiesewetter : Kneblinghausen consecrated a war memorial, Lippstadt, Westfälischer Kurier, June 1938.
  • Westfälische Landeszeitung (1939): Lippstädter at the Great German Art Exhibition Munich 1939, in: Soest - Die Börde - Lippstadt district - Official organ of the Soest and Lippstadt districts in the Westphalian state newspaper Rote Erde, Lippstadt September 1939.
  • Wilhelm Pälmer : Reality formed in wood and stone - In the workshop of the master sculptor Sprick-Erwitte, in: Soest - Die Börde - Lippstadt district - Official organ of the Soest and Lippstadt districts in the Westphalian regional newspaper Rote Erde, volume 91, Lippstadt April 2nd 1939.
  • Emil Reuber : Vom Kunstschaffen Heinrich Spricks, in: The Sunday Illustrated in the Westfälische Landeszeitung Rote Erde, Lippstadt November 6, 1943.
  • Patriot (1949): The Patriot: From oak and linden, from the stone of the homeland, in: Der Patriot (daily newspaper) , Lippstadt, February 12, 1949.
  • Patriot (1961): The Patriot: Also the basilica crib in Werl ... - Visit to the sculptor Heinrich Sprick - Erwitte is proud of him, in: Der Patriot (daily newspaper), Lippstadt, December 24, 1961.
  • Patriot (1964): The Patriot: This creates a lot of joy during the festivities - a look into the workshop for cribs and figurines - from clay to plaster casting to carving, in: Der Patriot (daily newspaper), Lippstadt, December 19, 1964.
  • Patriot (1973): The Patriot: New bronze relief decorates the vestibule - Eresburg anniversary artistically designed, in: Der Patriot (daily newspaper), Lippstadt, November 20, 1973.
  • Patriot (1976): The Patriot: For Communion, cassette recorder instead of carved Madonna figure - Even wood sculptors today have to adapt to the trend of the time, in: Der Patriot, number 235, Lippstadt October 9, 1976.
  • Patriot (1979): Der Patriot: Heinrich Sprick from Erwitte died, in: Der Patriot, Lippstadt January 1979.
  • Patriot (2010): The Patriot: Works of wood and stone for all of Westphalia, in: Der Patriot - Erwitte, number 125, Lippstadt June 2, 2010.
  • Patriot (2010): The Patriot: A Piece of Cultural History - A retrospective with works by Heinrich Sprick was opened in the Königshof - for his 100th birthday, the family, the cultural ring and the city pull together, in: Der Patriot - Erwitte, number 129, Lippstadt June 8, 2010.

Sources and References

  • Jörn von Lucke : Ceremonial speech on the 100th birthday of the wood and stone sculptor Heinrich Sprick on June 4, 2010 in Erwitte im Königshof, in publication.