Heinz Hummitzsch

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Heinz Hummitzsch (born February 16, 1910 in Herzberg (Elster) ; † August 1975 ) was a German SS-Sturmbannführer , on the staff of Einsatzgruppe IV in Poland , head of Section III B 1 (Volkstumsarbeit) in Amt III (SD-Inland) of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), 1944 SD leader in Dresden , after the war general practitioner in Ellingen and Bruchköbel .

Origin and studies

Heinz Hummitzsch was the son of a master baker. He studied history , geography and German in Leipzig and Munich . Even during his student days he was interested in “ ethnic German and border German tasks” and traveled to the Sudetenland .

1935 to 1945

According to this preference he was appointed Landdienstführer of the German Student Union . Finally, the security service of the Reichsführer SS (SD) became aware of him, so that Hummitzsch started working for him in the spring of 1935. After successfully completing a number of assignments in Czechoslovakia , he was hired at the end of 1935 as a clerk in Section II / 212 (Ethnicity and Folklore) in the SD Main Office in Berlin . For security police tasks, Hummitzsch was used in 1938 when the Sudetenland was annexed and in 1939 when the "remaining Czech Republic" was occupied .

In the attack on Poland , Hummitzsch took part in the staff of Einsatzgruppe IV (Head of SS Brigade Leader Lothar Beutel ) as a "specialist for minorities". It was here that he also gained the trust of the SD leader of the Einsatzgruppe Erich Ehrlinger , with whom he went to Warsaw as a consultant for ethnic issues to the commander of the Security Police (KdS) .

At the beginning of January 1940, Hummitzsch came to the Reich Security Main Office, where he took over Section III B 1 (Volkstumsarbeit) in Amt III (German areas of life - SD-Inland).

In April 1941 Hummitzsch was as chief of staff in the resettlement staff of the Commander of the Security Police and Security Service for the Lower Styria after Maribor off. According to an order dated April 12, 1941 (Ref .: II A 1 (new) No. 322 / 41-151-Sdb.), The task of this resettlement staff was “all resettlements of the Slovenes that became necessary in the area of ​​Lower Styria and - insofar as racial and politically necessary - also to prepare and carry out the Windische . "

On February 7, 1942, Hummitzsch took part in a meeting in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RMdfbO) as the representative of Standartenführer Hans Ehlich , in which questions about "Germanization, especially in the Baltic countries" were to be clarified. The author of the report, Erhard Wetzel from the “ Judenreferat ” in the RMfdbO, noted that Hummitzsch “although he came from the most interested and strongest position in the Reichsführer SS's offices - I may point out that the General Plan Ost originates from this position - did not speak at all at the meeting ”. Among other things, the discussion was about “whether the racially undesirable parts of the population could not expediently be scrapped through the industrialization of the Baltic region”. The participants of this meeting came to the conclusion “that with regard to the question of the east country, a precise examination of the population had to be carried out beforehand. The like must be camouflaged so that there is no unrest in the population. "

In September 1943, Hummitzsch was transferred to the commander of the Security Police and the SD (BdS) in Brussels in order to clarify political issues relating to the Flemish nationalist organization VNV ( Vlaams Nationaal Verbond ). In 1944 he looked after Flemish and Walloon collaborators and tried to protect them from the revenge of their compatriots.

After participating in the Ardennes offensive in the winter of 1944, Hummitzsch took over the position of SD leader in Dresden after a few weeks' stopover at the RSHA .

After 1945

After the end of the war , Hummitzsch took on a new identity and began to study medicine in Erlangen in 1947 . After his license to practice medicine and doctorate , he was able to open a practice in Ellingen in 1956 . In 1961 he established himself as a general practitioner in Bruchköbel .

A preliminary investigation by the Kiel public prosecutor's office against Hummitzsch and others in the late 1960s was set in February 1975 with regard to Hummitzsch '.


Individual evidence

  1. Szeslaw Madajczyk (ed.): From General Plan East to General Settlement Plan , Munich / New Providence / London / Paris 1994, p. 38 ff.