Heinrich V (Mecklenburg)

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Heinrich V of Mecklenburg
Portrait attributed to Heinrich V, Jacopo de 'Barbari

Heinrich V, Duke of Mecklenburg , called the peacemaker (born May 3, 1479 in Schwerin ; † February 6, 1552 ibid) was the reigning Duke of Mecklenburg in the Mecklenburg-Schwerin region.


Heinrich V, son of Duke Magnus II and Sophias of Pomerania , ruled jointly with his brothers Erich and Albrecht VII and his uncle Balthasar since December 27, 1503. The latter died on March 16, 1507 and Erich on December 22, 1508 , both without heirs, so that Heinrich and Albrecht came into possession of the entire land. These also ruled jointly at first, although Albrecht repeatedly advocated a division of the country, this was sealed in the Neubrandenburg house contract on May 7, 1520. It stipulated that Heinrich ruled in Schwerin and Albrecht in Güstrow , without any actual division of the country.

During the time of her reign, Luther's Reformation took place, which quickly found supporters in Mecklenburg, so that here since 1523 and earlier, the Protestant doctrine has been more or less publicly preached. Duke Heinrich favored the new doctrine from the beginning, at first very carefully, but more openly after the Diet of Augsburg . He had been in correspondence with Luther since 1524, who sent him teachers and preachers.

He also joined the Torgau Bund on June 12, 1526, and in 1532 he finally publicly declared himself a supporter of Luther. Of course, his point of view initially led him to give the new doctrine a firm external and internal organization; so in 1537 he had Johann Riebling , recommended to him by Luther , whom he appointed superintendent , draft a church ordinance , a catechism and an agenda . This organization of the Church occupied his next reign exclusively.

Heinrich did not take part in the religious war that broke out in Germany after Luther's death, nor did he take part in the Schmalkaldic League of Protestant Princes. However, he opposed the introduction of the interim issued by the emperor in 1548 and approved the resolution of the Mecklenburg estates of July 1549, through which the Lutheran teaching was formally recognized. Soon after, on February 6, 1552, he died with the glory of a pious and peaceful prince. His grave is in the Schwerin Cathedral.


Heinrich was married three times.

First since December 12, 1505 with Ursula (October 17, 1488 - September 18, 1510), daughter of Elector Johann von Brandenburg .

He concluded his second marriage on June 12, 1513 with Helene (1493– August 4, 1524), daughter of Elector Philip of the Palatinate .

This was followed on May 14, 1551 by the third marriage with Ursula (died after 1565 in Minden), the daughter of Duke Magnus of Saxony-Lauenburg .


Web links

Commons : Heinrich V. (Mecklenburg)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

See also

predecessor Office successor

Magnus II. , Co-regents: Balthasar and Albrecht VI.
Duke of Mecklenburg
co-regents: Erich II. And Balthasar
1503–1520 (with Albrecht VII. )


Duke of Mecklenburg [-Schwerin]

Johann Albrecht I.