Heinrich Wilhelm Ahrens

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Heinrich Wilhelm Ahrens (born July 21, 1903 in Bremen , † December 5, 2002 in Bremen) was a German lawyer , businessman and manager in the insurance industry .


Ahrens was born in 1903 in Bremen as the son of the Bremen insurance salesman Wilhelm Ahrens. After attending the Bremen secondary school , he studied law and political science in Göttingen , Tübingen and Hamburg . In Göttingen he became a member of the Holzminda fraternity in the summer semester of 1922 . Due to the inflation of 1923, he interrupted his studies in order to complete it after a commercial apprenticeship at the Bremen import and export company Schütte, Bünemann & Co. at the University of Tübingen, among other things as a student of Walter Eucken . After passing the economist exam he was in 1929 in Hamburg Curt Eisfeld and Ernst Bruck with a dissertation on the export credit insurance to Dr. rer. pole. PhD. He then completed a practical training at various insurances ( Colonia , Alliance , hamburgers General, North Star , Hermes Kreditversicherungs AG ) before 1931, founded in 1866 by his grandfather Conrad Heinrich Diedrich Ahrens company Heinrich Ahrens and related insurance company Ahrens, Drechsler & Dettmann (Allianz, Hermes, Colonia) and HW Schulte ( Skandia ) entered. After he became an authorized officer in 1932 , his father took him on as a partner in 1935 .

At the World War II he took part in 1939 in the western campaign as a platoon leader and company commander in the infantry regiment 58 and in the Soviet Union , first as aide in the regimental headquarters of Infantry Regiment 58, and finally as Ic of the 6th Infantry Division , before the collapse of Army Group Center it on 29 June 1944 was taken prisoner of war by the Soviets for 10 years ; initially four years in northern Russia as a forest and collective farm worker ; Then after solitary confinement , various stays in prison and interrogations by the MWD , he was sentenced to 25 years of forced labor because of his service as an Ic , of which he had to work for three years in Stalingrad as a construction worker in road construction , rail laying and scrap sorting. He was only able to return to his homeland in January 1954.

Ahrens turned back to his insurance companies, which he headed as a senior partner. He became a member of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Cathedral Convention . In 1973 he merged his companies with the renowned Bremen companies Carl Bölken Söhne and A. Fr. Wickeland to form a larger group of companies that specialized as an insurance group in industrial and transport insurance .

In 1997 he was rehabilitated by the military college of the Supreme Court in Belarus "... for lack of a crime." Based on his experiences in the post-war period, he campaigned for German-Russian understanding.

Ahrens belonged to a Freemason lodge in Bremen and was a member of various soldiers' associations, since 1997 of the Association of German Soldiers . He died in Bremen in 2002 at the age of 99.


  • Export credit insurance as a business problem of private credit insurance. Rostock 1929 (dissertation University of Hamburg).


  • Dr. Heinrich Ahrens 70 years old. In: Bremer Nachrichten of July 21, 1973.
  • Dr. Heinrich Ahrens is 90 years old. In: Bremer Nachrichten and Weser-Kurier from July 19, 1993.
  • Herbert Black Forest : The Great Bremen Lexicon . Volume 1: A-K. 2nd, updated, revised and expanded edition. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X , p. 17.
  • Obituary by Dirk von Grone: In Memoriam Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Ahrens. In: Soldier in the People. 2003.
  • Hans-Hermann Rudolph (ed.): Alte-Herren-Zeitung of the fraternity Holzminda. Göttingen 2003, pp. 12-16.
  • Erika Thies: The car from the citizens' park tombola 1954. In: Weser Kurier from January 24th, 2011.

Individual evidence

  1. Willy Nolte (Ed.): Burschenschafter Stammrolle. List of the members of the German Burschenschaft according to the status of the summer semester 1934. Berlin 1934. S. 5.
  2. http://www.boelken.de/
  3. ^ Margeritha Gries: Journey to Rshew. Soldiers are the best friends of peace. In: Kurier am Sonntag, June 18, 1993, Bremen.