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Coat of arms of Hrubieszów
Hrubieszów (Poland)
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Lublin
Powiat : Hrubieszów
Area : 32.79  km²
Geographic location : 50 ° 48 '  N , 23 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 48 '9 "  N , 23 ° 53' 31"  E
Height : 200 m npm
Residents : 17,634
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Postal code : 22-500
Telephone code : (+48) 84
License plate : LHR
Economy and Transport
Next international airport : Rzeszów-Jasionka
Gminatype: Borough
Residents: 17,634
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Community number  ( GUS ): 0604011
Administration (as of 2011)
Mayor : Tadeusz Garaj
ul.Dobrzańskiego 1 22-500 Hrubieszów
Website :

Hrubieszów ( Ukrainian Грубешів Hrubeschiw , Russian Грубешов Grubeschow , German  Grubeschow ) is a town in the powiat Hrubieszowski in the Lublin Voivodeship in eastern Poland . It is the furthest east city in the country, the border with Ukraine is only five kilometers away.


The city lies on the Huczwa River , which is a tributary of the Bug . The city of Lublin is approx. 120 km away, the city of Zamość approx. 50 km.


The first written mention of the place comes from the year 1254. The town charter has existed since 1400. In the years 1400 to 1411 a royal residence was built in the town, which was destroyed in 1648 by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnyzkyj .

Since 1772 the city belonged to Austria and was there in the Zamość district in Galicia , from 1809 to 1815 it was part of the Duchy of Warsaw . After that it became part of Congress Poland .


  • The city of Hrubieszów forms a municipality ( gmina miejska ).
  • The independent rural community ( gmina wiejska ) Hrubieszów has an area of ​​259 km². It includes 36 localities with a Schulzenamt.

Culture and sights

Dworek (mansion) in Hrubieszów


The Museum Muzeum im. ks. St. Staszica collects exhibits that are reminiscent of the Polish politician and publicist Stanisław Staszic (1755–1826). He lived in Hrubieszów for a few years at the beginning of the 19th century , where he founded the Towarzystwo Rolnicze Hrubieszowskie agricultural cooperative .


One of the city's attractions is the Roman Catholic Church Św. Stanisława Kostki from 1630.

Another attraction is Du Chateau Castle , which was built in 1791 by a Napoleonic soldier. Around 1860 and in 1941 the facility was expanded. Shortly after the Second World War , the NKVD resided there .


Almost 1,800 small businesses have been registered in the city ; the large enterprises that existed in the time of the People's Republic of Poland were dissolved.


Near the city one of the leading Ukraine next railway in Russian broad gauge over, the Polish steelworks with Russia joins, Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa (LHS).

sons and daughters of the town

Web links

Commons : Hrubieszów  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .