Hildegarde Haslinger

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Hildegarde Haslinger

Hildegarde Haslinger b. Feeder (born March 19, 1898 in Osterode am Harz , † December 4, 1976 in Hamburg ) was a German doctor.


Hildegarde Feeder came as the daughter of the Government Assessor Dr. Kurt Feeder to the World. She attended the higher education institutions in Hildesheim , Münster and Königsberg i. Pr. From 1918 it was based in Königsberg. She studied medicine at the Albertus University in Königsberg and was a volunteer assistant with Max Matthes . In 1923 she became Dr. med. PhD . In the same year she married Oswald Haslinger . She entered the service of the German Red Cross . In 1930 she was entrusted with the position of head of the volunteer (female) auxiliaries in the province of East Prussia. Since she was not in the NSDAP , this task was withdrawn from her in 1935. Her husband died that same year. When the attack on Poland began , she became a ward doctor in the department for internal medicine ( Arthur Böttner ) at the City Hospital in Königsberg. At the same time, she headed an air raid rescue center . On behalf of the Medical Association, she carried out representations in 1943 and 1944. Towards the end of the Second World War she worked as a ward doctor at the Königsberg Municipal Hospital. With her 15-year-old daughter Dorothea, she voluntarily stayed in the city during the battle for Königsberg - like Erna Fuehrer . For three years she headed an outpatient clinic for the German population in Maraunenhof .

In April 1948 she was released via the prisoner-of-war release camp in Leipzig. After working in a Bockenem canning factory in the summer of 1948 , she settled in Hanover in December 1950 as a statutory health insurance doctor. Most recently she lived with her daughter in Hamburg. She died after a long illness at the age of 78. She was buried in the Hamburg-Bergstedt cemetery .

For 28 years in West Germany, she was on the board of the Königsberger Diakonie .


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: On the creatintolerance of childhood .
  2. a b Dr. Hildegard Haslinger. The first woman to receive the Paracelsus Medal . East Prussia Gazette from October 15, 1955
  3. a b Ostpreußenblatt , Volume 19, Issue 14, April 6, 1968
  4. ^ Ostpreußenblatt dated December 18, 1976
  5. Information from the Federal President's Office (November 30, 2011)