Henning Rischer

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Henning Rischer (* 1945 in Mittweida ) is a German historian , author and editor of writings on the history of Pomerania .


Henning Rischer passed his Abitur at the municipal high school in Mittweida in 1963. He studied education in Mühlhausen / Thuringia and came to Sassen in the Demmin district in 1968 as a teacher of biology and chemistry . After the Sassen school was closed, he went to the Erich Weinert High School in Loitz in 1981 . In 1987, Henning Rischer received his doctorate in biology methodology from the University of Greifswald . At the University of Neubrandenburg , he acquired the qualification to teach social studies in 1992 . From 1991 to 2002 he headed the Loitzer Gymnasium. He then left active school service and went into early retirement.

Henning Rischer was elected to the city council of Loitz after the fall of the Wall and was for many years chairman of the Independent Loitzers' parliamentary group (UL) , of which he still belongs today. In addition, Rischer was a member of the district council of the Demmin district from 1990 to 1994.

Historical research

During his work in Sassen, Henning Rischer began to deal with the local history and the history of Pomerania. After moving to Loitz, he continued his work as part of the Kulturbund (KB), initially as chairman of the Loitz branch and later as chairman of the Society for Local History . He also became a member of the advisory board of the Demmin District Home Museum .

As early as the GDR times, he began to publish works on the history of the city of Loitz, the surrounding communities and the district or district of Demmin, both as editor and as author.

In 1985 Henning Rischer was co-initiator of the Demmin Colloquia on the history of Western Pomerania . By 2008 he organized 26 of these events with lectures on the history of Pomerania, which were continued after the fall of the Wall on behalf of the Society for Pomeranian History, Archeology and Art .

Since 2001 he has been a member of the Historical Commission for Pomerania .

For his services to regional historical research and his commitment to cultural policy, Henning Rischer was awarded the Demmin District Culture Prize at the end of 2008.


  • Henning Rischer: Loitzer Heimatblätter. Part 2, 1983 pp. 4–12, Part 3 1984 pp. 5–11, Part 4 1987 pp. 30–41 (with primary sources), published by the city of Loitz and the city's cultural association
  • From our Loitzer story . Ed .: City administration Loitz. Loitz 1991.
  • Gerhard Heitz , Henning Rischer: History in data - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Koehler and Amelang, Munich / Berlin 1995. ISBN 3-7338-0195-4 .
  • Introduction to the prehistory and origin of the Demmin Colloquia . In: Haik Thomas Porada [Hrsg.]: Contributions to the history of Western Pomerania. The Demmin Colloquia 1985-1994 / on behalf of the Western Pomerania department of the Society for Pomeranian History, Antiquity and Art eV Thomas Helms, Schwerin 1997, pp. 11-14. ISBN 3-931185-11-7 .
  • The district of Demmin. An overview of the history of the cities . Khs, Stavenhagen 1998. ISBN 3-933541-02-6 .
  • The district of Demmin. Historic sites . Khs, Stavenhagen 2000. ISBN 3-933541-09-3 .
  • Henning Rischer, Martin Schoebel [Hrsg.]: Constitution and administration of Pomerania in modern times. Lectures at the 19th Demmin Colloquium on the occasion of Joachim Wächter's 75th birthday on May 12, 2001 . (Inventories, finding aids and small publications from the Greifswald State Archives, Vol. 2.) Edition Temmen, Bremen 2004. ISBN 3-86108-044-3 .
  • [as ed.]: Border region between Pomerania and Mecklenburg. Lectures 2004–2005 . Thomas Helms Verlag , Schwerin 2006. ISBN 3-935749-82-1 .
  • Loitz. Overview of the city's history . In: Dirk Schleinert , Ralf-Gunnar Werlich [Hrsg.]: Loitz - city on the Peene. Contributions to history and its architectural and art monuments . Thomas Helms Verlag , Schwerin 2008. ISBN 3-935749-63-5 .
  • Henning Rischer, Dirk Schleinert : 25 years of Demminer Colloquia on the history of Western Pomerania . In: Baltic Studies NF 96 (2010), pp. 93-104.
  • Henning Rischer, Dirk Schleinert [Hrsg.]: The Demminer Colloquia on the history of Western Pomerania. Selected contributions 1995-2011 . Sardellus Verlagsgesellschaft, Greifswald 2012. ISBN 978-3-9813402-3-5 .


  • Dr. Henning Rischer honored with the Demmin District Culture Prize. From the laudation of District Administrator Siegfried Konieczny . In: Kreisanzeiger des Landkreis Demmin . Ed .: Linus Wittich KG, Sietow. Vol. 16.2008, No. 22 (December 19).

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