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height 551.8  m above sea level NHN
location between Nenkersdorf and Werthenbach ; District of Siegen-Wittgenstein , North Rhine-Westphalia ( Germany )
Mountains Siegerland Red-haired Vorhöhen
Dominance 1.59 km →  Nordhelle
Coordinates 50 ° 52 '49 "  N , 8 ° 12' 5"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 52 '49 "  N , 8 ° 12' 5"  E
Hellerkopf (North Rhine-Westphalia)

The Hellerkopf is a 551.8  m above sea level. NHN high elevation of the Siegerland Rothaar-Vorhöhen . It is located near Nenkersdorf in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district of North Rhine-Westphalia .



The Hellerkopf rises in the Siegerland Rothaar foothills near the border with the Rothaar Mountains and in the south of the Sauerland-Rothaar Mountains Nature Park . Its summit belongs to the Nenkersdorf district ; The border to the Werthenbach district runs over the eastern flank . It is located 2.2 km south of Walpersdorf , 1.7 km south-south-east of Nenkersdorf and 2.4 km east-south-east of Grissenbach , all of which are located on the Sieg, and 1.7 km north-west of Alt-Werthenbach, 1.9 km north from Werthenbach train station, 2.1 km northeast of Helgersdorf and 2.8 km east-northeast of Salchendorf , all of which are located on Werthenbach ; they are all districts of Netphen . The Sonnenhof farm is also located about 700 m northwest of the summit . The north-eastern neighbor of the Hellerkopf is the Nordhelle ( 579.9  m ) and its western branch is the Heinenberg ( 530.7  m ).

The Hellerkopf is 551.8  m high. About 15 m south-southwest of its summit is a trigonometric point at a height of 551.6  m . Parts of the landscape protection area Netphen ( CDDA no. 390136; designated 1985; 118.9074  km² ) are located on the mountain .

Natural allocation

The Nordhelle belongs in the natural spatial main unit group Süderbergland (No. 33) and in the main unit Siegerland (331) to the sub-unit Siegerland Rothaar-Vorhöhen (331.2).

Flowing waters

The Sieg flows northwest of the Hellerkopf , which in Grissenbach takes up the Altwiesenbach , which rises on the southwest slope of the Nordhelle . The latter is fed by the Strubach , which swells on the north-western slope of the mountain . The Werthenbach tributary of Schalkenbach rises on the western slope and the Demmbach flows past to the east .

Traffic and walking

To the northwest past the Hellerkopf,  the L 719 coming from the Eisenstrasse des Rothaargebirge ( Landesstrasse 722) leads downwards along the Sieg through Walpersdorf and Nenkersdorf. District road  11 (Alt-Werthenbach-Werthenbach-Bahnhof) runs south-east of the mountain down along the Werthenbach , which meets the L 729 ( Hainchen -Werthenbach-Bahnhof-Helgersdorf) in Werthenbach-Bahnhof . A widely ramified network of forest and farm roads as well as the Rothaarsteig -Zubringerweg coming from Deuz lead over the elevation .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( information )
  2. Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  3. Heinz Fischer: Geographical Land Survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 124 Siegen. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1972. →  Online map (PDF; 4.1 MB)