Hessian basketball association

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Hessian basketball association
Founded 1948
Association headquarters Neuenstein-Saasen
Homepage hbv-basketball.de

The Hessian Basketball Association e. V. (short: HBV) is the umbrella organization of basketball clubs or sports clubs with basketball departments in the state of Hesse .


The Hessian Basketball Federation was on September 18, 1948 Darmstadt founded, first chairman was at that time in Roßdorf resident Theo Clausen . Together with Reinhard Müller, Clausen also published the first edition of the HBV newsletter "Basketball" in August 1948, which was aimed at basketball players in the three West German occupation zones. This magazine was the forerunner of the later organ of the German Basketball Federation of the same name, which appeared until 2006.

Structure and area of ​​responsibility

The HBV is divided into the districts of Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Gießen and Kassel. The association is managed by the board of directors, which consists of a president and five vice-presidents. The office is located in Neuenstein-Saasen .

Training center

The training center of the Hessian Basketball Association is located in Alsfeld in the performance center of the Hessian Gymnastics Association . In December 2014 a hall for basketball conditions was prepared and equipped there, and the inauguration took place in 2015. Previously, the HBV had signed a contract with the Hessian Gymnastics Association about the use. In the performance center there is also an open-air sports field, overnight, conference and dining rooms.

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Schaarschmidt: "Solid, continuous and successful": The Hessian Basketball Association takes an offensive approach to the challenges ahead. In: DBB-Journal 15, June 2010. Deutscher Basketball-Bund, accessed on December 29, 2018 .
  2. The “basketball” phenomenon: Invention - enthusiasm - dissemination. German Basketball Association, accessed on December 29, 2018 .
  3. ^ Presidium - Hessischer Basketball Verband e. V. Accessed December 29, 2018 .
  4. Imprint - Hessischer Basketball Verband e. V. Accessed December 29, 2018 .
  5. Gießener Anzeiger Verlag GmbH & Co KG: "Alsfeld will be our sporting home" - Gießener Anzeiger. Retrieved December 29, 2018 .
  6. HBV TRAINING CENTER IN ALSFELD. In: Hessian Basketball Association. Retrieved December 29, 2018 .

Web links