Heroes (violence prevention projects)

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Heroes - against oppression in the name of honor (proper spelling HEROES dt, .: hero) call projects for prevention of violence in different cities of Germany , in which young men with immigrant background from social environments with strict Ehrvorschriften and patriarchal structures for equality of the sexes and human rights engage. The project in Berlin was funded by the World Childhood Foundation in the first few years . This was preceded by the support of projects of the same name by the Foundation in Sweden .


Heroes was founded in 2007 as a project by the Berlin Strohhalm eV association by sociologist Dagmar Riedel-Breidenstein based on the Swedish model in Berlin-Neukölln . The project leaders are the gender scientist Jenny Breidenstein and the sociologist Anna Rinder von Beckerath, who worked on a similar project in Sweden. Heroes is aimed at young men who grapple with traditional ideas of honor and masculinity and who want to take a stand against oppression in the name of honor . The project works with German young men between the ages of 16 and 23 in the second or third generation, primarily from Turkey , the Arab world , Albania and Kosovo . Pedagogical professionals train small groups over several months to give lectures in schools and leisure facilities and to hold workshops in which topics such as identity, equality and rights of women, violence in families and family honor are discussed and assumptions that are taken for granted in role plays be questioned by gender relations and gender roles . The role plays are developed by the young people themselves. After about nine months of weekly group work, they receive a certificate and lead independent workshops in school classes and youth groups in order to act as role models for other young people using the peer education method . The young people receive remuneration for their participation in the workshops. The project was scientifically supported from 2009 to 2012. Heroes also conducts training courses for teachers in school classes with a multicultural composition.

Another Heroes project has existed in Duisburg since April 2011 , supported and supported by the Jungs association with the support of the city's youth welfare office, and since November 2011 in Munich , here under the umbrella of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt . Further Heroes have existed since 2012 through the Brücke association in Augsburg , since the beginning of 2013 in Cologne after the project was set up by the HennaMond association in autumn 2012 , and through the DEGRIN association in Nuremberg since October 2014, established from the end of 2013 . The project has also been launched in Offenbach since May 2015. Here the carrier is the German Red Cross - District Association Offenbach eV


In an interview with the journal of the police union , Ahmad Mansour explained that among young people with a migrant background with a Muslim background, even in the third or fourth generation, there are often risk factors for a practiced Islamism , which has nothing to do with spiritually lived religiosity, but understands identity-forming will. This leads to the devaluation of others who are perceived as not belonging to their own identification as " Muslims ". "Such mostly male youth reject society and democracy , live power through oppression and insist on an exaggerated sense of honor." Furthermore, according to Mansour, the rapid development of radicalization in recent years is not only Islamist but also ultra-nationalist . Parts of the lived ideas about life contradict a democratic worldview and the legally protected individualism in our society.

In her final report on the scientific support for the project in Berlin on behalf of the World Childhood Foundation, Barbara Kavemann speaks of a long-term discussion on the subject of " honor killings " and forced marriage . The Heroes project supported the protection and support institutions, such as the girls' emergency service and women's shelters , through the important aspect of working with sons and brothers from families with a corresponding cultural background. The self-image of those involved in the project “takes up the experience of discrimination of young men as members of immigrant families, sensitizes them to the oppression of others and encourages courage and drive”.

For Ursula GT Müller , Heroes is an example of how “anti-sexism can be practiced”. The project is about "enabling girls and women to live on an equal footing in our society".


Heroes has received numerous awards. Including in March 2012 with the “ Berlin Tulip ” award from the Körber Foundation and on May 23 as “Ambassador for Democracy and Tolerance”. In December of the same year, Rabbi Daniel Alter dedicated his Bambi television prize in the “Integration” category to the Neukölln project for his commitment against hatred and violence. In 2013 the project received the Hildegard Hamm-Brücher Prize "Learning and Experiencing Democracy" and in 2014 the second prize of the Hatun Sürücü Prize of the Berlin State Association of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen .


Ali Candemir's Heroes were criticized by the DIDF youth. He pointed out that the project had a deficit and culturalistic character. In his opinion, the work of the project is directed not against a cultural, but a social, absolutely real problem. "Honor killings and forced marriages are not to be advocated, but they are not as widespread as the Heroes project would have you believe." Wanting to convey is an indictment of integration policy, social policy, labor market policy and education policy in Germany.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The “Heroes” of Berlin-Neukölln , website of the Goethe Institute, February 2010
  2. a b Ursula GT Müller : Feminism a political home - half of the world for the left , Springer VS 2013, ISBN 978-3-531-19453-0 , p. 350
  3. a b In the name of honor. Märkische Oderzeitung , May 10, 2012, accessed on December 30, 2014 .
  4. Jenny Breidenstein: HEROES® - Against Oppression in the Name of Honor . In: ARCHIVE for Science and Practice of Social Work 1/2010, pdf p. 3 ( Memento of the original from January 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.strohhalm-ev.de
  5. Final report, p. 12
  6. Final report of the scientific support of the HEROES project - Against Suppression in the Name of Honor. Prof. Dr. Barbara Kavemann on behalf of the World Childhood Foundation, Berlin December 2012 (pdf)
  7. Alfons Winterseel: Heroes project for migrants based on the model from Berlin starts in Duisburg. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , April 21, 2011, accessed December 30, 2014 .
  8. Corinna Anton: “In the beginning nobody wanted to play the girl role”. Violence prevention project. Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 25, 2013, accessed December 30, 2014 .
  9. Sarah Ehrmann: "Baba, my friend's name is Anna". School project. Süddeutsche Zeitung , December 27, 2012, accessed on December 31, 2014 .
  10. ^ Heroes Cologne. Project description. www.heroes-koeln.de, accessed on December 31, 2014 .
  11. ^ Heroes Nuremberg. Project description. heroesnuernberg.wordpress.com, November 14, 2013, accessed December 31, 2014 .
  12. HEROES - against oppression in the name of honor - A project for equal rights by Strohhalm eV (No longer available online.) Www.heroes-net.de, archived from the original on July 1, 2013 ; accessed on December 30, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.heroes-net.de
  13. HeRoes Offenbach. In: HeRoes. Retrieved July 4, 2016 .
  14. Dorothee Dienstbühl: “I am surprised by the ignorance of the authorities” . Interview with Ahmad Mansour . In: German police . January 2015. Journal of the Police Union , Berlin December 2014, p. 21/22 ( PDF file , 22,303.16 kB).
  15. Barbara Kavemann: Heroes - Against oppression in the name of honor. Final report of the scientific monitoring of the project. December 2012, p. 4/5 , accessed January 5, 2015 .
  16. Hatice Akyün: What does honor killing have to do with honor? "My home" column. Der Tagesspiegel , March 23, 2012, accessed December 30, 2014 .
  17. Ambassadors for Democracy and Tolerance 2012. Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance , 2012, accessed on December 30, 2014 .
  18. Kerstin Hense: Integration project recalls the killed Hatun Sürücü. Commemoration for German Kurdish women. Der Tagesspiegel , February 7, 2013, accessed on December 30, 2014 .
  19. Ali Candemir: Heroes - too much of a good thing? Yeni Hayat - New Life, May 13, 2013, accessed December 31, 2014 .

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